Why arent you vegan?

Over 99% of animal products come from factory farms like this one.

Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.

>animals are stupid

So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?

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  1. 1 year ago

    All our shit comes from a factory why should our food be any different?

  2. 1 year ago

    The solution is less people obv and certain kind of ppl too....

  3. 1 year ago

    >Why aren't you vegan?
    Meat tastes good.
    No. I require no other justification.
    >*insert product* is just as good!

    • 1 year ago

      Lead tastes good, too. And cyanide.

      • 1 year ago

        the absolute state of vegans

  4. 1 year ago

    I'm mostly vegetarian but I live and work on a dairy farm and enjoy local fish and venison occasionally. Sometimes I chip in with locals and buy a chest freezer full of slaughtered angus or hereford cow that I probably fed with a bottle years ago. Rabbit and venison make really good sausages together and they're both pest species here, and cows are like large dogs in the way that they get debilitating health problems when they his that 10-12yo mark. I have no guilt from enjoying dairy or eating the carcasses of fleabags that have lived a life of bliss. The idea of cows getting raped and calves getting killed is bullshit PETA propaganda. Cows are disgustingly horny creatures that rape the shit out of bulls the second you open the gate and let them in together, and killing calves is financial suicide. Especially this "all male calves are killed" bullshit, do you know how much a bull calf sells for? And my eggs come from rescued battery farm hens that ignore the nesting boxes and just shit them out in the garden. Every morning is like an easter egg hunt. t. Australian dairy farmer though. Cows don't live in pens here, they just roam around eating grass and rolling in their own shit and wallowing in the river all day, that northern European barn shit is a bit grim

    But the short answer
    >Why aren’t you vegan?
    Because I have the finances and means to live off the land and live a happy and healthy lifestyle alongside the lesser animals I choose to eat as an omnivore, along with everyone else who does the same. It's not morally wrong when you're the apex predator and you show respect and care for the creatures you eat. If your only meat or dairy options are factory farmed because you're a broke city-dwelling SJW who's "forced" to buy cage eggs... it's an issue closer to home that I can't help you with unless you want to move here and help me milk cows

  5. 1 year ago

    >Why aren’t you vegan?
    Because I have far more thing to worry about in my life.
    I dont have the luxury of buying into all the first world problems upperclass prep homosexuals do

    • 1 year ago

      You're essentially cattle in human form. Your worth as individual is almost nil so why don't you just have a nice day?

      I mean I do understand your point but not that pathetic attitude. Does it not bother you? Being a slave to humanity and nature?

  6. 1 year ago

    If I eat anything but meat, dairy and eggs, my diggestion makes me want to die every second.

    Also, chickens are buttholes, frick them. They would be eating us if there was an inversion of size difference.

    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    Are you trying to make me frick your mother?

  7. 1 year ago

    The irony of veganism is that it's an out growth of domesticating livestock. In nature, that deer isn't cute, it's competition for resources. The only reason we care about animals at all is that the quality of the goods we derive from them is tied to their well being.

  8. 1 year ago

    >Hunt deer, moose
    >Neighbor is a farmer and a bro who shares his eggs and poultry
    >other neighbor is an ecological diary farmer who I buy milk from and occasionally meat if I feel like having beef
    >full transparency of where my food comes from
    >can make a variety of meals using only local ingredients
    >try some restaurants in town to steal recipes to reverse-engineer and try making at home
    >literally not a single one serves better meat than I do to myself at home
    I am the <1%, simple as that.

  9. 1 year ago

    Once grown meat surpasses real meat, animal captivity will become outlawed, and will be seen as a never ending holocaust of helpless sentience perpetuated by greed and cognitive dissonance. But for now these tendies taste really good.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you serious? I bet we'll get artifical low quality trash meanwhile real meat becomes an exclusivity for decadent richgays. At least animals will live like Kings if moronic practices don't gain momentum such as foie gras.

      I still remember some worthless homosexuals mourning the prohibiton of it on some german news channel nearly two decadea ago. Even after all those years, thinking about it makes something inside me snap.

      • 1 year ago

        If quantum computing gets leaked to anybody at all then 3D printing and other unfortold extremities of nature will have no barrier between laymen. This will lead the richgays to either enslave us all or get killed by the people after instances of post scarcity necessitate a revolution. It will take several centuries for nostalgiagays to more or less let go of genuine meat though.

  10. 1 year ago

    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    We abuse stupid and unfortunate people all the time. Suddenly you care?

  11. 1 year ago

    animals eat other animals. stop trying to force your gay lifestyle onto others.

    • 1 year ago

      You appeal to nature folks are cucks. No better than christgays prostrating and spreading their cheeks for the love of god. Worthless trash squandaring human potential and hindering societal progress. have a nice day.

      • 1 year ago

        Humans are animals. No matter what you want, something has to die for you to live.

  12. 1 year ago

    Im not vegan for one simple reason. Animals are DELICIOUS. Im not even memeing I would literally kill myself if beef/dairy/poultry wasnt around. I love animals dont get me wrong but if a little blood has to spill then... so be it

  13. 1 year ago

    you can't create a change from thelevel of consumer, who's immediate interest is to eat nutritious food

    the only way to solve this is to regulate the industry itself

  14. 1 year ago

    I'm fine eating pig and human.
    I reduced suffering more than vegans. I kill 1 free range chicken I raised, fast, and I eat for 3 days. I use all the parts.
    A vegan but processed beans that used underpaid workers from a field of subsidized land after killing 1000s of animals during harvesting of your guilt free curds.

    A chicken who gets a wonderful, avoids illness, doesn't get abused, and dies quickly, as painlessly as you can.

    If your playing games. I win in reduction of suffering. Maybe vegans can grow and process their own bean curds.

  15. 1 year ago


    did you get lost on your way to /misc/ again

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, the post sounds a little too /misc/ but no I'm equally for the extermination of white and colored trash. Its just theres so many asian and colored people breed like rabbits so my focus went a bit too much over there.

  16. 1 year ago

    >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them

    Deliciousness and inability to escape confinement

  17. 1 year ago


    Define needed. Needed for what? When you say needed eventually that becomes needed by the men with the biggest guns and the most money. Frick need. Need is arbitrary. One child per woman and then out with her ovaries. The inferior will inevitably die before breeding far more often and inferior men will rarely beat the superior to the first and last child. It’s the only fair way.

  18. 1 year ago

    >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
    Animals don't have souls

  19. 1 year ago

    Because meat is delicious and good for you, besides life is too short to live without steak, bacon and tendies

  20. 1 year ago

    I'm getting there anon. Am vegetarian now but I know I'll turn vegan someday.

  21. 1 year ago

    Veganism is dumb. Unless you photosynthesize or chemosynthesize you kill to survive. Plant, bacterium, a cow: it's all the same to me.

  22. 1 year ago

    Pigs r smart. Killing them bad.

    I'm happy to eat my palm oil puffed vegan snacks. No suffering comes from puffed palm oil snacks.

    • 1 year ago

      nobody tell him

  23. 1 year ago

    It's ok to exploit animals, there is nothing in my opinion wrong with it
    It's wrong to cause animals to experience conscious suffering
    It's ok to end an animals life so long as the potential suffering is close to instantaneous upon being killed
    There's nothing wrong with eating meat
    Based on this I'm being pushed ever closer to being a non milk/egg eating vegetarian who also eats mussels, scallops, clams, etc but at the same time I'm quite a hypocrite and I'm struggling to accept the consequences of my beliefs
    The most I can do is try to avoid eating as much meat as possible but I ideally want to stop eating it aside from the above mentioned
    I'm ok with silk because I don't think the silkworm would suffer but I'm not sure about the process of steaming or boiling but then I don't wear silk so it's purely theoretical
    I'm ok with wool but I need to do more research about it, I don't have any wool but I remember there being videos about Australian sheep getting kicked and stabbed by shearers out of sadistic pleasure and that's wrong but like I said it's ok to exploit animals
    Honestly I think I'm going to be hated by everyone on both sides

  24. 1 year ago

    Someone's gotta eat all those animal corpses, moron

  25. 1 year ago

    I don’t believe life has value unless it’s human or canine. Felines can stay if they earn it.

  26. 1 year ago

    All of the meat I eat comes from local sources. All of the beef and pork I buy actually comes from members of my community who I know treat their animals humanly, plus some beef I get from my own family’s cattle. My eggs come from my own chickens. I have no problem eating animal products that are ethically raised and slaughtered.

  27. 1 year ago

    is it gay to eat a man?
    because I believe it is

  28. 1 year ago

    Because sadly my body can't process certain vegetables anymore. I'll have to eat meat or le bugs someday(I've eaten a few they don't taste that bad. They give you constipation or le diarrhea fyi)

  29. 1 year ago

    >Over 99% of animal products come from factory farms like this one.
    Yes? Idgaf, gimme fried chicken and egg.
    Their own fault for tasting good

    • 1 year ago

      Technically it's our fault.

      • 1 year ago

        Nope. Their own fault, could have evolved to taste like shit. Ever wondered why nobody eats eagles for example? That is right, because they taste like shit.

        • 1 year ago

          The last few hundred years of chicken evolution has been steered by humans, much like dog breeds and bovines.

        • 1 year ago

          Eagles taste fricking awesome, tho.

  30. 1 year ago

    I only buy eggs from caged birds, even if I have to pay extra, tired of the "empathethic pople" who only care about animals.

  31. 1 year ago

    Because humans are supposed to eat meat.

  32. 1 year ago

    >Source produce from local ethical farm

    Checkmate vegan

  33. 1 year ago

    Stop misusing the word "vegan". Just because you don't eat animal products doesn't mean you're vegan. Do you ride horses? Do you visit zoos? Do you wear wool? Do you swat flies? Do you have a pet fish? Do you have a pet bird? Do you have a pet pug? If your answer to at least one of these questions is "yes", you are not vegan. But not eating animal products is definitely a step in the right direction.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you buy any agricultural products produced with exploitative labor? Do you consoom palm oil? Do you patronize industrial products at all, especially those made with human exploitation? If you answer yes to any of these, you are not vegan, or you simply worship animals, don't have a valid moral opinion in your body, and will burn in hell for eternity :^)

  34. 1 year ago

    I am a vegan, since about 1 year ago

  35. 1 year ago

    Because meat is tasty, requires to live and there is noting bad about eating it

  36. 1 year ago

    I'm simply self sufficient. Most of the food I get are from people in which I know personally, and have been to their farms and know that the meat and product I receive are from healthy, well taken care of animals. I also gather my own milk and eggs from my cow and chickens. I will agree that the food industry is really messed up, but that is mostly due to the vast monopolies that rule the industry behind the curtains. Disney doesn't hold a candle to the things these corps do. All and all, attack the aggressors, not the victims.

  37. 1 year ago

    My only issue with eating people is the risk of getting Kuru, otherwise I'd happily eat human meat.

    • 1 year ago


      Still not eating dogs though. Someone's got to stick around and eat the parts I don't want.

  38. 1 year ago

    Vegan=troon frick off

    • 1 year ago

      not true I'm a troony and vegans are way gayer

  39. 1 year ago

    I live in a 3rd world country and buy meat from small local farms.

  40. 1 year ago

    I'm vegan but I could see myself eating meat or dairy again at some point. I dont think I could ever eat pork again, pigs are too human, it's the eyes, it would be like eating a chimpanzee. I like them too much.

    • 1 year ago

      84% of vegans and vegetarians go back to some form of meat. The assumption that it's a phase should be the underlying thought in all your conversations with vegans.

      • 1 year ago

        Why do you feel so strongly about people not eating meat? I understand vegans being mad about meat eaters because of ethical issues, but there's no ethical problem with deciding not to eat meat, seems like a waste of energy. Just seems like you're mad at an outgroup of people who don't consume product in the way that you do.

        • 1 year ago

          It's not because they don't eat meat but because they are so aggressive about virtue and exploiting the christian tradition of ascetism to appear better, because we're all from the same christianity based culture where we just know that does make you better. Meat's a mortal pleasure so it is more righteous to abstain from it as any pleasure, so the undercurrent of conditioning goes, even if rationally that is arbitrary bullshit. This dissonance between 18+ years of conditioning and knowing it's full of shit and being applied to something that is quite frankly, not a good idea, or a truly moral act (vegans should cease eating any and all mass produced food and anything made in a third world country or just not in a unionized/small business workplace following the same logic they use to exclude dairy, eggs, and "all animal products"), creates agitation and stress.

        • 1 year ago

          It varies. But for many, vegans often DIRECTLY attack people and like using absurd inflammatory statements like this, where they put words in your mouth and then encourage something abominable to equate it to eating meat.
          are stupid
          >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?

          A conversation with a vegan goes like this
          >I'm vegan. Why aren't you vegan?
          >Do you or do you not believe torture and murder are right?
          >So why do you eat meat?
          >You torture and murder LE SENTIENT BEINGS"
          And then they're like "woah, grow up. i just don't eat meat." and if you are literally, medically, not a psychopath, they call you one anyways. But the medical definition of psychopathy doesn't require empathy for animals.

          • 1 year ago

            >Do you or do you not believe torture and murder are right?
            >So why do you eat meat?
            >You torture and murder LE SENTIENT BEINGS"
            If they go down that line of reasoning I just ask them why they think it's acceptable to eat plant life just because they're so different to us, then imply they're racist. If they're going to use disingenuous lines of reasoning, so will I.

            • 1 year ago

              or whether or not they've made sure their veggies weren't produced with brutal slave labor. if a chicken suffers being confined in a cage a human suffers much more when used as farm equipment for little pay. or how about anything with palm oil? the suffering of an orangutan is doubtlessly greater than that of a grass fed cow slaughtered for meat.

        • 1 year ago

          (I'm the guy you were actually replying to)
          I don't give a shit about what they do with their own bodies. It's their propagandists, lobbyists, and influencers spreading misinformation everywhere. Their diet and ethics is absolutely the least of my issues with vegans. It's their behavior I take issue with.

          • 1 year ago

            >It's their propagandists, lobbyists, and influencers spreading misinformation everywhere.
            I'd be fine with dismantling PETA as long as all meat subsidies were done away with.

            • 1 year ago

              I wouldn't mind in theory but the end result would probably be importation of meat from countries with more lax animal rights because the taxes are relatively easy to skirt or minimize. Lots of people like to forget what nafta did to Mexico and the shape of US food production. There's no way here that you're just outsourcing another industry to a place where the same corporate buttholes can operate with less taxes and less oversight. You might not like it but I think it's the lesser of two evils.

  41. 1 year ago

    ehh I feel like the vegan evangelicals are actually enabling the "nature is unfair so i can be" crowd
    if you want to help animals support the lab grown meat technology that's being developed to replace them, don't try to proselytize people into some dietary rituals

  42. 1 year ago

    >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
    eating doesn't require justification.
    Killing people requires justification
    Killing other stuff generally doesn't require justification.

    You're autistic so you think rules should be fair. Nobody that even glances at nature for a fraction of a second would deduce that life is fair.

  43. 1 year ago

    >Name the trait
    they are tasty and dont look like me or the animals I like to keep as pets
    I even like deer/pigs/cows/chickens etc but they are tasty and designated my food, I even kept chickens in the past, took very good care of them for a few years, got alot of eggs from them. ended up with all 3 on the chopping block when I got tired of dealing upkeep with foxes and coyotes constantly trying to get them or swarms of flies getting them, moving the coop every couple of months onto fresh grass, the chicken shit smell, noise when I didnt want it etc

  44. 1 year ago

    >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
    human DNA

  45. 1 year ago

    I don't eat meat because I like funny animal pictures

  46. 1 year ago

    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    I don't sort the animals that I'd eat based on individual intelligence, not sure why I'd sort the animals I don't eat by that criteria either.

  47. 1 year ago

    lions don't eat other lions, most species don't engage in cannibalism. that's a stupid argument to make.

    also drink your soi milk and go back.

    • 1 year ago

      Sure they do, just not as a dietary habit.
      >Alison Dunn, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Leeds in the U.K., says when a young male lion takes over a pride from an older male, it will kill and sometimes cannibalize some of the cubs.

  48. 1 year ago

    >Why aren’t you vegan

    I just bought a 30 lb slab of ribeye for $60 just thought you should know

  49. 1 year ago

    So let's assume, for argument's sake, that everybody would just drop meat consumption right now. What then? What are you gonna do with all those millions of idle farm animals at that point? Keep them as pets? Abandon them to the wild, where they wouldn't survive on their own and would end up dying miserable deaths? It would cost a fricking fortune to feed them and medicate them for no return whatsoever. Who the frick's gonna bother with any of that after the animal stops producing anything at that point. You'd see a holocaust of abandoned factory animals dying lonely and sick, since nobody would care for them and they can't survive on their own. It's like you vegan frickers just won't stop to think these things trough.

    Why is the crocodile in Africa allowed to brutally kill animals to satisfy its nutritional needs, but I'm expected to deny myself of essential nutrients just to avoid offending your precious fee-fees? Why is this? Our biology won't change and bend itself over backwards to cater to your fricking Walt Disney-bullshit fantasies and naive ideals. We're mixed eaters. It's in our DNA. Fricking deal with it.

    • 1 year ago

      >Let's assume for arguments sake
      >It's like you vegan frickers won't think things through
      I'm not one of the vegan frickers but you clearly made that argument not any vegan.

      And yes, leaving the farms unattended is stupid and even if everyone turned vegan overnight it would not happen that way. We still need grazing animals for biodiversity (which is a problem today since most farms don't let their animals graze but instead feed on weird food transported from the other side of the world).

      Buy local, organic food and cut down on meat and we would all be happier and probably healthier too.

  50. 1 year ago

    >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
    The ability to write laws and make effective punishment.

  51. 1 year ago

    Vegan also implies not using animal products, which I find moronic. I'd rather use real leather than more plastics. Wool is also a fantastic material for clothing and blankets. I would prefer that the animals suffered less, but the truth is that I ultimately do not care. I'd recommend you focus your energy on shutting down zoos instead, since I find those distasteful.

  52. 1 year ago

    >Over 99%
    Prove it.

  53. 1 year ago

    none of my meat or milk comes from a factory farm. I find only humane sourced meats, I buy raw milk from a nearby farm that grass feeds and pastures their cows, and i have my own chickens for eggs, which i treat very well.

    The trait lacking in animals which makes it acceptable to eat them is that they are not human. Eating human meat is dangerous in many ways, and unhealthy. Meat that is raised in a way which closely resembles an animal's natural habitat is very healthy.

  54. 1 year ago

    I only accept veganism as a legitimate position if you grow your own food, otherwise you're just bragging that you pay some other homosexual to destroy tropical ecosystems to get you your avocados and mangoes. It's not a matter of minimizing suffering, only reducing it consummate with your tastes, which is fine. But don't act like it's ethically more consistent than or superior to vegetarianism which is a more rational position to take on the "we shouldn't eat animals" issue.
    then raise your own chickens consummate with your own idea of high quality care and collect their eggs
    anyone who believes this is insane, likely suffering from b12 deficiency related cognitive decline.

  55. 1 year ago

    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    The only thing preventing me from supporting cannibalism is prions.

  56. 1 year ago

    >Why aren’t you vegan?
    Meat is available
    >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
    Such trait doesn't exist. But go a head and try eating a human. Tell us how it went.
    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    It wouldn't be practical, but it can be done I guess. In a world that dystopian people that dumb just would be used as slaves/organ donors. Bacon would just be a waste of human resources.

  57. 1 year ago

    I had a 1600lb, hanging weight, steer I raised saughtered. I'm set on beautiful and ethically sourced, local beef for a long time.

    Here's the strip loin I dry aged and deboned. Beautiful meat.

    • 1 year ago

      Neat. About what age do you slaughter? How would you describe their quality of life?

      • 1 year ago

        17+ acres of good eating, supplemental hay, alfalfa grass, and the grass we cut with a scythe to keep the property tidy when needed.

        We had a cow and the steer to start off with and then the neighbors bull broke through our barbed wire fence two years in a row and now we have another steer and a cow. This year the cow broke into the neighbors field, so she may be pregnant again...

        We chose to have him slaughtered at roughly 2 years, which is why the meat is so nicely marbled for black angus. Very flavorful, but slightly tougher than younger beef.

    • 1 year ago

      Is it difficult emotionally, slaughtering cows? I've helped kill and clean chickens before and got over it pretty quick, but cows seem pretty affectionate in comparison.

      • 1 year ago

        We're friends with a local cattle rancher who has a usda certified slaughtering facility, so we had him sent there. I was a little sad to see him go, because he was the least shy of the three, but cows are expensive to keep even with a big field of hay, and he was getting old.

        The size of cows makes the slaughtering, processing, carcass storing difficult and expensive.

  58. 1 year ago

    I eat animals because meat is delicious and I don't feel bad about eating cows and chickens

    >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
    Me finding human meat delicious, not feeling bad about eating them and being allowed by society to do it

  59. 1 year ago

    Bro, your essential aminoacids?

  60. 1 year ago

    >Over 99% of animal products come from factory farms like this one.
    Im cool with that. I'd run one of thos myself if I had the money. Its a very important job.
    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    The only reason I don eat people is beceause of the ancient taboo against cannibalism (which I respect, same as dog eating) and the fact that it transmits some nasty diseases that dont go away by cooking the meat.
    >Natural ==/== good
    Yes. But animal husbandry is not natural.

  61. 1 year ago

    I'm never going to be vegan just so I can piss off insufferable vegans like OP
    >mmm taco meat

  62. 1 year ago

    I'm not a homosexual.

  63. 1 year ago

    >Over 99%
    Could you please elaborate

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, where does the other 1% of animal products come from?

      • 1 year ago

        outside farms, hunting

      • 1 year ago

        Op is just talking shit. Sounds like a vegan gay

  64. 1 year ago

    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    What if we started producing humans who want to be eaten instead? Just create a race of herbivore humans who are freaking masochists with a vore fetish. >Yes! Cut me in pieces and cook my meat!

  65. 1 year ago

    Although I'd prefer if birds didn't suffer that much (I will never eat fois gras, I despise the French for such a barbaric thing), it still tastes delicious.

  66. 1 year ago

    because animals exist to serve me

  67. 1 year ago

    I just think bacon tastes good

  68. 1 year ago

    Not even reading this thread to know meat eaters are defensive as frick. 35 posts in 3 hours is like a record for Wauf.

    • 1 year ago

      Articulate people who can explain their viewpoints are bad. Inarticulate people who can only repeat their viewpoints are good.
      The provoking party asking a question is always right. The responding party answering the question is always wrong.
      Stupidity is intelligence. The winner of the argument is always the one who starts it.

      >see that guy? he thinks we should adopt an inefficient, unhealthy lifestyle based on the unprovable belief in a soul.
      >I'm not going to stand by while some false prophet advocates for the starvation of humanity and the needless destruction of the environment. He needs to eat bugs and get in his pod.

  69. 1 year ago

    Their misery makes the meat taste good
    I tested this actually
    I raised a piglet until adulthood as a pet, then axed it, the meat tasted ok, for some reason rough
    Then I grabbed some pork chops from Safeway and it tasted like heaven

  70. 1 year ago

    Because every vegan I've ever seen is an emaciated sick freak.
    Women turn into skeletor "lesbians", men turn into schizophrenics.
    I'd love not to participate in animal suffering, but I'd rather stay myself.

    • 1 year ago

      just eat ze bugs. they can eat the parts of plants you throw away or can't digest (because you're not an herbivore and have the most reduced gut with the least fermentation capability out of any ape, as well as the longest history of primarily eating meat of any ape, and molars adapted to chewing meat instead of grinding plants, and digestive enzymes specifically for breaking down meat, and....)

      lucky for you bugs are meat

  71. 1 year ago

    It's long since been objective that plants+bugs is more efficient and less destructive than plants alone. The amount of dietary coping vegans need to engage in to avoid eating from animalia results in them doing more harm than good. All while they are mostly atheist and don't have any real basis for their "souls are real" tier beliefs.


    Vegans are morons, more at 11.

    Remember: If you are vegan, you are wrong. I am right. You can not prove that you are right. It is self evident that your beliefs are either spiritual, or plainly incorrect. And you haven't used the words souls, spirits, karma, aether, or leyline energy yet.

    • 1 year ago

      (you)ing this for great justice. Eating bugs is more vegan than not eating bugs. Eating bugs is more in line with the rational morals of carnists than eating cows (human dietary requirements, recycling inedible plant byproducts).

      No matter where you stand eating bugs is superior unless you are delusional or a whiny b***h. There is no way a grub with a nervous system so simple a gameboy color could emulate it perfectly suffers. They are objectively at the level of a roomba programmed to avoid walls.

      • 1 year ago

        Ethically sure, but I bet I can convince 10 normies to eat only beans before one will eat a cricket. And if you can't convince people what's the point?

        It's like using tigers to talk about conservation instead of a tree or wienerroach.

  72. 1 year ago

    >its a anti-vegan chinaman BTFOs the vegan so hard he starts crying psychopath episode
    based chinaman

    i'll eat a bug in your honor, chang.

  73. 1 year ago

    hey you posted this on ck too
    but the neat part is i don't gotta explain myself

    • 1 year ago

      Serial killers believe the same thing

      veganism is a virtue cult, not a spiritual or moral or utility based decision. the highest possible accomplishment of the vegan is telling other people they are vegan. it exploits pre-existing morals in christian cultures and an oversocialization epidemic to claim false "goodness".

      the moral and spiritual decision:
      jainism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jainism#Food_and_fasting
      You must belong to a faith and have spiritual beliefs you hold as self evident to have valid morals.

      Example of mine: Survival is the highest accomplishment of life. You can not be right, and yet die while the wrong one lives on due to your beliefs.

      the rational decision:
      efficiency-based diet. pigs are not to be raised for food. they are less efficient chickens and so human-like the goyim depend on a propaganda machine that depicts pigs as icons of sin. chickens, bugs, and some fish are highly efficient and humans do not naturally have empathy for them due to a more alien appearance and simpler set of behaviors. cattle are inefficient but not human-like can be used as a stopgap on pasture-grade land until it can be put to better use.
      1: Humans should not learn to recognize human-like animals as food because it conditions them against feeling empathy for each other. The dog/cat killer to serial killer pipeline is real.
      2: Maximum efficiency maximizes human survival. Humans that survive are maximally good, humans that cooperate to survive survive in greater numbers and are therefore the best. This is self evident. Could we end hunger if we stopped feeding livestock like pigs perfectly good grains? They convert much food into little food.

      The arbitrary and confused feelings based decision:


      Veganism is actually the most efficient diet.

      >i have no argument
      >here look at how i can contribute to the highly destructive and inefficient supplement industry!
      Oh yes we definitely need more trucks on the road shipping you your cope pills. More emissions, more extreme weather.

      Save your turds or at least your food waste. Raise fly larvae off that. Cook those larvae. Now you have all your supplements and you actually prevented more destruction and inefficiency, contributing to a world where humans can survive better.

      >but surely the bug has rights because uhhh if it moves i can anthropomorphize it *irrational feelings*
      State your spirituality or GTFO, hypocrite wannabe jain. If you have actual morals then you shouldn't eat these pills either because industry contributes to violence against life.

      We should fortify foods instead….
      All industries do it’s about harm reduction

      >its a anti-vegan chinaman BTFOs the vegan so hard he starts crying psychopath episode
      based chinaman

      i'll eat a bug in your honor, chang.


      >I’m stating that people and animals deserve rights regardless of sentience….
      I'm saying they don't (deserve them) but they have them anyways. How are your ethics more scientific or profound than the ones already in place and what is the scope of these rights? Because you're just having a very public masturbation session right now.

      appealing to tradition?

      • 1 year ago

        >appealing to tradition?
        no I'm asking specifically what is your basis for any of this? Because countless people have argued over this and they're at least on familiar page of the conversation. You're just out here jacking off unable to convey what you mean because you likely don't know what you're talking about and probably going to move onto arguing about what words mean when that fails you.

        • 1 year ago

          My argument is animals are sentient.
          They can feel pain and pleasure.
          They are capable of experiencing a subjective experience.

          We should minimize harm to them.

          The world should also switch to a plant based diet to limit deforestation and reduce world hunger. Meat is expensive and uses lots of land and water.

          >Veganism is actually the most efficient diet.
          1: I do not have to respond because you stated a lie and walked away from it. You aren't capable of intellectual thought.
          2: I can do it anyways.
          Vegans depend on a steady supply of a variety of exotic and out of season plants year round to even begin to approximate good nutrition. This requires environmentally destructive transportation of these foods. This requires environmentally destructive over-cultivation of these foods. And by god does the kale in the grocery store get thrown out often, because the vegans demand it but no one else needs it.
          There are plant byproducts you can't digest, but livestock (like bugs) can, produced in greater amounts than is needed to produce fertilizer. There is a massive untapped pile of resources like sewage that you can't digest, but livestock can. Bugs. Bugs are livestock.
          Supplement production is inefficient because it unnecessary and generates a massive amount of emissions for something you could get by raising bugs off kitchen scraps.
          >We should fortify foods!
          Supplement production is inefficient because it unnecessary and generates a massive amount of emissions for something you could get by raising bugs off kitchen scraps.

          ONCE AGAIN
          DO NOT REPLY

          It certainly is. You are arguing from feelings? The studies all show the range of animal agriculture.
          Things antibiotic resistance
          And diseases like bird flu or Ebola

          Oh I’ve heard the ship avacods and coconuts from around the world argument before.
          You can keep making some stuff up or do real research I’m not going to cite sources and links right now I gtg

          • 1 year ago

            >They can feel pain
            so why shouldn't they? You're not arriving at something resembling an argument you're just reassembling the same words because your brain doesn't go that deep.

          • 1 year ago

            >You are right, I am stupid.
            Feed-meat complex animal agriculture is inefficient, but animal agriculture is not necessarily inefficient. Herein you fail at basic logic again. I was talking about raising efficient animals off food waste, not the feed-meat complex. You failed to refute the point. So your entire post just says this
            >You are right, I am stupid.

            So now I will argue on your level

            >My argument is animals are sentient.
            They are not. Refuted. I am right. Next?
            >They can feel pain and pleasure.
            Animals are not self aware. Only people are. I am right. You are wrong. Next?
            >They are capable of experiencing a subjective experience.
            They are not. Only people are. I am right. You are wrong. Next?
            >We should minimize harm to them.
            We should not. Only harm to people matters. I am right. You are wrong. Next?
            >The world should also switch to a plant based diet to limit deforestation and reduce world hunger.
            It should not, and it would not do that. I am right. You are wrong. Next?
            >Meat is expensive and uses lots of land and water.
            This is incorrect. I am right. You are wrong.

            Humans need to eat animal products to thrive. I am right. You are wrong.

            Anticipatory response to your next post:
            You are wrong. I am right.


          • 1 year ago

            Meatproduction uses alot of land THAT WOULD NOT BE SUITABLE FOR PLANT GROWTH U moronO. If u would just stop using those lands for livestock and you could NOT replace it with plantages because the soil does not allow that IN A HUGE PERCENTAGE OF LAND IN THE WORLD. that would result in alot less food. Enjoy your World hunger.

            And do you realize that MOST OF ALL LIVING CREATURES on earth kill other creatures to survive? Tell them about the animal rights, and also their right to starve themself to death.

            • 1 year ago

              Humans have superior intellect and self-reflection, or at least some humans do. People like you should be put down like rabid dogs.

              • 1 year ago

                What an intelligent comment hahahaha

              • 1 year ago

                Its an obvious fact yet it needs to be reiterated in every single discussion, even multiple within a single one, to you Untermenschen.

                Just fricking have a nice day.

              • 1 year ago

                And here is the final purpose of veganism: to give a bunch of sociopathic wankers the impression they’re better than anyone else

              • 1 year ago

                I would not describe myself as good person. I'm entirely fueled by hatred for life and god and the natural order.

              • 1 year ago


                You're essentially cattle in human form. Your worth as individual is almost nil so why don't you just have a nice day?

                I mean I do understand your point but not that pathetic attitude. Does it not bother you? Being a slave to humanity and nature?

                Way to cringe up an already cringe thread

              • 1 year ago

                That is what its for. They’re not ethically consistent otherwise because they don’t give a rats ass about humans living worse than free range laying hens.


                >ashkenazi israelites have a higher IQ than other ethnic groups
                They destroyed themselves with inbreeding and got genes for schizophrenia and a ton of recessive disorders along with it. Also they ran the studies that “proved” their high IQ’s so their usual nepotism is tipping the scale in their favor.

                Ironically exactly what hitler would have done to whites and exactly what breed fancy clubs do to dogs, cats, horses, etc

            • 1 year ago

              The land not suitable to growth can be used to house humans, as that is a serious problem. Or can be left to rewild since that is an even bigger problem.
              The land suitable to growth can go to making food for humans, rather than food for food for humans.

              • 1 year ago

                Do you know how much food there is produced that humans cannot digest? Even IF it would be possible to grow human food everywhere where animal food is produced rn, theres still so much plantwaste you would just throw away instead of feeding livestock with to produce highly nutritious food for humans. Again, ur decision would be to enforce world hunger because of "muh donkey emotions"... Try again

      • 1 year ago

        >Veganism is actually the most efficient diet.
        1: I do not have to respond because you stated a lie and walked away from it. You aren't capable of intellectual thought.
        2: I can do it anyways.
        Vegans depend on a steady supply of a variety of exotic and out of season plants year round to even begin to approximate good nutrition. This requires environmentally destructive transportation of these foods. This requires environmentally destructive over-cultivation of these foods. And by god does the kale in the grocery store get thrown out often, because the vegans demand it but no one else needs it.
        There are plant byproducts you can't digest, but livestock (like bugs) can, produced in greater amounts than is needed to produce fertilizer. There is a massive untapped pile of resources like sewage that you can't digest, but livestock can. Bugs. Bugs are livestock.
        Supplement production is inefficient because it unnecessary and generates a massive amount of emissions for something you could get by raising bugs off kitchen scraps.
        >We should fortify foods!
        Supplement production is inefficient because it unnecessary and generates a massive amount of emissions for something you could get by raising bugs off kitchen scraps.

        ONCE AGAIN
        DO NOT REPLY

        • 1 year ago

          >Vegans depend on a steady supply of a variety of exotic and out of season plants year round to even begin to approximate good nutrition.

          Beans and rice are exotic out of season plants? Grains last forever. Onions beans are grown year round for cattle feed. You're fricking moronic.

          >Supplement production is inefficient because it unnecessary and generates a massive amount of emissions for something you could get by raising bugs off kitchen scraps.

          You realize the B12 in beef is supplemented right? So much antiobiotics and excess land use is due to animal feed and controlling disease.

      • 1 year ago

        When I pick a meal, efficiency is my number one concern. Forget taste, texture, and versatility. No. I want to put a bunch of half copled ancient grains and pinto beans on a bed and spinach and tell myself "it's just as good" as real food.

  74. 1 year ago

    veganism is a virtue cult, not a spiritual or moral or utility based decision. the highest possible accomplishment of the vegan is telling other people they are vegan. it exploits pre-existing morals in christian cultures and an oversocialization epidemic to claim false "goodness".

    the moral and spiritual decision:
    jainism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jainism#Food_and_fasting
    You must belong to a faith and have spiritual beliefs you hold as self evident to have valid morals.

    Example of mine: Survival is the highest accomplishment of life. You can not be right, and yet die while the wrong one lives on due to your beliefs.

    the rational decision:
    efficiency-based diet. pigs are not to be raised for food. they are less efficient chickens and so human-like the goyim depend on a propaganda machine that depicts pigs as icons of sin. chickens, bugs, and some fish are highly efficient and humans do not naturally have empathy for them due to a more alien appearance and simpler set of behaviors. cattle are inefficient but not human-like can be used as a stopgap on pasture-grade land until it can be put to better use.
    1: Humans should not learn to recognize human-like animals as food because it conditions them against feeling empathy for each other. The dog/cat killer to serial killer pipeline is real.
    2: Maximum efficiency maximizes human survival. Humans that survive are maximally good, humans that cooperate to survive survive in greater numbers and are therefore the best. This is self evident. Could we end hunger if we stopped feeding livestock like pigs perfectly good grains? They convert much food into little food.

    The arbitrary and confused feelings based decision:

  75. 1 year ago

    People should be allowed to eat human meat too

  76. 1 year ago

    Vegans, despite their calls to moral consistency (a false god - why is being consistent good?) ARE NOT MORALLY CONSISTENT.

    It is possible to eat meat and animal products without causing suffering, whether or not that exists or matters. Humans are obligate meat eaters and in natural conditions you would starve without it. Unfertilized eggs are available. You can acquire milk without the dairy industry's process. And an animal that is already dead can be eaten without hurting anything.

    Vegans are actually a protestant-esque ascetism cult hooked on the christian value that denying yourself moral pleasures is a virtue, but without being christian despite all of their morals being pounded into them by christian society.

  77. 1 year ago

    Well, I've been a vegetarian for 14 years. That's moreso because I simply don't like meat, though.

    • 1 year ago

      But the egg industry grounds up baby make chicks.
      female cows are raped
      The veal industry…

      >Over 99% of animal products come from factory farms like this one.
      >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
      Not being human.
      >memememe words in your mouth
      No. They aren't human. That's it.

      The value of each individual animal gets a bit more complex than that but in general





      Inefficient. Minimally fit.
      Dogs and cats convert meat into less meat. If you are not going to use them for something other than food, you are throwing away food for nothing. Expired dogs and cats, as well as other ill/drugged/parasite ridden animals, are already rendered into food, but for other dogs and cats to soften the blow they deal to our efficiencies. Not for humans.

      Moral contradiction because of how morals actually work (they're emotions). Dogs and cats were selectively bred to trigger human empathy. Accepting them as food is counter-conditioning. Against feeling empathy. For this reason we see high levels of acquires sociopathy in places like china and korea where they are purposefully eaten for food. Dog eaters, due to their acquired sociopathy, will even go around stealing family pets, indicating a lack of respect for others and difficulty caring about another human's feelings.

      We have been over this millions of times and I do not need to BTFO all you emotion-brained vegantards and fake-chinks for the millionth time

      Oh arbitrary lines I love those

      Why do whites get rights but not blacks

      Because we are white!

      Vegans, despite their calls to moral consistency (a false god - why is being consistent good?) ARE NOT MORALLY CONSISTENT.

      It is possible to eat meat and animal products without causing suffering, whether or not that exists or matters. Humans are obligate meat eaters and in natural conditions you would starve without it. Unfertilized eggs are available. You can acquire milk without the dairy industry's process. And an animal that is already dead can be eaten without hurting anything.

      Vegans are actually a protestant-esque ascetism cult hooked on the christian value that denying yourself moral pleasures is a virtue, but without being christian despite all of their morals being pounded into them by christian society.

      No no no

      No ethical way to kill something that doesn’t want to die

      Plenty of long term healthy strongk vegans

      • 1 year ago

        please do not reply to the schizo christcuck

        • 1 year ago

          Choose one, he's a dictionary example of a heretic

      • 1 year ago

        >But the egg industry grounds up baby make chicks.
        >female cows are raped
        >The veal industry…
        Oh, yeah. I knew I recognized you. You're that stupid fricking homosexual from LULZ with the extremely effeminate voice. Go back.

        • 1 year ago

          Not me

          >Arbitrary lines
          Raw utility is not arbitrary. You didn't even read did you? Fricking moron.
          Why do humans get rights? 1: their utility. 2: their violence . We don't even have to be conscious for these.
          Why don't animals get rights?
          1: their utility is extremely limited 2: they do not comprehend or enforce their own rights.
          Animal rights in the west is closer to the right of ivory-tower rich kids who were raised on talking animal cartoon not to be offended by what happens to the talking cow in their imagination.

          >No ethical way to kill something that doesn’t want to die
          I never said you were killing it, or contributing to any further deaths, but vegans are fricking morons. Your reading comprehension is poor. Stop replying. You aren't at the intellectual level needed to have this argument. You can't even address dairy and eggs except as a principled boycott which again points to a christian-esque virtual cult. Mortal pleasures, we beyond them, closer to god. Without god - nonsense.
          >Plenty of long term healthy strongk vegans
          You moronic Black folk ship food from all over the world and chow down on various supplements as a cope for your virtue cult/boycott. You depend on a highly destructive agricultural and industrial complex to avoid eating a discarded chicken period, because someone who sees you might assume the chicken period came from a tortured chicken instead of a happy chicken, plus, it's a mortal pleasure, invalidating your ascetism/virtue cult membership. Vegans are fricking moronic.

          Don't bother replying because this post is too dense for you. moron.


          People should be allowed to eat human meat too


          >Sounds like nazism, eugenics
          only if you're saying intelligence is genetic and there's some kind of disparity between races. I don't care what race they are. You said "less intelligent than a pig" and there's a pretty huge gap there even a downy is smarter than a pig a person less intelligent than that would probably have to be kept in a cage. You're talking about a level of moronation that's so advanced you'd have to be comatose to beat it at which point it's not even cruelty.

          I’m stating that people and animals deserve rights regardless of sentience….

          Flax is optional here I’m lazy and ground flaxseeds are best

          • 1 year ago

            *intelligence not sentience my bad

          • 1 year ago

            >i have no argument
            >here look at how i can contribute to the highly destructive and inefficient supplement industry!
            Oh yes we definitely need more trucks on the road shipping you your cope pills. More emissions, more extreme weather.

            Save your turds or at least your food waste. Raise fly larvae off that. Cook those larvae. Now you have all your supplements and you actually prevented more destruction and inefficiency, contributing to a world where humans can survive better.

            >but surely the bug has rights because uhhh if it moves i can anthropomorphize it *irrational feelings*
            State your spirituality or GTFO, hypocrite wannabe jain. If you have actual morals then you shouldn't eat these pills either because industry contributes to violence against life.

          • 1 year ago

            >I’m stating that people and animals deserve rights regardless of sentience….
            I'm saying they don't (deserve them) but they have them anyways. How are your ethics more scientific or profound than the ones already in place and what is the scope of these rights? Because you're just having a very public masturbation session right now.

      • 1 year ago

        >Arbitrary lines
        Raw utility is not arbitrary. You didn't even read did you? Fricking moron.
        Why do humans get rights? 1: their utility. 2: their violence . We don't even have to be conscious for these.
        Why don't animals get rights?
        1: their utility is extremely limited 2: they do not comprehend or enforce their own rights.
        Animal rights in the west is closer to the right of ivory-tower rich kids who were raised on talking animal cartoon not to be offended by what happens to the talking cow in their imagination.

        >No ethical way to kill something that doesn’t want to die
        I never said you were killing it, or contributing to any further deaths, but vegans are fricking morons. Your reading comprehension is poor. Stop replying. You aren't at the intellectual level needed to have this argument. You can't even address dairy and eggs except as a principled boycott which again points to a christian-esque virtual cult. Mortal pleasures, we beyond them, closer to god. Without god - nonsense.
        >Plenty of long term healthy strongk vegans
        You moronic Black folk ship food from all over the world and chow down on various supplements as a cope for your virtue cult/boycott. You depend on a highly destructive agricultural and industrial complex to avoid eating a discarded chicken period, because someone who sees you might assume the chicken period came from a tortured chicken instead of a happy chicken, plus, it's a mortal pleasure, invalidating your ascetism/virtue cult membership. Vegans are fricking moronic.

        Don't bother replying because this post is too dense for you. moron.

      • 1 year ago

        Ignore him. Doggays are moronic. We eaten dog meat in the past and is still legal in many parts of the world. No reason to be against it other than cultural conditioning and schizo nonsense.

        • 1 year ago

          Every place that eats dog is a shithole in human rights terms. He’s right. Dog eating is the mark of subhumanity. You breed something to be a friend and then eat it.

          I’ve heard that extreme racists are more likely to abuse animals…

          • 1 year ago

            The empathy desensitization effect is 100% real
            Why do we instantly feel that vegans are better despite our reason? Because we know the empathy desensitization effect is real and we know all mammals are basically the same. Like us. Empathy forms the basis for ALL social and moral behavior. Without empathy you are incapable of constructive morals and become an egoist without regard for others. What happens to them and what they think of you.

            Eat snakes, bugs. Fish. Birds at the most.

  78. 1 year ago

    western countries should just have more meat sources, like dogs and cats

    • 1 year ago

      Unironically this.

      • 1 year ago

        western countries should just have more meat sources, like dogs and cats

        No meat

        Maybe lab grown….

    • 1 year ago

      >Over 99% of animal products come from factory farms like this one.
      >Name the trait present/lacking in animals that if present/lacking in humans would justify eating them.
      Not being human.
      >memememe words in your mouth
      No. They aren't human. That's it.

      The value of each individual animal gets a bit more complex than that but in general





      Inefficient. Minimally fit.
      Dogs and cats convert meat into less meat. If you are not going to use them for something other than food, you are throwing away food for nothing. Expired dogs and cats, as well as other ill/drugged/parasite ridden animals, are already rendered into food, but for other dogs and cats to soften the blow they deal to our efficiencies. Not for humans.

      Moral contradiction because of how morals actually work (they're emotions). Dogs and cats were selectively bred to trigger human empathy. Accepting them as food is counter-conditioning. Against feeling empathy. For this reason we see high levels of acquires sociopathy in places like china and korea where they are purposefully eaten for food. Dog eaters, due to their acquired sociopathy, will even go around stealing family pets, indicating a lack of respect for others and difficulty caring about another human's feelings.

      We have been over this millions of times and I do not need to BTFO all you emotion-brained vegantards and fake-chinks for the millionth time

  79. 1 year ago

    If they killed humans for being dumber than pigs, we wouldn't have an overpopulation problem.

    Humans are biologically "made" for a mixed diet. Hunting and gathering. Overpopulation drives the meat industry. If every human would be forced to be vegan, the need for supplements would be astronomically expensive. So either eat cheap meat, or force the economy to take a nosedive. Or eradicate 3/4 of the population, but there's some ethical questions on that.

    Also, if you force your habits on others, it will likely backfire. Also, have fun convincing the rest of the world.

  80. 1 year ago

    >So if a human was less intelligent than a pig would it be okay to turn her into bacon?
    yes. I don't have a problem with eating lesser people at least not ethically.

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like nazism, eugenics

      If they killed humans for being dumber than pigs, we wouldn't have an overpopulation problem.

      Humans are biologically "made" for a mixed diet. Hunting and gathering. Overpopulation drives the meat industry. If every human would be forced to be vegan, the need for supplements would be astronomically expensive. So either eat cheap meat, or force the economy to take a nosedive. Or eradicate 3/4 of the population, but there's some ethical questions on that.

      Also, if you force your habits on others, it will likely backfire. Also, have fun convincing the rest of the world.

      Natural ==/== good

      Anti slavery had to be forced all over the world…
      Do semen retention and veganism

      Don’t even precum you’ll ejaculate into your bladder and piss it out

      Don’t forgot b12,vitd+k,iodine,epa+dha.
      Flax is optional honestly I’m lazy. Ground flaxseeds is best

      • 1 year ago

        >Sounds like nazism, eugenics
        only if you're saying intelligence is genetic and there's some kind of disparity between races. I don't care what race they are. You said "less intelligent than a pig" and there's a pretty huge gap there even a downy is smarter than a pig a person less intelligent than that would probably have to be kept in a cage. You're talking about a level of moronation that's so advanced you'd have to be comatose to beat it at which point it's not even cruelty.

        • 1 year ago

          like nazism, eugenics
          >only if you're saying intelligence is genetic and there's some kind of disparity between races.
          anon it's pretty well established that ashkenazi israelites have a higher IQ than other ethnic groups... it would be pretty weird if genetics had no role in intelligence.

          • 1 year ago

            >ashkenazi israelites have a higher IQ than other ethnic groups
            They destroyed themselves with inbreeding and got genes for schizophrenia and a ton of recessive disorders along with it. Also they ran the studies that “proved” their high IQ’s so their usual nepotism is tipping the scale in their favor.

            • 1 year ago

              cope, chud. IQ is real.

      • 1 year ago

        >Sounds like nazism, eugenics
        You say that like these two concepts are inherently connected

      • 1 year ago

        moron. You sound like a homosexual.

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