I'll just share this because I'm hurting

He's gone. My little boy is gone. In the span of 7 days, from a healthy strong cat to being put down in front of my eyes. Initially we thought it was just a cold, not too serious, got treatment for it but he didn't get better, started hiding from us and couldn't eat. Became weaker. Noticed that his breathing got heavy and difficult, immediately rushed him to the clinic. They took him in, extracted pus from his chest - bad sign, they said. I knew at that point, it was a real possibility he could die. Until then I assumed it was a side effect of the throat infenction/cold that his breathing got bad and not eating and all. So they said it can have different reasons, some bad some likely to be fixed. When I heard the "good" reasons were things like a bite, inhaling something solid, or catching some kind of splinter that went into his chest, I knew immediately that's not it, this would never happen to him, he's far too smart and capable to do that.

Paid a few thousands for treatment and diagnosis. After 24 hours they'd done the imaging and told us about the tumors in his lung. Told us even if they operated, they can't remove the ones in certain places because he needs that to survive. And even if he survived the operation, his condition after would likely be terrible. They advised no matter how much I paid, don't do this to him.

So, I went to see him right away, sadly he was fully sedated but to take him out of sedation just to see him awake one last time before putting him down seemed cruel and selfish. I believe he could hear me through the sedative. His eyes were open. I looked into his eyes and spoke to him as he went.

I've never felt such pain, even after losing relatives. He was my little boy, I protected him. I was the only one he trusted, he loved. He caught the cat flu before getting vaccinated as a baby, I knew that when I adopted him, I knew he might not have such a long life so I did everything to make it the best. I tried. I loved him.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    Imagine taking trolls seriously and thinking you're having a real argument

  2. 2 years ago

    I am sorry, OP.

  3. 2 years ago

    Wow this thread is equal parts touching and horrifying

  4. 2 years ago

    God bless you and your cat OP

    Death is only apparent, it is suffering and it is bad but it isn't permanent. You will meet again in an even higher way than you already have.

  5. 2 years ago

    >OP shares heartfelt confession
    >trolls rush in to tell him that his feelings are wrong
    I hope if you ever experience grief in your life, someone will dismiss your feelings so you feel worse. homosexual. Any living thing you spend lots of time with will feel like family. If you don't understand, you don't belong on Wauf.

    • 2 years ago

      any board on this website isnt meant to be a warm and comforting place. its just that some people here read his story and let their non Wauf side show for a moment. my heart goes out to op as well, my condolences

  6. 2 years ago

    I'm sorry OP. I get how you feel, it's awful. My kitty passed away a few years ago due to lung cancer and I still miss her. Cherish the memories of your lad. Know he is no longer suffering

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    Sorry for your loss OP. My cat died yesterday morning, he died right in my arms. I buried him in the backyard in one of his favorite spots. I share your pain.

  9. 2 years ago

    I'm sorry anon. This shit is really depressing. You never get over death. You try to remember the good times and memories while accepting nothing lasts forever.

    I saged this thread in an effort to keep schizoid trolls out. Just ignore them.

  10. 2 years ago

    I'm sorry for your loss, anon. I know the pain all too well too. Had to put one of my two kitties down this year after years of treating bad allergies that just kept getting worse then eventually found that she had some cancer that wasn't really treatable in any reasonable way. I had her and her brother since they were maybe 4 weeks old and wandered into my backyard and nobody was looking for them or said they lost them, so I took them in. That was 17 years ago. They've been with me through so much, couple near death experiences, bad relationships & breakups, the 2 of them helped me through so much. And she was the sweet lap snuggling, sleep on my pillow or crawl under the covers to curl up next to me one. I spent near $7k over a year, rearranged my house & my life to give her her own room to have & give her medicine multiple times a day. In the end it didn't cure anything though. God had other plans I suppose. I would have spent another $7k for another year with her though. I was at least able to be there for her last breaths though held her as the sedatives took her, telling her it was going to be ok & that she was the best kitty & we'd meet again some day. It's been months & i'm crying again just typing this. A grown ass man, crying over a cat. Don't care though, the smallest creatures can still make huge impacts on us.

    • 2 years ago

      You're a good man, be proud of what you did.

  11. 2 years ago


    >gets hit by a car/shot by a farmer
    >lol your dog doesn’t love you and it was just shit.
    >cat gets hit by a car/eaten by a dog

  12. 2 years ago

    I had my cat go last month too. Kidney problems from old age. Seeing how sick she got was hard, and making the choice to let her go was harder. She would always be on my lap when I am using the PC, and now I'm constantly reminded she's gone. It makes me afraid of the mortality of others and also my own. I wish no one had to go through this, but maybe that's just life.

  13. 2 years ago

    I had a roomate with a couple daughters. We got a pair of tuxedo kittens for Christmas a couple years ago. I have a great pyr and a lab mix. The male tuxedo took after the dogs and became super social while the female was a skiddish but super loving as well. Softest little cries.

    A couple months later both had some sort of chest infection. The male kicks it, the female just got worse and roomate waited weeks to take her to the vet. Turns out she had FIP, didn't even have the strength to get up and use the bathroom. A week or so later she died in my arms with the youngest daughter at her side.

    wasn't my cat but the entire situation tore me up for awhile and whats worse is if I had put 2 and 2 together, I may have given her ivermectin as a couple months after she passed it was shown to do gods work against covid.

    If you have animals, they will die and you are going to have to find a way to maturely cope.

  14. 2 years ago

    Jesus OP, I'm sorry to hear that man. Definitely know that feel with all kinds of individuals, and not just cats. At least your friend had a good life with you and it sounds like you loved and took really good care of him.

    Seems to be a time for kitties. A pal of mine found a homeless kitten in the streets, covered in mud and other crap. It was dangerously skinny and its eyes were sealed shut with infection. When they cleaned it off, they found out it was male and orange with huge eyes and ears, though he couldn't see and he wasn't sure how well he could hear. He was having trouble breathing due to a respiratory infection. The guy's family is really poor, like "can't always get food or have access to water" poor, but he still tried his best and brought the little guy to a vet. The kitty got cleaned up more and some antibiotics. He slowly started to improve and managed to start eating, and he even got his eyesight back. I got some progress pics and he looked like an entirely different cat after gaining some weight and starting to recover in earnest, though he still sounded snuffly.

    He was a really cuddly cat and let you pet his belly. Then his condition took a sudden nosedive and he had to go back to the vet. Apparently the little guy had picked up parvo and the vet did what they could for him, but the panleukopenia did him in earlier this week. Friend was pretty devastated since he was looking forward to helping the cat recover and maybe find a more financially stable home for him since the meds and cat food were really cutting into his groceries.

  15. 2 years ago

    >Literally giving thousands to the vet israelite just so they can tell you your cat is dying
    Holy FRICK what a cucked mentality
    That poor creature's last memories of this world were of a weird sterile place being prodded by thots on a metal slab.
    I gave my boy a good death out in the woods with a .38 special between the ears and sleep well knowing he went comfortably and at peace in the natural world.

    • 2 years ago

      That wasn't an option, if I hadn't done it he would have slowly suffocated which is a terrible fate.

      • 2 years ago

        The only thing I regret, is not knowing he was terminal going in to the clinic. If I knew I would have done more for him while we were waiting for the personnel. But I just thought he could recover, and I spoke to him to calm him down, petted him a little. I'm not psychic... and I was mortified myself.

  16. 2 years ago

    >be collie
    >get shaved
    >turn into pitbull
    >destroy a husky in a dogfight
    >attack a toddler
    based australian shepherd (honorary pitbull)

  17. 2 years ago

    F ;_;7

    also report and ignore trolls please

  18. 2 years ago

    OP, I hope you get through it. I lost a cat of my own from sudden illness, but it happened in a single day. One morning he showed clear sign of some sort of neurosis, shaking like a leaf and being unable to do just about anything. I started work that same day and came home to find him none the better, and there was little chance he'd survive sedation at all to even find out what was wrong. Probably stemmed from an infection that happened many months later; vet said cat AIDS was one possibility.
    Sadly my boy had been in a downward spiral already for unrelated reasons, so it broke my heart he had to end it like that. I really wanted to see him back in full health.

  19. 2 years ago
  20. 2 years ago

    I'm sorry anon, people don't realize how tough it can be. I had to put down my old girl a couple of months ago, and even though she was almost 20 it was very tough to say goodbye. I knew the day would come but she was my best friend.

    • 2 years ago

      I just lost my cat too, Anon. We didn't even make it to the vet before she went. She was already weak and I thought she would hold out just a little longer, a few hours more, and I was wrong. It hasn't even been a week and I already miss her, and I cry every time I realize that I will never see her walk up to me again. I still feel like I let her down.
      I'm sorry for your loss. He sounded like a wonderful boy, and I'm sure he knows that he was very loved and cared for. Just know that you are not alone.

      My condolences.

  21. 2 years ago

    It is a cat. I can not imagine hurting more for a cat than my own blood. Clearly either the toxo got you or you’re an NPC who can’t overcome the instinctual frickery cats unknowingly use to function as brood parasites.

    • 2 years ago

      Your own blood will not hurt for you btw

  22. 2 years ago

    I just lost my cat too, Anon. We didn't even make it to the vet before she went. She was already weak and I thought she would hold out just a little longer, a few hours more, and I was wrong. It hasn't even been a week and I already miss her, and I cry every time I realize that I will never see her walk up to me again. I still feel like I let her down.
    I'm sorry for your loss. He sounded like a wonderful boy, and I'm sure he knows that he was very loved and cared for. Just know that you are not alone.

  23. 2 years ago

    another one bites the dust

    • 2 years ago

      It is a cat. I can not imagine hurting more for a cat than my own blood. Clearly either the toxo got you or you’re an NPC who can’t overcome the instinctual frickery cats unknowingly use to function as brood parasites.


      • 2 years ago

        Sorry if you were my brother and said you were sadder over a cat than our family dying I would give you a black eye and never speak to you again. Same for a dog. A dog is just a friend and a cat is a dumb ass animal that hangs out on your porch and mean mugs mice. You can not grieve for these things more than your fricking family. Your brain is broken and your monke level mind is stuck mistaking an animal for the infant it is not just because its eyes are big or something. You fricking moron. Get over it.

        • 2 years ago

          Not op. Tbqh I didn't read his (though it sounds more like a woman) post.
          Kinda fricked up I agree. You're still obsessed though.

          • 2 years ago

            Obsessed with what? Fur baby morons putting their flesh and blood below utility animals and drinking buddy tier relationships with pets? That’s so common these days maybe I should be.

            • 2 years ago

              Sorry if you were my brother and said you were sadder over a cat than our family dying I would give you a black eye and never speak to you again. Same for a dog. A dog is just a friend and a cat is a dumb ass animal that hangs out on your porch and mean mugs mice. You can not grieve for these things more than your fricking family. Your brain is broken and your monke level mind is stuck mistaking an animal for the infant it is not just because its eyes are big or something. You fricking moron. Get over it.

              I would love to have your family raped by a gang of Black folk, I pray to god that your mother gets skinned alive and then immolated as you get sodomized by bbc and watch

              • 2 years ago

                >furbaby moron reveals their emotionally stunted nature by going on with bloodthirsty fantasies because someone called them out for valuing a borderline braindead mouse-mugger over their flesh and blood relations
                If you are not a mental defective (autist, abused, etc), domestic animals range from raw materials to employees to a relationship that's about as significant as the one you'd have with a drinking buddy or high school friend. It's sad when the latter dies but it is not anywhere near as sad or significant as your fricking family.

                I encourage you. Get over it. A cat is no great loss. They have half the mental complexity of a lowly chihuahua and are easily replaced. It is trivial to find a cat that is superficially the same in all aspects. And that's not complimenting the dogs either, that's perspective, because it's really not that hard to get close enough when replacing a dog, and a dog does not bring much more to the table than some added conveniences. Twice, or even four times as smart as a cat is still almost nothing! A human being is so complex and long lived that no one individual can be replaced within your lifetime. They are always logically the greater loss. Emotionally they are the ones you owe your life to and the only people on earth you are mutually indebted to. You have a duty to them, they have a duty to you, and they are more important than an animal no matter how much you like it. If you are sadder for an animal than a relative you are fundamentally broken as a person. You place more value on something that is borderline worthless than something that is beyond priceless. You already knew that cat was going to die, and their death changes very little, if they died early you would not be missing many opportunities and if they died late you saw it coming 15 years down the line. Jesus fricking christ how can you compare that to your family? It's a baby-faced cotton ball that makes squeaky noises.

              • 2 years ago

                did you really type up all that shit with your Cheeto fingers, homosexual? lol keep crying schizo I won't read your wall of text + take your meds

              • 2 years ago

                Weird cope for someone that's crying over a dumb fricking animal like they lost a child.


                It's not part of the ecosystem. It has no importance. It is an active drain on the world. It is a replaceable consumer product.

                Grow up. Get over it. Get another cat. If you died, your cat would say "that's it" and start eating your face the very moment you stopped smelling alive.

                if you seriously cared about an animal that is barely even self aware more than your family you deserve any shit they give you. it's like crying about a flower after saying "good riddance" to your parents. you're fricking mentally ill and I hate every single person like you. every single pet worshiper homosexual like you is a pasty, flabby, mentally ill sheltered homosexual who has never lived a hard day in their life. you have no appreciation for nature. you have no place in the world. you are a degenerate chimp cuddling a glorified baby doll.

                I hate you. I hate the family members I had to turn my back on because they were like you. I hate everyone like you. And I hate anyone who ever told you it was ok, or that animals are better than people, while you go around like a moron believing an automaton meant more to you than your mother.

                Next time I hear someone say they'd be sadder if their dog died than their parents or if they, god forbid, call it their wife or husband, I will kill their dog in front of them. Oh and the cat too.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not op lol, and you're still typing up more text-sludge showing off your autism while projecting your insecurities.. suck a dick homosexual and get those cravings fixed lmao cope harder (I think you forgot to take your meds)

              • 2 years ago

                >I've never felt such pain, even after losing relatives
                I don't think you can understand how enraging this is until someone says it to your face about your own relatives. And a fricking cat, or a dog with a personality that consisted of belly rub preference and rolling in a specific kind of moss.

              • 2 years ago

                You've obviously been scarred by someone saying this to you. Consider evaluating whether you're such a fricking piece of shit that someone loves a pet more than you.

                As for using violence, I'd love to see you try you overweight cheeto fricking fatburger moron. I'll snap you in half and grind your bones for my soup.

              • 2 years ago

                It was someone saying this about my mother, who after 20 years of hiding in their room and playing video games and doing drugs and ignoring their entire family, got a dog, ignored us all, and then finally got all depressed when the damn dog died.

                We figured out that they had aspergers early on, but they were extremely violent towards therapists (borderline criminal) because they thought they were how people were meant to be after hearing something that compared them to geniuses. They work at walmart now.

                if you value an animal over your family you are broken and need to help yourself or get help and meds from someone else.

                >durr i could u cheeto burger durrr
                This you?

              • 2 years ago

                Nobody here said anything about a mother, a relative can mean many things including distant cousins. Regardless, you're deeply damaged by this event, but nobody here gives a frick as you're projecting your insecurities on us. It's embarrassing to read.

                And yeah, an edgy low life like you is a snack.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the only one who has issues with pet worshipers. They're pervasive and harmful to everyone around them. I get to live in a world where there are men who would shoot me to keep their husky alive and they think they're perfectly fricking normal. I hate it. I hate all of it.

              • 2 years ago

                Look man, it sucks that someone said this about your mother, but you're being excessive with your hate for someone who loves animals. For all we know he's never even lost someone in his blood related family.

              • 2 years ago

                Then she's in for a rude awakening.

                The borderline zoophillic pet culture today doesn't get enough hate, really. There are people out there who will blow money on keeping a dog stumbling around for an extra 6 months while their parents have cancer.

              • 2 years ago

                That's a socio economic problem, not related to animals at all. Old people can also suck up the young ones inheritance staying alive artificially way over 90, is that morally justifiable?

              • 2 years ago

                You're complaining that someone is spending money on themselves while alive instead of giving as much as possible to you for free? It's only immoral when they are sure to die and giving you the money would prolong your life rather than buy funkos.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's only immoral when they are sure to die

                That's what I'm saying hence the word artificial.

                >and giving you the money would prolong your life rather than buy funkos.

                What their descendants spend that money on shouldn't really be their concern unless they're selfish as frick. I wouldn't want to be on oxygen and 24/7 care pushing 95 just to stay around, I'd wanna go and let my kids do whatever the frick they want. Like buy a house.

              • 2 years ago

                Get a job. It builds character. Do you want to be another donald trump or hunter biden? Because that’s what family handouts get you.

              • 2 years ago

                Pajeet take it ez

              • 2 years ago

                Why would a stranger give a frick about you, also a stranger over their own property.
                I would kill you to protect far less.

              • 2 years ago

                not him but my family tried to use my near death from cancer to get money from each other and to find a topic for gossip
                just because they are blood related doesnt mean you have to care for them


                He's gone. My little boy is gone. In the span of 7 days, from a healthy strong cat to being put down in front of my eyes. Initially we thought it was just a cold, not too serious, got treatment for it but he didn't get better, started hiding from us and couldn't eat. Became weaker. Noticed that his breathing got heavy and difficult, immediately rushed him to the clinic. They took him in, extracted pus from his chest - bad sign, they said. I knew at that point, it was a real possibility he could die. Until then I assumed it was a side effect of the throat infenction/cold that his breathing got bad and not eating and all. So they said it can have different reasons, some bad some likely to be fixed. When I heard the "good" reasons were things like a bite, inhaling something solid, or catching some kind of splinter that went into his chest, I knew immediately that's not it, this would never happen to him, he's far too smart and capable to do that.

                Paid a few thousands for treatment and diagnosis. After 24 hours they'd done the imaging and told us about the tumors in his lung. Told us even if they operated, they can't remove the ones in certain places because he needs that to survive. And even if he survived the operation, his condition after would likely be terrible. They advised no matter how much I paid, don't do this to him.

                So, I went to see him right away, sadly he was fully sedated but to take him out of sedation just to see him awake one last time before putting him down seemed cruel and selfish. I believe he could hear me through the sedative. His eyes were open. I looked into his eyes and spoke to him as he went.

                I've never felt such pain, even after losing relatives. He was my little boy, I protected him. I was the only one he trusted, he loved. He caught the cat flu before getting vaccinated as a baby, I knew that when I adopted him, I knew he might not have such a long life so I did everything to make it the best. I tried. I loved him.

                sorry for your loss friend, this actually hurt to read for me as i also lost a childhood friend growing up and well
                your cat having lung cancer reminds me of my own lung cancer
                stay strong

              • 2 years ago

                OP, I hope you get through it. I lost a cat of my own from sudden illness, but it happened in a single day. One morning he showed clear sign of some sort of neurosis, shaking like a leaf and being unable to do just about anything. I started work that same day and came home to find him none the better, and there was little chance he'd survive sedation at all to even find out what was wrong. Probably stemmed from an infection that happened many months later; vet said cat AIDS was one possibility.
                Sadly my boy had been in a downward spiral already for unrelated reasons, so it broke my heart he had to end it like that. I really wanted to see him back in full health.

                Thank you, and sorry to hear about your tragic losses.

              • 2 years ago

                >It was someone saying this about my mother

                Yeah, well that's your problem, frick you.
                Literally why should anyone have to deal with your unprocessed emotions?
                Process them and move on like a human or have a nice day

              • 2 years ago

                I got your panties up in a bunch? You can suck on my balls for some comfort

              • 2 years ago

                You're toxic as frick, possibly underage.

                Nobody gives a shit about who cares more for people than animals or vice versa. It's none of your fricking business. Some people simply aren't close to their families at all, it does happen you fricking c**t.

              • 2 years ago

                schizo btfo

            • 2 years ago

              >Obsessed with what?

              • 2 years ago

                I hate how people treat pets and modern pet culture in general.

                It is only justified by zoophilia (KILL ANYONE WHO IS LIKE THIS. SLOWLY.) and being an overgrown antisocial child who refuses to form a relationship with another human being, even their family.

            • 2 years ago

              Its nice that you got a family worth loving. Some of us didnt.

        • 2 years ago

          the irony of saying that OP's brain is broken when you're the one incapable of understanding empathy and bonding

        • 2 years ago

          >t. literal psychopath
          Your "sadness" for family members does not come from a place of empathy or a bond it is manufactured because you simply know they were family.

          This is why you will never be cared for by anyone or will ever care for a pet.

          Do not breed.

      • 2 years ago

        No need to respond to shitty bait. Report and ignore troll posts.

        • 2 years ago

          I just thought it was funny someone took the time to post things like the OP. Cats are nice and funny to look at, but they are just cats.
          Have a cat I petted this morning, sweet lil shit.

          • 2 years ago

            Cats are so cute. not sure why but they are cuter than dogs on average. maybe birds are cuter but some birds are ugly

            • 2 years ago

              many dogs have gone through many transformations, worse than any other domestic pet. how do you go from this to

              • 2 years ago

                this and

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                and this

              • 2 years ago

                and even shit like this

              • 2 years ago

                Pretty close!

              • 2 years ago

                it has mange so weaker and sick than the usual wolf

              • 2 years ago

                Natural canines are built bushman homie lean, which is why a fricking bird can kill a coyote and eagles have killed wolves.

                Look at how thick the limbs are on literally any big cat and then look at this perfectly normal wolf.

              • 2 years ago

                >be born female wolf
                >sultry and beautiful
                >be born male wolf
                >fluffy femboy for life
                lmao imagine being a male wolf

              • 2 years ago

                >Natural canines
                Not every canine is the same, just like not every feline is the same.

              • 2 years ago

                >Be wild animal with one chance at life
                >Born a feral corgi

              • 2 years ago


                >Natural canines
                Not every canine is the same, just like not every feline is the same.


              • 2 years ago

                They're pretty based. thick and robust. A husky would weigh less than a wolf with the same dimensions

              • 2 years ago

                >Panthera Onca
                best cat

              • 2 years ago

                A pack hunter is more gracile than a solo hunter. Unless it's a feliform. Then they're all ripped. I thought this was common knowledge. It's the canid evolution strategy.

                Wolves are femmy twinks. Bears are, literally, bears. Cats scale gracefully no matter what.

                Why are you so obsessed with huskies? Did one frick your girlfriend? That's what you get for dating a white woman.

              • 2 years ago

                >A pack hunter is more gracile than a solo hunter
                Not true. A Bushdog very robust, and Wolves are as robust if not more robust than certain felines. Hyenas are very robust as well.
                >Why are you so obsessed with huskies?
                To explain differences between huskies and wolves since it was the topic of the post

              • 2 years ago

                >Wolves are robust
                They're lanklet twigs that job to a fricking bird, mate.

              • 2 years ago

                >feliforms are ripped
                but certain wolves are more robust than those feliforms
                >They're lanklet twigs that job to a fricking bird, mate.
                Those birds have killed musteliade and felines lol

              • 2 years ago

                damn this was a beatdown that it made the huscuck defender push the obsessed button kek. RIP op's cat and reminder that at least you didn't get destroyed like this schizo

              • 2 years ago

                You are obsessed. Wish huskies were manlier so you could get knotted?

              • 2 years ago

                its far worse. his girlfriend turned a husky down for being too skinny and white so he had to go a few nights without watching.

              • 2 years ago

                here we go again. at least you got a lesson learned from that anon

              • 2 years ago

                I’m not the guy that brings up huskies in literally every thread. Are you also the “why do huskies with breasts look stupid” anon that posted dog pussy?

              • 2 years ago

                doesn't matter. huscuckgays should stay put if they don't know anything about animals . guy got destroyed.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry kid. Your gay unlabeled table scanned out of some unnamed 70s textbook written by a hippy means nothing. Wolves are twinks. ALL dogs suck. Get it through your thick skull. Avians > feliforms > GAYnines.

              • 2 years ago

                >dude trust me

              • 2 years ago

                Is it time?!?!?

              • 2 years ago


                Is it time?!?!?

                >naked huskies
                >all female
                fricking zoogays i swear

  24. 2 years ago

    im so sorry for your loss anon. i can feel the pain through your words and i can feel how much you loved him. even though he was sedated in his final moments, im sure that he was able to feel your love too. it was a tragedy that couldn't be helped, just know that you and your cat share a bond that will exist forever, even after death you will always be connected

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you my friend. I take solace knowing how and when he died, and being there with him and for him. I had a fear of losing him in another way where I couldn't be there, like an accident outside or something similar, for which I'd never forgive myself after promising to protect him.

  25. 2 years ago

    Sometimes I’ll feel whisps past my legs or look in corners of my house and think about the cats I used to have. They really are loving creatures and have lots to share with humans.
    They are mortal creatures though, and live long enough to endure only a significant fraction of your life.
    I think for this reason it’s healthier to see the space in their heart they borrowed and are simply returning with their passing. Equating such grief to the loss of a relative who can be a lifetime friend is a bit disproportionate.
    It’s not disproportionate to feel empathy and compassion for animals though. I’m sorry for your loss.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you.
      >Equating such grief to the loss of a relative who can be a lifetime friend is a bit disproportionate.
      He was like a child to me, I have not felt that way about other pets I've lost. But I have a tendency to love animals more than people, so there is that.

    • 2 years ago

      In what way are they loving creatures? They don't listen to what a human tells them to do, always act on their own terms, and any behaviour that is commonly mistaken as 'acts of love' can be easily explained as them using you for their own pleasure e.g. they want to be rubbed because it feels good. Or when they rub themselves against you, they're actually spreading their pheromones on you and marking you as their territory.
      I guarantee you your cat would not care if you died.

      • 2 years ago

        What's the point of making these pseudo psychological comments? You could do the same exact thing with people if you wanted. Also, you're not even close to being right.

      • 2 years ago

        >t. never owned a cat

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