Why the frick all females are obsessed with cats and make cats their whole persona

Why the frick all females are obsessed with cats and make cats their whole persona

>mfw another female posting another unfunny Whisper meme with a pic of cute kitten on it

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  1. 4 months ago

    My mother hates cats.

  2. 4 months ago

    A cat's cry is close to the cry of a baby. They are also the size of a human baby when fully developed. Their pupils mimic human pupils when they come begging and are eager for play.

    They fulfill the role of being a baby without the fear of pregnancy some women have.

  3. 4 months ago


    cope, cats are antisocial asperger morons

    I never said cats are particularly loving, it's just that they'll give you something in exchange for the most minimal amount of effort possible (food and scooping shit every 2 days)

    Where as dogs need a much bigger initial investment of love and effort before they start paying you back (daily walks, regular grooming, training, socialization, etc...)

    >ignore cat 90% of the time
    >never play with cat
    >do nothing to bond with cat
    >never properly discipline cat
    I love cats but the majority of cat owners are fricking morons who should never be allowed to own animals. Cats are incredibly loving and cuddly if you actually spend time with them, and they're not unruly if you actually discipline and train them to behave. When I lived with my parents my sister and I each had a cat. My cat was a mean little shit to her cat, so I set out to fix that with proper training and succeeded. It took a lot of effort over a few weeks, but I got my cat to calm down and get along with her cat and they started playing nicely. I also trained them both not to chew on wires, not to get into things they shouldn't, not to be aggressive toward people, and to let people pet and pick them up freely. When I moved out on my own, my cat never left my side when I was around. He would always want to play and was incredibly affectionate and also understood his boundaries around the house. I even trained him not to step on the mat in front of the door so he wouldn't hover near the door and try to run out. Anyone who complains about cats just being irredeemably mean or antisocial or unruly is just a lazy, shitty pet owner whose cat should be rescued from their garbage treatment. Always remember that your pet's behavior is a reflection of yourself and how you treat it.

    • 4 months ago

      >I even trained him not to step on the mat in front of the door so he wouldn't hover near the door and try to run out.
      Lol wish I could teach mine not to do this but they’re probably too old already. The Rey of what you said is true. I had most of my current cats since they were kittens and I brought them up and taught them what they could and couldn’t do. The one who’s the most friendly and willing to play now was actually a little prick when he was little, always fighting everyone else when it was time to eat and hissing and running away from everyone who tried to touch him. Getting a cat to give attention when it doesn’t want to though takes an exceptional amount of work, they’re just not as inclined to listen to what people want as dogs or something.

      • 4 months ago

        >Getting a cat to give attention when it doesn’t want to though takes an exceptional amount of work
        For sure, I won't deny that. With my cat it took spending hours with him at a time every single day with constant attention and rigid consistency in discipline for multiple weeks to break him out of his shitty behavior, but the result was incredibly rewarding. But I think anyone who's not willing to put significant time and effort into seriously training an animal just shouldn't own pets, except maybe fish or something that truly involves passive ownership. It sucks that cats get such a bad reputation just from terrible neglectful owners.

  4. 4 months ago

    I'm not, I hate those garden destroying vermin

  5. 4 months ago

    I like other animals, it's just that cats are more affordable than horses or macaws....

  6. 4 months ago

    homosexual males also are obsessed with cats.

  7. 4 months ago
  8. 4 months ago

    Baby substitute.

  9. 4 months ago
  10. 4 months ago


    cope, cats are antisocial asperger morons

    I never said cats are particularly loving, it's just that they'll give you something in exchange for the most minimal amount of effort possible (food and scooping shit every 2 days)

    Where as dogs need a much bigger initial investment of love and effort before they start paying you back (daily walks, regular grooming, training, socialization, etc...)

  11. 4 months ago

    Cats are the perfect pet for someone who wants to be loved but is unable to put effort into loving back, an overwhelming majority of women fall into that category.

    When someone is capable of both giving and receiving love in a healthy manner, they'll mostly gravitate towards dogs. As dogs require significantly more care and attention but are also much more rewarding companions.

    • 4 months ago

      >dogs require significantly more care
      I mean not really. Sure you have to play with them but it’s still largely the same routine of feeding, giving water, with some level of grooming every now and then

    • 4 months ago

      cope, cats are antisocial asperger morons

    • 4 months ago

      >console warring
      Please go back, redditor.

    • 4 months ago

      I want to preface that I am a doggay but I personally think your assessment is quite wrong. Most dogs (ones which are socialised and not shitbulls) will get on with everyone with minimum upkeep. Cats don't. You can feed, fuss or house a cat but there is no guarantee that they will at all like you. I have seen it time and time again where a cat will just like a random stranger that comes to visit it's owner's house and without any prompt will get chummy, but will be as aloof and antisocial to their owner as they have ever been since being a kitten. It is cuckoldry in actiom. Someone wants a pet for the sake of easy companionship or love then dogs are the way to go, not cats. This is something catgays are smug about all the time on how you have to "earn" their affection and while I think they are just romanticising feline moronation they have a point.

      • 4 months ago

        I have a strong distaste for cats and dont like them touching me so im always that person theyre chummy with
        Its that fricking easy

      • 4 months ago

        enjoy your 10 year old toddler that requires to constantly gravitate around you

        • 4 months ago

          I wish my toddler acted like my dog
          But a least they both grow out of shitting themselves inside the house

      • 4 months ago

        you definitely have to meet a cat halfway in ways you don't have to with a dog. they're so much less physically demanding but really do demand a lot of respect from you before they decide they like you, and even then some cats are still just curmudgeons with mean streaks 99% of the time

    • 4 months ago

      protecting endangered small wildlife is more important than getting your failed maternal instincts fulfilled by mind deceiving vermin

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