What's the strongest connection you've ever had or wanted with another animal?

What's the strongest connection you've ever had or wanted with another animal?

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  1. 9 months ago

    of course.
    -first: animals don't understand human speech
    -second: livestock was created by humans to be eaten, the whole reason that pig exist is to be eaten by humans and nothing more.
    -third: I have already done it multiple times every time I kill a chicken or turkey

  2. 9 months ago

    >This brisket goes very hard
    >Much love from Texas. I hate vegans so much it's unreal

    gtg, beef is almost ready

    • 9 months ago

      Moneyshot when

  3. 9 months ago

    I'll say that to the wagies next time I go to a store

  4. 9 months ago

    I want to get a dog and treat her like my wife because women don't deserve me

  5. 9 months ago

    I'm literally eating ham right now as I'm reading this thread

  6. 9 months ago

    Best connections I had was chilling with cats and dogs, having some insects use me as a speed boost, saving a bee
    Wishing I could form a conversation with a similarly intelligent creature, or could have fun with underwater creatures without getting an amoeba or drowning, or just have chill times with cats and dogs again or ride a horse (they're fricking cool but they'll likely eject me)

  7. 9 months ago

    one time when my cat was drinking from his water bowl i noticed a little bit of shit on the end of a blade of grass that was coming out of his arse. he liked to eat grass. so i put my hand in a plastic bag and grabbed the bit of shit and pulled on the grass to pull the rest of it out of his bum hole and he flinched and looked at me like "wtf are you doing?" so i showed him the poop that was in my hand and he smelled it then looked back at me with a look that said "thanx, bro". we just shared unspoken communication and it was the strongest connection that i ever had with another animal.

  8. 9 months ago

    Want to have tiger gf and sexoo

  9. 9 months ago

    my previous kitter cat. he was my best friend for 13 years. when he was young he felt like a kid brother because he followed me everywhere and always wanted to be involved in everything i did.

  10. 9 months ago

    My dog. He was never mistreated but I still feel I could of given him more in his final days. As for the "eating animals is cruelty" bait. I'm sorry to say this but meat is needed if you want to a simple and highly nutritious diet.

    • 9 months ago

      >My dog. He was never mistreated but I still feel I could of given him more in his final days.
      I feel the exact same way.

  11. 9 months ago

    I think the issue with vegans is that their opinion of Death itself is that death in and of itself is inherently negative and we as humans should strive to negate all kinds of Death as much as possible. This is a completely fine opinion to have but they fall short when they believe this opinion to be objective truth.
    Because when you accept that death is just a constant and have a completely neutral opinion of Death, every vegan 'argument' just falls apart at the first hurdle.

    • 9 months ago

      The only vegan I know is also pro abortion.

      • 9 months ago

        That's because a foetus is not its own life so it technically fits into their ideology. A lot of vegans do it for the anti-exploitation too, it's why they don't eat eggs or dairy, and being pro-abortion is actively anti-exploitation.

  12. 9 months ago

    I saw a post on a vegan subreddit about how all predator animals should be killed and what a ride that whole comment chain was. Leftists scare me sometimes.

    • 9 months ago

      Can you link It? I've been having a shit day and would love a laugh

  13. 9 months ago

    I had a cat that would hop in my bed whenever I played piano music and he'd lie on my chest and rest his face against mine while we both fell asleep. I don't think a cat can comprehend music but is was still neat that he had a basic understanding that piano notes meant that we should get comfy and take a nap together. RIP Larry, you were fricking based.

  14. 9 months ago

    What a cute Ukrainian

  15. 9 months ago

    My wieneratiel. I loved him so much that I grieved when he flew away in an accident because my parents made me take him outside every night.

    I hate them to this day for it. He was clever and humanlike, even for a tiel.

  16. 9 months ago
  17. 9 months ago

    Re the image: it's symptomatic of how humans consume living, surrounding resources without caring for them. This is how humans also treat each other. No living being should be warped and tortured. As for not eating pigs, generally, this is because piglets consume their own feces habitually and they are disgusting creatures that aren't really fit for being pets either, if this behaivour bothers you. If you deny this behaivour it also effects their health. "Happier than a pig in shit", to this day they are barely domesticated. They thrive when re-released, they merge with wild boars, and they maintained a sharp intelligence with no real correlation to living many generations in such conditions in captivity.

  18. 9 months ago
  19. 9 months ago

    Humans are the only animal that guilt trips itself into not eating food it has evolved to eat.

    Excessive altruism will only help to destroy humanity.

    • 9 months ago

      You're a disingenuous moron. There is a middle ground between full blown veganism and FRICK THE ANIMALS LOL, fanatics on both sides will try to convince everyone otherwise but you can eat meat while minimizing suffering the best you can.

      • 9 months ago

        >There is a middle ground between full blown veganism and FRICK THE ANIMALS LOL
        And when did I claim otherwise? You don't even know what my stance on the issue is so why come screeching at me like an ape? Did the voices in your head tell you that I was one of those fanatics? Take your meds schizo.

      • 9 months ago

        humans are the only animals who give a frick about muh middle ground. I don't think animals should be mistreated either, but homosexuals like you are annoying.

  20. 9 months ago

    I like your belly salted and cooked
    Vietnamese rolls with crispy pork belly is really good

  21. 9 months ago

    first deer i hunted probably

  22. 9 months ago

    well, ive always wanted to have sex with a dolphin.

  23. 9 months ago

    The cows i eat probably have it better than i do, they are roaming freely in the grass fields in the swiss mountains, they don't have to work and all they do is eat and sleep.

    • 9 months ago

      This. Frick dem homies.
      I make it a point to eat herbivores because they eat the world flat and dry.
      On the other hand i kneel to the based carnivores who keep the brainless destructive mass in check

  24. 9 months ago

    Yes, I was raised on a farm, always had a deep connection with animals, always felt like an animal. What I experienced was that animals eat one another, pretty much all of them do, and that is the way of life. Killing an animal is never pleasant, but putting the life that we gave them to good use is the best way to respect them. It's a very complex subject and there was a lot more I could say, but in the end, I think it's right, as much as a tiger eating a pig.

  25. 9 months ago

    >what the pig actually thinks
    >haha lmaoooo i get to leave this shit place after suffering enough and you fools gotta suffer until youre fricking dead of old age. get fricked. also my meat is full of unhealthy shit due to my factory life so enjoy the consequences of that. peace out.

  26. 9 months ago

    no you for you, bacon, pork belly, pulled pork barbecue, chops, hog jowl, and livermush
    not to mention all the gross shit Black folk eat like pigs feet, pig tails, hog maw, chitlins, pig ears

    • 9 months ago

      /misc/ has rotted your brain

      • 9 months ago

        >its da CHOOOOOOOOOOOODS

    • 9 months ago

      >all the gross shit Black folk eat like pigs feet, pig tails, hog maw, chitlins, pig ears
      Ah, yes, the famous soviet Black folk, SEA Black folk, and generally European Black folk

  27. 9 months ago

    Doesn't matter, don't have to, just buy meat at grocery store.

  28. 9 months ago

    My dad used to beat me. The dog my parents got me, black lab mutt, once defended me as I ran towards my room to escape my father's belt. The dog cut my father off and stood between me and my father. She was snarling and seemed ready to defend me. She died after escaping the yard and getting hit by a car years later. My cousins helped look for her and returned the injured dog to me so I can say goodbye. It's been over 20 years and I'm still not over that dog. Ever since her, every dog I've had has been female. Maybe it's just being a moron but I swear every dog has had a bit of her spirit in them.

    My dad and I are on great terms now that I'm an adult. Pic related is our current dog. This pup is spoiled rotten.

    • 9 months ago

      >My dad and I are on great terms now that I'm an adult.
      easy now that he doesn't have the stress of taking care of more than one life

    • 9 months ago

      im a wolth

      • 9 months ago

        give her some walleye fillet

        • 9 months ago

          >walleye fillet
          Frick, you just unearthed a song i forgot. Something about "a big fat walleye" and "a sinker on a spoon".
          "The Walleye" song does not seem to be it. and clues?

  29. 9 months ago

    Love pigs since my dad had one. It was supposed to be a small one but it was pretty big to me.
    They're cute as kittens when young and pretty funny when old. They like to be pet, especially on the belly and nose. They're big and bulky so you can use your strength a bit when caressing them. It's also surprising how afraid they are of height. Tried to grab him one time and I will never make that mistake again. People have a bad opinion of them because the one we breed to eat are neglected and live like shit. If you raise one like a pet, it will behave like a pet because it's pretty sensible and smart.
    To actually answer the question, my cat is the closest I've ever been to an animal. She is old now and require more and more attention. Almost like she reverted to being a kitten that needs reassuring and caresses all the time. She follows me around and sleeps next to me.

  30. 9 months ago

    Oh boo hoo. Tell it to the boars i saw dugging out cadavers in the cemetery to eat their rotten mangled flesh. Whole town thought they were grave robbers or satanists.those things are straight out of hell. They've interbred with russian boars brought here for hunting and now they're big as a small rhino. I swear once i almost hit one with my car, he would've crumpled it like a tin can

  31. 9 months ago

    I once had a crow friend I played with for 3 days. Then his flock moved and I never saw him again. I tried to cultivate relationships with crows ever since but none of them ever seemed interested : (

  32. 9 months ago

    Sure, as a matter of fact i do that when ever i go fishing. i grab that carb with both hands and yell for good half an hour in its face how i will eat it and that it cant escape.

    • 9 months ago

      literally me

    • 9 months ago

      I don't understand this. There is no satisfaction in bringing down a creature that can't fight back. Unless it's a human capable of emotion and suffering. The dumb animal doesn't even understand what you're saying or doing.

  33. 9 months ago

    We human beings are animals too. We should be able to connect to other beings of different species and to empathize with them, since we can conceptualize feelings and interpret them.
    We are a so-called intelligent species, why can't we understand when we are doing something wrong? I'm not talking about 'being wrong' from an ethical or legal point of view, but from the point of view of causing physical or psychological pain to another creature.

    • 9 months ago

      There is no logical basis to care about suffering simply because it is suffering. Only to care if suffering will result in damage to your own existence, either directly due to resulting from trauma to your body or mind, or indirectly due to trauma hindering the ability of someone to help you, or possibly motivating them to hurt you. Because humans are highly intelligent and social animals, the suffering of each and every human is interconnected. There is no one you can kill without someone else hatching a revenge plot. Animals are different.

      As humans, we have the power of logic and can therefore voluntarily suffer for our own benefit, and recognize that the "suffering" of lower lifeforms is normally irrelevant, unless it is an animal whose purpose is to live alongside humans because the total mass of its body has less nutritional and economic value than the resource investment required to grow and sustain it.

      For example, a cow is created by a farmer to consume agricultural waste such as wheat stalks and other byproducts that are not suited for human consumption. It is only imperative to spare it suffering in order to make the process of transporting and slaughtering it safer and more efficient for the humans involved. In the moments before it is terminated and processed into nutrient dense human-grade food, its suffering is now irrelevant.

      However, this also means that feeding a cow human grade agricultural products is an irrational action. And considering that a well taken care of and athletic human body does not require more than one pound of red meat per weak to remain in peak condition, it is also illogical to create more cows than are required to meet that need.

      • 9 months ago

        On the other end of the animal spectrum, we have another creature: the dog. It is a lean animal who can only consume food that is human grade or can be rendered human grade with minimal labor, and if slaughtered yields less food than it ate that week. The purpose of this animal is to convert the value of its feed into labor and contribution to human social dynamics and maintain their stability. This can be seen in several statistics, such as:
        Dog owners are more likely to marry and have children
        People who live around many dog owners are less likely to be victims of violent crime

        If a dog does not perform labor or contribute to human social dynamics, because it is unusually useless or even dangerous for a "pet", the logical course of action is to slaughter it, and render its body into food for other dogs to decrease the cost of keeping them. This is standard procedure in the developed world.

        The dog is not used as feed for humans to avoid conditioning the humans towards engaging in wasteful activities such as eating an animal who yields less human grade food than they ate that week.

      • 9 months ago

        >le heckin logicerinos!!!
        stopped reading right there

      • 9 months ago

        On the other end of the animal spectrum, we have another creature: the dog. It is a lean animal who can only consume food that is human grade or can be rendered human grade with minimal labor, and if slaughtered yields less food than it ate that week. The purpose of this animal is to convert the value of its feed into labor and contribution to human social dynamics and maintain their stability. This can be seen in several statistics, such as:
        Dog owners are more likely to marry and have children
        People who live around many dog owners are less likely to be victims of violent crime

        If a dog does not perform labor or contribute to human social dynamics, because it is unusually useless or even dangerous for a "pet", the logical course of action is to slaughter it, and render its body into food for other dogs to decrease the cost of keeping them. This is standard procedure in the developed world.

        The dog is not used as feed for humans to avoid conditioning the humans towards engaging in wasteful activities such as eating an animal who yields less human grade food than they ate that week.

        Didn't ask for your moronic opinion, Spock LARPer.

        • 9 months ago

          >replying to gpt

      • 9 months ago

        I don't like to cause suffering for others because I could be in their situation and I wouldn't like it if it were me.

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          This guy basically tl;dr'd my wall of text above.


          Is it not rational to want to feel justified in your beliefs? Every human being wants that. In order to feel justified in causing suffering to someone who hasn't caused it to you, you must embrace some sociopathic beliefs, essentially that might makes right. With this in mind, can you prove that there isn't anyone mightier than you? Like, for instance, if a millionaire abducts and rapes you, wouldn't they be morally justified in this, since they can do it and get away with it? And if you think not, doesn't that mean your entire morality is completely egoitistical and self-serving, which in turn means no one should listen to what you have to say?

      • 9 months ago

        Vulcans are vegan moron

        • 9 months ago

          Vulcans live on a desert planet so they have every reason not to raise livestock, and some sort of bogus religion where they worship life just because, but in the end star trek was utopian propaganda in line with typical human mental illness and he was making a joke about the chinese.

  34. 9 months ago

    ~~*Animal Liberation*~~

  35. 9 months ago

    I was seduced by a cat once.

    • 9 months ago

      ~~*Animal Liberation*~~

      how did it go?

    • 9 months ago

      Did you have to fight God to bring her back from Hell after he sent her there for having breasts?

  36. 9 months ago

    my dog, the butthole cat that lives here and the goose i ate last week

  37. 9 months ago

    I don't put much thought into the suffering of other people halfway across the world (not much point thinking about it anyway). I'm autism though, so forming an attachment with other animals isn't something that requires much effort. I could never kill and eat anything I've even remotely grown attached to, but as for everything else... meat good.

    Also, sex with dolphins.

  38. 9 months ago

    post a picture of a cow or a chicken. prok is only good sausage.

    • 9 months ago

      eg cutlet is a wonderful cut of meat

      • 9 months ago

        >eg cutlet is a wonderful cut of meat
        taking time to bread and fry food is time wasted. Try again.

        • 9 months ago

          why would you bread and fry cutlet

          • 9 months ago

            >why would you bread and fry cutlet
            This is what I found when I googled "pork cutlet"
            We must be talking about something different. Show me a picture of you pork cutlet

            • 9 months ago

              see picrel. the same cut of meat can obviously be prepared in lots of different ways
              and in any case, plenty of other parts of the animal taste good. I just like pork, but cutlet most of all

              • 9 months ago

                That is a "bone-in pork chop" moron. What part of the world do you live in?

              • 9 months ago

                I think he meant côtelette but I can't be sure.

              • 9 months ago

                no need to be so hostile, anon.
                see the wikipedia entry on "cutlet":
                >Cutlet (derived from French côtelette, côte, "rib"[1][2]) refers to:
                >1. a thin slice of meat from the leg or ribs of mutton, veal,[2] pork, or chicken
                although it does also give
                >2. a dish made of such slice, often breaded (also known in various languages as a cotoletta, Kotelett, kotlet or kotleta)

                I think he meant côtelette but I can't be sure.

                I did indeed, and that's the translation I was given

              • 9 months ago

                >no need to be so hostile, anon.
                it is all in good jest frog Black person
                >a thin slice of meat from the leg or ribs
                Personally, I associate "cutlet" with the fried pork or thin chicken since I am American (no duh)
                >French côtelette, côte, "rib"
                Neat, I love learning about other cultures, thanks

                Still, I personally am not a fan of pork, probably never had it cooked right. I don't consider Bacon Pork. I know it is from a pig and technically pork, but to me Bacon goes under the Bacon category.

                If that doesn't make sense, I have 2 analogies.
                1. I don't consider Candy or other Sweats a "Food". "Food" to me would be meat and potatoes, food with a positive nutritional value.
                2. Trucks and Vans are technically "Cars", but I would never address a Truck or Van as a "Car". A Truck is a Truck. A Van is a Van.

                Please let me know if what I said was understood. I am curious how well it can be translated.

              • 9 months ago

                >Still, I personally am not a fan of pork, probably never had it cooked right
                I've heard that american pork is rather mild. maybe that's the reason

                I would consider vans to be cars, but with all others I think similarly

                >I am curious how well it can be translated.
                what do you mean? why would I translate it?

              • 9 months ago

                >>I am curious how well it can be translated.
                >what do you mean? why would I translate it?
                Is English your native language? You never answered where you are from.

                >I would consider vans to be cars, but with all others I think similarly
                I probably would too, however my Mom would often tell me to "Get something out of the 'CAR'". So I would check our two cars, (not van). After coming back empty handed she would clarify "Van". I love my Mom, but hated when she did that. A pet-peeve I suppose.

                Vulcans live on a desert planet so they have every reason not to raise livestock, and some sort of bogus religion where they worship life just because, but in the end star trek was utopian propaganda in line with typical human mental illness and he was making a joke about the chinese.

                Where Vulcans vegans all the way back to TOS? I don't remember it being mentioned until ENT.

              • 9 months ago

                Spock was a vegetarian but I don't think he was necessarily a vegan.

              • 9 months ago

                >Is English your native language?
                the reason I mentioned translators earlier is because names for cuts of meat is just one of those things where different languages have all kinds of different terms
                that rarely overlap exactly, many of which I don't even know to begin with.
                normally I don't need to translate words, because, yknow, I speak english
                >You never answered where you are from.
                Germany. the word for cutlets or chops(still not sure which term is right) is either Kotelett or Rippchen

                >I love my Mom
                my parents did the same. I suppose its just what they do

              • 9 months ago

                >Kotelett or Rippchen
                I have always enjoyed the German language. It can both make perfect sense and be crazy. It is almost like German and English are both West Germanic Languages XD.

                May all mothers be blessed.

              • 9 months ago

                American pork is extremely lean, as a rule. I think the trend began back in the 90s during (another) moronic health craze.

              • 9 months ago

                The pork out here is trash. It tasted so much better when I visited Quebec.

  39. 9 months ago


    >t. became a catholic 6 months ago because /misc/ told him to

    • 9 months ago

      >t. cut off his dick and balls because a sex offender told him to

      • 9 months ago

        >everyone that disagrees with me is... LE troony

        • 9 months ago

          or a redditor. you happen to be both.

          • 9 months ago

            >dislikes redditors
            >uses reddit arguments
            im getting mixed signals

      • 9 months ago

        >everyone that disagrees with me is... LE troony


  40. 9 months ago

    None because there is nothing to connect with

    If a creature does not have abstract language, it does not have a mind. It is pure instinct.

    >inb4 muh dolphins have langauge
    They have low cortical thickness, low neuron density, low axonal conduction velocity, a lesser brain/body ratio than a monkey, and have never actually displayed half the shit internet tards say they do. As far as Im concerned they are like a lesser ape. Complex, but not truly alive any more than a rat is.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Can you please explain why this dog is reacting in this way to this lion king scene? Am i just moronic? It seems like hes experiencing actual emotions

      • 9 months ago

        the dogs algorithm is confused and afraid when presented with what its photoreceptors perceive to be flashing lights showing giant cats, so it is showing a distress call in a mechanism that evolved to activate its parents nurturing instinct to increase their likelihood of protecting it from a threat or conditioning it to cease having a stress response when presented with harmless stimuli.

      • 9 months ago

        Pibbles have the most emotional intelligence of any dog. That's why they're called nanny dogs and protect you from Blacks

  41. 9 months ago

    Yes, because pigs are like big, violent, moronic children.
    Frick pigs.

    • 9 months ago

      That's a definition of animal in general

  42. 9 months ago

    Sexual with a mare

    • 9 months ago

      You don't say? Do tell more.

  43. 9 months ago

    >inb4 christcucks arrive with their human supremacy fetish

    • 9 months ago

      The selective morality and arbitrary, fabricated rules of veganism/vegetarianism is more ridiculous than anything in the Bible.
      >You can't be an omnivore because... because you just can't!!!

      • 9 months ago

        >eating animals is bad because they appear to experience suffering
        >uhhhh the great israelite in the sky says i can't eat this because it doesn't have two toes or something

        • 9 months ago

          One prompts some questions
          >why do they only appear to
          >how can you know it's suffering
          >how do you know they are even capable of it
          >where do you draw the line between instinctive alarm behavior and the subjective experience of undesirable circumstances
          >why does their suffering have any moral significance
          >is it not possible for suffering to be desirable in the long term
          >why does suffering equal a right to life, if suffering is the only immoral thing under your system shouldn't it be ok to kill them painlessly
          >can you prove that something that suffers comprehends and cares about mortality
          And you end up here


          There is no logical basis to care about suffering simply because it is suffering. Only to care if suffering will result in damage to your own existence, either directly due to resulting from trauma to your body or mind, or indirectly due to trauma hindering the ability of someone to help you, or possibly motivating them to hurt you. Because humans are highly intelligent and social animals, the suffering of each and every human is interconnected. There is no one you can kill without someone else hatching a revenge plot. Animals are different.

          As humans, we have the power of logic and can therefore voluntarily suffer for our own benefit, and recognize that the "suffering" of lower lifeforms is normally irrelevant, unless it is an animal whose purpose is to live alongside humans because the total mass of its body has less nutritional and economic value than the resource investment required to grow and sustain it.

          For example, a cow is created by a farmer to consume agricultural waste such as wheat stalks and other byproducts that are not suited for human consumption. It is only imperative to spare it suffering in order to make the process of transporting and slaughtering it safer and more efficient for the humans involved. In the moments before it is terminated and processed into nutrient dense human-grade food, its suffering is now irrelevant.

          However, this also means that feeding a cow human grade agricultural products is an irrational action. And considering that a well taken care of and athletic human body does not require more than one pound of red meat per weak to remain in peak condition, it is also illogical to create more cows than are required to meet that need.

          On the other end of the animal spectrum, we have another creature: the dog. It is a lean animal who can only consume food that is human grade or can be rendered human grade with minimal labor, and if slaughtered yields less food than it ate that week. The purpose of this animal is to convert the value of its feed into labor and contribution to human social dynamics and maintain their stability. This can be seen in several statistics, such as:
          Dog owners are more likely to marry and have children
          People who live around many dog owners are less likely to be victims of violent crime

          If a dog does not perform labor or contribute to human social dynamics, because it is unusually useless or even dangerous for a "pet", the logical course of action is to slaughter it, and render its body into food for other dogs to decrease the cost of keeping them. This is standard procedure in the developed world.

          The dog is not used as feed for humans to avoid conditioning the humans towards engaging in wasteful activities such as eating an animal who yields less human grade food than they ate that week.

          If you are not a pseudo-spiritual wanker in the process of reinventing jainism.

          The other is a self evident statement. God created you and all that you know, and when you die he will do with you what he will. Therefore you will fricking do what he fricking says, child, or you will burn in hell forever.

          • 9 months ago

            Except you don't actually believe in God, you only use him as a means of creating some weird, sadistic mental check of what you think will happen to people who disagree with you over the internet.

        • 9 months ago

          Religion justifies its rules by saying there's a universal lawmaker.

          You don't justify your rules at all. You just arbitrarily declare animal predation to be immoral (even though we evolved as animals to be that way), you say all livestock "suffers" even though some fare better than they would in the wild, and you ignore every other way you cause animal "suffering" besides eating meat (i.e. chopping down forests to grow your nasty onions burgers, spraying your crops with poison, burning fuel to ship your nasty onions burger hundreds of miles).

          • 9 months ago

            >Religion justifies its rules by saying there's a universal lawmaker.
            Of which there is no evidence.

            • 9 months ago

              The evidence is the religious are so convinced they will kill you for disagreeing

              They are also more numerous

            • 9 months ago

              It's still logically coherent to obey an authority you believe in. Whether or not it is true or scientifically valid isn't the point. Laws themselves could be said to be a fabrication too, especially if they aren't enforced evenly.

              If you ate meat maybe your brain would be more developed and you could understand the point being made, vegtard.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not even a vegan and your point is moronic and incoherent. laws are made to reduce harm. what that harm entails is subjective. but using religion to do this is nothing more than a means to get into line those of extremely poor intelligence, with little effort. you can deduce from this how exploitable of a tool religion can be, convincing people to cope and believe the most moronic shit imaginable like animals being unable to suffer or have emotions. this way you can dismiss that you're doing anything wrong to them, because you know the meaning of suffering yourself and so you try to disassociate. we get away with their exploitation since they can't stand for themselves but you somehow cannot admit we're depraved for doing so because it's bothersome to you

          • 9 months ago

            >even though we evolved as animals to be that way
            We also evolved to be attracted to more than a single partner at a time. Does that mean monogamy is bad and we should abandon it? Evolution and morality can contradict one another because there comes a point in time where human society is advanced enough it can afford to sacrifice evolutionary imperatives for greater comfort.

            One prompts some questions
            >why do they only appear to
            >how can you know it's suffering
            >how do you know they are even capable of it
            >where do you draw the line between instinctive alarm behavior and the subjective experience of undesirable circumstances
            >why does their suffering have any moral significance
            >is it not possible for suffering to be desirable in the long term
            >why does suffering equal a right to life, if suffering is the only immoral thing under your system shouldn't it be ok to kill them painlessly
            >can you prove that something that suffers comprehends and cares about mortality
            And you end up here
            If you are not a pseudo-spiritual wanker in the process of reinventing jainism.

            The other is a self evident statement. God created you and all that you know, and when you die he will do with you what he will. Therefore you will fricking do what he fricking says, child, or you will burn in hell forever.

            This isn't an argument for veganism specifically, but seeing others' suffering makes me feel bad unless I feel like they somehow deserve it, which is probably the same for you since you feel the need to consciously attach a greater purpose to the suffering to not feel bad about it. Anyway, it makes me feel bad because it implies I consider myself superior to whoever I am causing suffering, to the point where theirs doesn't matter to me. That means I should be able to somehow prove my superiority. And of course, that means that by my own morality, I don't deserve mercy in the eyes of a theoretical grander being who would consider itself superior to me. You may say it's not pragmatic because there is no grander being, but that thought experiment still highlights how relative and arbitrary our morality is. As a human, I need to feel comfortable and justified in my beliefs, but having this knowledge makes that problematic since it implies my beliefs are only valid because of my arbitrary superiority. If my superiority is somehow taken from me, I will lose all my rights and that's a scary thought.

    • 9 months ago

      >prioritizing your own species is bad because
      >them organized religions that raise the birth rate and lower the crime rate n shit say I should die for fricking horses
      What a clown you are

      By normal person and charles darwin standards. That’s an accomplishment.

      • 9 months ago

        >raising birth rate is good

        • 9 months ago

          I just need to raise my own birth rate.

          I'M SO LONELY

          • 9 months ago

            OO nznznznz UUUUUUU :3
            seriously do not spread your genes

            • 9 months ago

              >OO nznznznz UUUUUUU :3
              What the frick

      • 9 months ago

        So true

      • 9 months ago

        >le ends justify le means
        >brainwashing people is good because they produce more cannon fodder
        Why are rightoids like this

        Truly they are the wildest animals and nature I have seen

    • 9 months ago

      The selective morality and arbitrary, fabricated rules of veganism/vegetarianism is more ridiculous than anything in the Bible.
      >You can't be an omnivore because... because you just can't!!!

      >prioritizing your own species is bad because
      >them organized religions that raise the birth rate and lower the crime rate n shit say I should die for fricking horses
      What a clown you are

      By normal person and charles darwin standards. That’s an accomplishment.

      Me over here acknowledging the truth: God isn't real, and we should absolutely eat animals.

      On the first point, there's no evidence of God.

      On the second point, why should we stop eating animals when animals eat animals?

      • 9 months ago

        Which animals you eat may affect your long term survival. That's it, really. So don't overproduce cows, or feed them our own damn food because it feels good, lest you find yourself short on grain stores. Dog eaters starve today, grain fed beef eaters starve tomorrow.

        I'm not even a vegan and your point is moronic and incoherent. laws are made to reduce harm. what that harm entails is subjective. but using religion to do this is nothing more than a means to get into line those of extremely poor intelligence, with little effort. you can deduce from this how exploitable of a tool religion can be, convincing people to cope and believe the most moronic shit imaginable like animals being unable to suffer or have emotions. this way you can dismiss that you're doing anything wrong to them, because you know the meaning of suffering yourself and so you try to disassociate. we get away with their exploitation since they can't stand for themselves but you somehow cannot admit we're depraved for doing so because it's bothersome to you

        >laws are made to reduce harm
        Laws are made to coordinate human behavior.

        Religion is a form of law.

        And get this: Suffering itself, real or imagined, is not morally important. I do not have empathy for animals. Full stop. I cry for my fellow man but I do not have empathy for animals. They are like objects. And if you would ever put an animal life above one iota of a HUMAN BEINGS health and well being, I would punish you severely.

        Because humans are more important than animals, to humans

        Humans can cooperate with us and get revenge on us and mate with us and elevate our wealth and power. Humans can save our lives and humans can help your entire family go from caves a castle. Every single human being is years of irreplaceable value.

        An animal is fairly disposable. Just pick one that is similar and train it the same way. Let's take working dogs for example. Every police dog is nearly identical, you know that? But every police officer is not. The dog is 2 years of training, the human is 3x more mass 10x more consumption and 20 years of training.

        Naturally evolution favors people who instinctively prioritize HUMANS over lesser automatons. It is logically the best choice, and therefore the choice instincts will follow. Vegans are disordered, and every powerful and stable civilization was built by meat eaters.

        • 9 months ago

          >Which animals you eat may affect your long term survival. That's it, really. So don't overproduce cows, or feed them our own damn food because it feels good, lest you find yourself short on grain stores.
          So you mean cows might be bad to eat because it takes a lot of grain and resources to raise them?

          Okay. Also red meat I think has a higher risk of contributing to cancer than white meat.

          But anyway that's not my point, my point is just that we should eat animals. Which animals we eat is another question.

        • 9 months ago

          This line of thinking is essentially meritocracy, isn't it? Shouldn't you also be treated accoding to your usefulness as a human then?
          >It is logically the best choice, and therefore the choice instincts will follow.
          That's not always how instincts work. In fact, instincts are quite irrational a lot of times since they're not adapted to every single specific situation out there and will often do stuff like signal danger in a safe situation based on a superficial similarity.

          • 9 months ago

            Humans are supremely important without exception

        • 9 months ago

          This line of thinking could only work as long as humans reign supreme. But if it turned out that humans were on the lower end of a larger galactic community or something, you would change your ideology pretty fricking quick. Your kind is the reason all our hominid homies are all extinct.

    • 9 months ago

      I think you are one of those people who cry and vomit and shake for a dead bug but doesn't care if fetuses are killed.

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