What's the best pet for a nihilist?

What's the best pet for a nihilist?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Look around. The best pet for a nihilist is a human.

  2. 1 month ago

    Ants probably are the perfect fit in terms of symbolism.

    • 1 month ago

      Each ant has a purpose in the hive. They live and die trying to fulfil that purpose. If anything it's the antithesis of nihilism as it's a purposeful life without the need for greater meaning.

  3. 1 month ago

    i'm a nihilist but I love animals
    i just hate humans

  4. 1 month ago

    Nihilists keep whatever they want because it doesn't matter.

  5. 1 month ago

    A black cat.
    The blackest cat you can find.

    • 1 month ago

      Wtf I want a pet shadow too

      • 1 month ago

        Be sure to feed the shadow treats every so often

  6. 1 month ago



    he doesn't know about the panspermia-seeded human beings from other earthlike planets
    >If it can't reproduce on it's own isn't life
    breaks and the pieces grow bigger
    >If it's not made of cells it isn't life
    made of bytes
    >we create artificial metallic life
    >being made of cells can be fulfilled by a robot
    bacteriophage viruses
    >fire is alive
    truth, it has a skin, innards, root, consumes organic stuff, exhales water, emits photons & heat.
    there's more to water than what we've been taught, too.
    sounds like fun, but too gross to keep indoors, presumably.
    ummmmm ackshually, "rock" refers to compressed nonliving stuff of various types...

    Go back to >>>/x/ and talk about magical rocks/gems/crystals somewhere esle.

  7. 2 months ago

    Get a slime mold. Its not a plant or an animal but something weird in between. Its intelligent and stupid at the same time which makes it fun to watch. Also my cats like the way it smells.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah these things are cool. Don’t like how somehow they aren’t mold though. Very confusing.

      • 2 months ago

        I think that it being weird single celled goop makes it even better.

  8. 2 months ago

    if you are a nihilist you have no excuse not to just have a nice day
    if you object you are not a nihilist.

    • 2 months ago

      >There is no point to suicide.

      Check mate.

  9. 2 months ago

    A dog, because you are not special and to disagree with this is to repent as a nihilist

    checkmate pseudgays enjoy your new shiba inu puppy, it's an excellent breed and life has meaning so suck it and such.

    • 2 months ago

      >Shiba Inu
      Thats for women. Men have Akita Inus.

  10. 2 months ago
    Mushie knower

    Mushrooms. Revel in the process of decay and the beauty of renewal given form within one organism. Eat them and find out what the whole big deal aournd spiritualism actually is.

    Nihilism is baby's first existential dread. Buckle the frick up boy, it gets way better and way worse from here.

  11. 2 months ago

    Objectively the Planarian Flatworm.

  12. 2 months ago

    The flame of a candle.
    You'll have to buy some extra candles if you want the flame to live longer.
    But does it really matter anyway?

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Life is based on the oxygenation of carbon based compounds.
        A flame is the most basal and pure form of life.
        Would you care enough to keep it alive?
        Would it even matter?

        • 2 months ago

          "Life" is just a taxon.
          Things that didn't evolve from the universal common ancestor aren't "life"
          It's usage for autorreplicant machines is stupid and wildly biased

          • 2 months ago

            So if we encountered space aliens that evolved completely independently from humans, having literally no common ancestors and being from a completely separate tree of life, you'd say we shouldn't qualify them as life but as something else?

            • 2 months ago

              Yep, "life" is also very biased towards earth organisms.

              If it can't reproduce on it's own isn't life
              If it's not made of cells it isn't life

              Even already existing complex replicating organisms aren't alive just because of those technicalities.
              Viruses are the usually quoted example but an even stupider one is spermatozoa.

              They move on their own to reproduce and they generate their own food (technically the parent "preloads" food into it, kinda like queen ants) by expending the energy they've got in the previous generation, then they find an external reproduction enabler cell (egg) and enter a larval stage that needs about 13 years to be sexually mature, then, with the genetic material it got from the egg cell, it starts producing offspring.

              Even then, since to reproduce they need a different kind of cell neither egg cells nor sperm are alive.

              Who is to say aliens can't develop symbiotic reproduction instead like that?
              Maybe there are even some that require completely inert external chemical processes to reproduce, like a geological feature.

              Also why can't we create artificial metallic life? In the very next future(maybe now even) all conditions sans being made of cells can be fulfilled by a robot, even so, they're not alive

              • 2 months ago

                Naw mate, fire is alive, a self sufficient, self replicating robot would be alive, aliens would be alive. You're just making shit up.

              • 2 months ago

                Sperm are classed as cells anon...

              • 2 months ago

                But they can't reproduce without a different "species" of cell, therefore they aren't considered live creatures

                Naw mate, fire is alive, a self sufficient, self replicating robot would be alive, aliens would be alive. You're just making shit up.

                All I'm saying is that the term "alive" is nonsensical, you can claim fire has a lot things in common with the taxological family of life, and you'll be correct, but fire isn't a live creature either

              • 2 months ago

                You are one 9 off beating my digits I am afraid. Sperm are cells and therefore living.

            • 1 month ago

              he doesn't know about the panspermia-seeded human beings from other earthlike planets

              Yep, "life" is also very biased towards earth organisms.

              If it can't reproduce on it's own isn't life
              If it's not made of cells it isn't life

              Even already existing complex replicating organisms aren't alive just because of those technicalities.
              Viruses are the usually quoted example but an even stupider one is spermatozoa.

              They move on their own to reproduce and they generate their own food (technically the parent "preloads" food into it, kinda like queen ants) by expending the energy they've got in the previous generation, then they find an external reproduction enabler cell (egg) and enter a larval stage that needs about 13 years to be sexually mature, then, with the genetic material it got from the egg cell, it starts producing offspring.

              Even then, since to reproduce they need a different kind of cell neither egg cells nor sperm are alive.

              Who is to say aliens can't develop symbiotic reproduction instead like that?
              Maybe there are even some that require completely inert external chemical processes to reproduce, like a geological feature.

              Also why can't we create artificial metallic life? In the very next future(maybe now even) all conditions sans being made of cells can be fulfilled by a robot, even so, they're not alive

              >If it can't reproduce on it's own isn't life
              breaks and the pieces grow bigger
              >If it's not made of cells it isn't life
              made of bytes
              >we create artificial metallic life
              >being made of cells can be fulfilled by a robot
              bacteriophage viruses

              Naw mate, fire is alive, a self sufficient, self replicating robot would be alive, aliens would be alive. You're just making shit up.

              >fire is alive
              truth, it has a skin, innards, root, consumes organic stuff, exhales water, emits photons & heat.
              there's more to water than what we've been taught, too.


              Get a slime mold. Its not a plant or an animal but something weird in between. Its intelligent and stupid at the same time which makes it fun to watch. Also my cats like the way it smells.

              sounds like fun, but too gross to keep indoors, presumably.

              A rock.

              ummmmm ackshually, "rock" refers to compressed nonliving stuff of various types...

  13. 2 months ago

    A rock.

  14. 2 months ago

    A ferret.

    • 1 month ago

      Nice marmot

  15. 2 months ago

    a mayfly - fully grown, they only last a couple of days at most

  16. 2 months ago

    idk a leech or something.

  17. 2 months ago

    a cyanide tablet

  18. 2 months ago

    Fish. There's nothing more pointless than fish as pets

    • 2 months ago

      As pets you interact with, sure, as living art pieces or members of a tiny ecosystem inside you're home, they're pretty neat.

    • 2 months ago

      No, you really can get much worse. Consider animals that barely move or barely count as animals. Think about the people that put snakes in drawers or have a 1 cubic foot box with black dirt in it that they have a pacman frog in, or the weirdos that keep sealed vivariums with nothing but springtails, rolly-pollies, and the occasional worm. Ant farms? Fish? Turtles? Lizards? They wander around, they act out, you feed them once a week or so, they have personalities even. Not so for the prior examples.

      • 2 months ago

        Honestly vivariums seem kinda cool though. Not in the sense of pets but just managing your own ecosystem. Only having tiny bugs is a waste if you can have more though


        Mushrooms. Revel in the process of decay and the beauty of renewal given form within one organism. Eat them and find out what the whole big deal aournd spiritualism actually is.

        Nihilism is baby's first existential dread. Buckle the frick up boy, it gets way better and way worse from here.

        As a pet?

        • 2 months ago
          Mushie knower

          >As a pet?
          Yes, they are interesting fellas. People talk to plants you can talk to mushrooms to. They always look so stumpy and special ed' when they fruit. You can harvest all of the weirdos and start breeding operations of all the special ed' mushrooms and get some really weird abominations that you sort develop a fondness towards. Especially ones which have survived issues with cultivation and went on to become big and strong.

          Its essentially eugenics from the beauty of your living room but you can eat the super soldiers and go through an insane trip.

  19. 2 months ago

    hermit crabs

  20. 2 months ago

    The void.

  21. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      A worm farm. They endlessly turn over in the earth, eat shit, and die.

  22. 2 months ago

    Koi and goldfish in an outdoor pond. I only have to feed them for six months of the year because they go dormant when it gets cold. Easiest pets ever.

  23. 2 months ago


  24. 2 months ago

    A dog or cat is respectable and will bring you back to God. Otherwise just get some edgy snake or spider I guess.

    • 2 months ago

      Plants have made me appreciate God a lot

      Perhaps that's what OP needs

      • 1 month ago

        why and how so?

    • 2 months ago

      I'm a nihilist and I've kept cats and dogs all my life. Just got a new puppy because my old boy is 12 now. I don't think that god comment is true.


      Funnily, I am a taxidermist.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't think you're a nihilist anon...
        Otherwise why would you shed tears when your old boy dies. True nihilists are out there killing themselves

        1. God real
        2. Evolution: gay moron theory

        There are only 2 options

        • 2 months ago

          3rd option: god uses evolution

        • 2 months ago

          Are you moronic? Most Christians are not Young Earth Creationists.

        • 2 months ago

          When the old boy dies, I'm going to taxidermy him. Who said anything about crying? I'm going to turn him into art.

        • 2 months ago

          3: we have no fricking clue
          i pick 3

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