What would a caveman do if he had myopia or other eye problems? Could he still survive?

What would a caveman do if he had myopia or other eye problems? Could he still survive?

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  1. 1 year ago

    most cavemen died due to tooth decay

  2. 1 year ago

    their life expectancy was around 35-40 years, even if they had any eye problem they won't live long enough for it to be a huge problem.

  3. 1 year ago

    There would still be tasks they could perform with poor vision like sewing, cooking, making tools, cleaning, rituals, decorating the cave, manual labor like digging or fetching water, etc. They've found caveman midgets, people with healed broken femurs, down syndrome and hydrocephalic kids who survived a couple years and were buried with love, bad vision wouldn't necessarily mean abandonment or death. Just no hunting or lookout duty.

  4. 1 year ago

    Genetic defects are naturally selected against.
    In the modern age there is no human natural selection.

    • 1 year ago

      Pseud take. Modern women select for lots of things, that's why you can't get laid. For one example practical intelligence translates pretty directly to wealth.

      • 1 year ago

        I never had more sex than the time when I was living under half the poverty line

      • 1 year ago

        Poor people have more sex than the rich

      • 1 year ago

        >For one example practical intelligence translates pretty directly to wealth.
        Love it when rich by circumstances folks spend their times lecturing the others on how superior they must be because in their little headcannon you're intelligent if you're wealthy.

        You're rich if you're of normal intelligence, selfish, and gain-oriented/greedy, and jump on occasions to get richer. The line ends there. That's all there is. Millions and millions of actual geniuses do not live wealthy lives. You live a wealthy life if you run after one. You're nothing special, coin goblin.

  5. 1 year ago

    Due to their lifestyle they probably had less issues with problems like myopia.

    But also myopia actually improves close vision, so people with myopia in the past could excel at work that required precision

  6. 1 year ago

    Grug sees like mole stupid Grug, Grug very good at making arrow heads. I give food to Grug for arrow.

  7. 1 year ago

    An interesting fact is that myopia have multiple factors for its occurrence. Risk factors include doing work that involves focusing on close objects, greater time spent indoors, urbanization, and a family history of the condition. So it is not just your genes but also your lifestyle. This leads to myopia levels increasing way more than it would be expected if it were just genetics in the last generations.
    Anyway myopia allows better vision in close range so it is good for small detailed stuff. Near-sighted cavemen probably would be better at sewing, detailed crafting, art, etc.

  8. 1 year ago

    not sure myopia would've ever developed in cavemen. what up-close complex visual tasks would there have even been? how would starvation and predation not be more pressing concerns, and not end up being what they'd need to devote all that considerable time to? pretty sure the individual would've failed to survive long before the world around him could be reduced to smeared blurry shapes.

  9. 1 year ago

    Most predatory animals like wolves have absolutely shit eyesight, no color and everything as blurry passed about 5 feet. Considering they do pretty well in packs I'd say it wouldn't have affected early humans too badly. Ironically a nearsighted human would've faired a lot worse in the bronze age onwards because of war and shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Wolves have an incredibly acute sense of smell, we don't

      • 1 year ago

        That's not the point. Early humans survived in groups, and hunted in groups, so nearsightedness wouldn't have mattered too much.

  10. 1 year ago

    Myopia is a 21st century problem. The optometrist field is one of the biggest rackets to ever touch God's green Earth. Imagine if you did a bicep curl one day, then you got tired and your arm got sore. Now, instead of just letting it rest for the day or the 2 days. You instead put it into a fricking cast and walked around for the rest of your life wearing a cast and paying hundreds of dollars for new casts that have to fit tighter on your atrophying arm.

    Your eyes are muscles, myopia is no different from muscular soreness. Cavemen probably never got it unless they stared at the fricking sky all day and eventually got little spots which they never noticed in the first place.

    You have been lied to by optometrists and the whole 'eye care' industry. Contacts, Lasik, glasses, everything. A big fricking scam.

    You want to get better eye sight? Get the frick off the computer you sit a foot away from for 9 hours every day of your life. Or at least turn off the blue light and put on a dimmer/night light mode. If you start seeing little spots, double vision, or have eye pains. Take a break for the day, rest or sit farther away and take more breaks during work. Do some eye rotation exercises in the morning, takes fricking 3 minutes, look them up. (Those studies saying they don't work are crocks of shit funded by big vision companies, by their logic isometric stretches don't do anything either.)

    tl;dr You have been lied to by optometrist israelites, myopia is a modern "disease" brought on by computers and strained reading. The best cure is to avoid all forms of glasses, contacts, etc. and just to rest your eyes and do some morning eye stretches for lack of better word.

    (Also everyone has floaters, they come and go and don't mean anything unless you somehow blew a gasket in the back of your orbital it hurts tremendously bad.)

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Just go lay down, go to bed and don't do anything.

        Can you even discredit anything I've said? All major studies on this have been altered or "peer-reviewed" (AKA Censored through bribery) The optometrist field is a multi-billion, frick it, multi-trillion dollar industry by babying the human body into thinking it's better off unconditioned to real world pain and resting periods. It's fricking you, your family, your neighbors, your friends, even your local bank teller. Nobody is safe, not even those who made it. It's man made products gone berserk.

        • 1 year ago

          >Prove me wrong
          >Everything that proves me wrong is part of a conspiracy
          If you're an adult your eyesight is fricked, this is an objective fact. I'm sorry. We already know what causes myopia, and in many cases people do it to themselves. It does not reverse. Once you've done that to yourself, it is over.

          If you go to a doctor, any doctor at all. And gave them a problem within their field that you have like back pain or pain your hip or pain in your feet. They will literally give you two options 99% of the time unless you have a village shaman as your prime physician.

          -Pump you full of drugs and make you dependent on them for the rest of your life.
          -Perform surgery on you and make it so you are constantly in pain and you need the former to live 'comfortably'

          What's it like being an absolute fricking moron

          >go to doctor with hip pain
          >btw you have literally no hip socket
          >have surgery
          >be in more pain for a while
          >be in considerably less pain until you die


          • 1 year ago

            This is your brain on tap water and metropolitan city air.

            >We already know what causes myopia

            Who's 'we'? What the frick does the even mean? Are you in the big club? No, you're a homosexual outsider who gets thrown revised NIMH articles and other stupid sources written by bribed Indians and Asians and self-hating Whites (Also israelites, israelites like no tomorrow.)

            >It does not reverse

            If I broke my developing arm at the age of 8, it will not heal or be at the 100% it was before. If I get a cut on my hand, it will not be 100% the same. If I stare at the inside of text books for 6 hours a day for 8 years, my eyes will not be the same as someone who didn't. However, people who think they get 'myopia' at the age of 24 because they looked at the computer for too long and go to the tax payer funded and lobbied doctor to get $250 pair of glasses every 2 years are being molested left, right and center.

            >go to doctor with hip pain
            >btw you have literally no hip socket
            >have surgery
            >be in more pain for a while
            >be in considerably less pain until you die

            What surgery happens like this? The one in your fricking little peanut brain? You have a diminished capacity and should unironically be fed through a tube like you so desire.

            >no hip socket

            You are just bad gene'd, like a car with one side-view mirror. God cut corners on you. How the frick are you not born with a hip socket?

            >have surgery
            >be in more pain for a while
            >be in considerably less pain until you die

            You didn't deserve to live in the first place, die and try again. I have never even heard of being born without a hip socket, is this something your bargain bin body has? Frick you, you're probably ugly as sheep shit and won't breed properly.

            >shoehorned political shit

            What are you even doing, I'm going to bed lmao.

            • 1 year ago

              >This is your brain on tap water and metropolitan city air.
              Read this, and didn't read the rest. Don't forget your tinfoil hat on the way out rightoid.

    • 1 year ago

      Myopia is caused by excessive new work in youth in some cases and genetics in others. If you are an adult IT IS TOO LATE. THERE IS NO CURE. AND YOU CAN NOT GO BACK. YES, YOU FRICKED YOURSELF.

      It's the same shit as ending up with wider hips (but not a wider pelvis) from sitting down too often, thinner bones from a sedentary lifestyle, a twisted right leg from driving too much as a still-growing teen, and being a troony or gay from endocrine disruptor exposure. There is no cure. You're fricked for life. If you don't like it you can always have a nice day.

  11. 1 year ago

    They would probably be fine. Trivial finds of skeletons with disabilities have shown that they were well taken care of. Being a family unit was a boon for survival.

    • 1 year ago

      The body (used) to fix itself. Mother Nature and evolution didn't have creatures just constantly in agony from decade old injuries. That's horseshit, if people felt pain constantly from old injuries than it would be evolutionary volatile to keep them in the gene pool. However, modern "healthcare" has ensured that the body doesn't heal itself on it's own. Instead you have to pump yourself up with drugs and plaster parts of your body with internal titanium screws and brackets like fricking tin men. If you broke a bone, it hurt for a while, it would heal, and it wouldn't hurt again. Now though, you break a bone, you go to a doctor, they baby your broken bone so it never gets properly conditioned to its surroundings until it "heals." And now you get shit like rotators cup, carpal tunnel, and arthritis. Add a shit diet and sedentary living, you got a horrible concoction of biological missfires.

      • 1 year ago

        >rotator cuff injury
        This is caused by a shit diet and sedentary living
        >carpal tunnel
        Same, as well as low test. by the way, look up generational testosterone decline. in some cases, no, you are not to blame. industry is. all the plastics, the fossil fuels, the herbicides and pesticides, it's all inside you, and it's all estrogen.

        ironically pinning a bone so it heals straight prevents that shit if it wouldn't happen otherwise

        • 1 year ago

          If you go to a doctor, any doctor at all. And gave them a problem within their field that you have like back pain or pain your hip or pain in your feet. They will literally give you two options 99% of the time unless you have a village shaman as your prime physician.

          -Pump you full of drugs and make you dependent on them for the rest of your life.
          -Perform surgery on you and make it so you are constantly in pain and you need the former to live 'comfortably'

        • 1 year ago

          Carpal tunnel can be diabetes related
          Notice how it became a problem when everyone got fat

          • 1 year ago

            A LOT of modern problems are linked to higher obesity levels. Overweight men are 11% more likely than their normal-weight peers to produce low numbers of sperm and 39% more likely to produce no sperm at all. Obese men are 42% more likely to have a low sperm count and 81% more likely to produce no sperm. Obesity also leads to early puberty and many other issues but noooo, it must be because of porn, anime or some other bulshit because you can't blame industry and shitty lifestyle.

      • 1 year ago

        >hmmm evidence? no here's some opinions instead
        r/athiesm has ruined a generation of morons

      • 1 year ago

        >I don't care about archeological evidence because I have a feeling and an opinion instead

        • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >That's horseshit, if people felt pain constantly from old injuries than it would be evolutionary volatile to keep them in the gene pool.
        All you need to stay in the gene pool is to frick before you die.

  12. 1 year ago

    He would be forced to make the Clint Eastwood expression for the rest of his life

  13. 1 year ago

    I broke my glasses and went like almost a decade before I bothered getting another pair. You can always squint down if you need fine detail and get by.

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