The Best Plant

Is my first time in this board but I wanted to ask something if is allowed. What is the best plant to have inside an apartment? To be more specific, with these characteristics:
1. Doesn't need much sunlight, if at all, basically to have in my room.
2. Longevity.
3. Doesn't grow too big.
4. It doesn't smell too strong.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Pothos sounds like what I'm looking for... sadly it have a funny name in my language and that's kind of a deal breaker.
    Spider, Cast Iron, Sansevieria and ZZ sound like good choices too, I'm new on this so hopefully I can keep them alive for a very long time which is my objective here.

    • 1 year ago

      Calathea are pretty nice and don't need much light.

      Haha,what does pothos mean in your language?

      • 1 year ago

        "That's my pothos" in my language would be like "That's my ass", I want to avoid that scenario.

        What you guys think about Aloe Vera?

  2. 1 year ago

    sanseverias. Just don't water them and forget you have them for a month at a time and they'll be fine. Also zamioculcas

    • 1 year ago

      forgot to mention pothos that the other anons suggested is a good choice but:
      1) requires more frequent watering than sanseverias or zz plants, especially in summer
      2) does get big (more like very long) quickly
      last problem can be mitigated by making cuttings.
      Sorry for double posting

  3. 1 year ago

    Peace lily. They are perfect houseplants and very hardy.

    • 1 year ago

      >Peace lily
      Correct answer. It wilts when you need to water it, then bounces back. Idiot proof as long as you don't drown it.

      • 1 year ago

        >Idiot proof as long as you don't drown it.
        So what am I doing wrong? I don't drown mine (I water it like once every 7-10 days) but in a few months since I bought it last summer, its flowers began to turn black, somewhat it is still alive now but it never grew that much and the leaves are also turning black.

        t. plant novice who wants to give up because even the supposedly easy plants to take care of die when touched by me

        • 1 year ago

          Are you actually watering it or is the soil becoming hydrophobic and letting all the water leak down the sides of the pot? I killed a Persian shield with that mistake.

          • 1 year ago

            The water is absorbed, I make sure to check.

    • 1 year ago

      >Peace lily
      Correct answer. It wilts when you need to water it, then bounces back. Idiot proof as long as you don't drown it.

      Peace Lily actually called my attention but I read it was posionous and dangerous to have, how true is this? I do have pets and sometimes kids around plus knowing me I know I will end up intoxicated myself.

      • 1 year ago

        >it was posionous and dangerous to have, how true is this?
        It isn't poisonous to humans, cats or dogs, the worst that could happen is your dog eats it whole, throws up one half and shits out the other. Toxicity of the commonly available Araceae is often highly overstated. The only 'poisonous' thing about them is that their sap basically contains tiny sharp crystals that can cause irritation, especially if they come into contact with soft membrane. It stings a little more than eating a kiwi, but not much.

        Barely any plants that are commonly sold are actually toxic, for obvious reasons I suppose.

  4. 1 year ago

    I would be careful with the pic, anon. Some mods freak out and delete threads with anime pics.

  5. 1 year ago

    Pothos, as others have suggested
    Most Snake plant varieties
    Spider plants
    Cast iron plants

    How much actual light are these things able to get? (artificial or otherwise)

    If you can get a small shelf/grow light setup there's not too much limiting the amount of tiny succulents you can grow. Pic related.
    Bear in mind all of these plants will still need a light source of some kind, be it near a window or artificial lights (everything I just listed will do alright in a bright enough room)

  6. 1 year ago

    Pothos is a good plant. It grows fast and doesn’t need a lot of light. I have heard it’s pretty difficult to kill.

    • 1 year ago

      seconding the pothos. you should grow it in water.
      why water? cause you'll never overwater it!
      its also dummy easy to propagate and get you hooked into having multiple plants quickly.

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