Should pets be taken from homeless people and sent to a shelter?

Should pets be taken from homeless people and sent to a shelter?

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    Do you think dogs evolved to live in houses or something?

    • 5 months ago

      >just let dogs and cats die of exposure, they evolved to live outside

      • 5 months ago

        Euthanize all poor people or else you're a filthy socialist, and you'll get the rope too.

        Also they should've killed this worthless old drain on society on the spot. Animals are for wealthy landowners only. Based Cause Animale Nord, they didn't go far enough.

        moronic libturds and neocons at their least sociopathic

  3. 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    Why don't you get a job, Al?

  5. 5 months ago

    If there is abuse or neglect, yes. But in a good world both would be sent to a shelter to get help. Make dorms for them and get them working somewhere. Employment being a requirement to stay. Don't care if you flip burgers. You stay sober, get mental help, or whatever you need to do and then have affordable housing so they can "graduate" out to somewhere on their own if they're able to maintain that regiment. But just taking their pets away from them is a dick move. And what does it even say when we would care about the dog's welfare and leave a fellow person to rot on the streets.

  6. 5 months ago

    Dogs are not more important than the well being of those people.

  7. 5 months ago

    This thread reminds me of this story of a homeless vet and his service dog (emotional support for PTSD) from a while ago. Apparently the community helped with feeding the dog. It's a pretty upsetting story, so don't watch if you don't want to ruin your day.


    • 5 months ago

      This video will sort the bootlicking hylics who worship the mortal man and his violent savagery from the gnostics and pneumatics who recognize that true authority only comes from God and that morality is not subjective.

  8. 5 months ago

    there's no drawback for the homeless guy to attempt to rough the other guy up a bit to get the dog back
    >still have your dog if you don't get caught and since there were no injuries or murders the cops aren't going to try as hard to find you
    >if you do get caught you lose your dog like you would've anyway
    >serve a sentence in prison instead of being under an overpass with food, clothes, and showers

  9. 5 months ago

    Homeless people should be sent to a shelter. I'm not going to explain what I mean by this, ascribe whatever implications you want to my statement.

    • 5 months ago

      >hates homeless people
      >argues with mommy
      >gets kicked out
      >becomes the thing he hates

    • 5 months ago

      as a formerly homeless person who went to a shelter. I now realize why homeless people hate shelters.
      Even though I was lucky as frick to have my own tiny room to myself. Most people slept in a communal dorm.

      • 5 months ago

        I ended up in a shelter for a short while in February of 2009 (my car got demolished by a semi in a low speed accident while I was parked and sleeping), and it was hell, I’d rather sleep under a bridge. Between the weaker and the thieves and the raving loonies, and the moronic staff who sabotaged every effort you took to protect yourself and your things from these people, it was intolerable and there was always the risk that they’d sic the law on you if you did anything that made the job of dealing with the aforementioned people (who couldn’t be cowed with legal threats) more difficult.

        I spent a week in that environment before deciding to sleep outdoors in the Minnesota winter and thankfully I got the insurance check for the car within two weeks of that.

        Deffo a low point.

      • 5 months ago

        I was lucky to get my own room too due to obvious health reasons, but there is no lock, there is nightly bed check. The problem is our homeless system is needlessly expensive and traumatic. I would have did great in a motel room if it was just my type, people who don't need a chaperone, as I don't do drugs, although I was suicidal and my immune system was so exhausted I had multiple infections earlier in the year -- but someone dropping by with a meal to check on me in the initial weeks I was kicked out by my boomer parents who was sick of me being sick all the time (but now they want me back since THEY are starting to get healthy issues now lol). Our homeless and healthcare system makes people sicker than they should be, it violates human rights and is bad for the economy. Instead of keeping our citizens well, government wants to burn us up, drive us to legally assisted suicide, replace us with newer immigrants, repeat when they get burnt out too, wile they live in bigger houses doing nothing but bullshit.

        • 5 months ago

          none of that would be necessary of homeless peoplw weren't all useless drug-addled vermin

          • 5 months ago

            Come on, now you're just being disingenuous.

            • 5 months ago

              none of that would be necessary of homeless peoplw weren't all useless drug-addled vermin

              Euthanize all poor people or else you're a filthy socialist, and you'll get the rope too.


              Should pets be taken from homeless people and sent to a shelter?

              Also they should've killed this worthless old drain on society on the spot. Animals are for wealthy landowners only. Based Cause Animale Nord, they didn't go far enough.

    • 5 months ago

      ...and when you lose your job because you said something politically correct, or refuse to date a transwoman, or refuse the covid vax. Or you get demovicted because your rent controlled apartment is sold to a condo developer and even working full time you can't afford anything nearby, and a lot of places won't hire you full time they prefer part-timers, they prefer new immigrants who won't protest wage theif, who are probably working for next to nothing after paying rent to sleep in business owner's basement with a bunch of thier co-workers... I'm also seeing more and more disabled homeless people on the street who was blue collar workers till they get hurt. Workplace safety isn't enforced at all, I see people climbing up several storeys to clean the roof with no one holding the ladder at the bottom, etc.

  10. 5 months ago

    The same people that already say if you can't afford to take your dog to a vet you shouldn't own it also say homeless people deserve dogs too

  11. 5 months ago

    I what manner? Legally, morally? Pets are considered property so that's theft and morally its wrong because that's a support factor in their mental state. Every time I see a hobo with a pet the pet looks more well fed than the owner.

  12. 5 months ago

    >making it about pets to justify a homeless hate thread outside of /misc/

  13. 5 months ago

    Let me put it to you this way, if I lost everything in my life, no family, friends, connections of any kind that are reliable or strong enough to even give me a place to stay, but I still had my dog, and then some limp wristed urban c**t tried to take the only thing I had left, my only friend who didn't see fit to abandon me, just because THEY think I can't possibly be good enough to care for it, I would very quickly be sent to prison for beating someone to death with a slab of cement.

    • 5 months ago

      based. I work in a shelter and honestly, whenever we end up with the dogs of homeless people, nearly 100% of the time they are in much better condition than other ones we end up with. shelter life is no proper life for dogs, even being on the street they experience a greater degree of freedom and human interaction instead of rotting away in a cell

      • 5 months ago

        I always give money when I see a homeless with a well-cared for dog, and the dog is always well cared for, doesn't look underfer, clean well combed fur...I don't see those in the same spot for long, I assume it's normie on the street because many shelters don't permit pets, many housing don't permit pets, but eventually a pet friendly landlord rents to them and they get off the street.

    • 5 months ago

      ..and if I was on the jury I would would not convict. Actually thinking if I get a jury notice I won't dodge it because the law is so stupid now we need jury nullifcation.

    • 5 months ago

      Thats not how homeless get dogs. This is how:
      >walk through neighborhood while people are at work
      >find dog in a yard
      >give him scraps of food
      >steal the dog and leave

      I dont know where you bleeding heart homosexuals come up with this silly ass fairy tales but this is the actual reality

      • 5 months ago

        Kek, I live in a major city on the west coast and the people in this thread have a very romanticized view of the homeless and their love and care for their pets. I see homeless people yelling, kicking, and aggressively jostling their (stolen) dogs around with their leashes.

  14. 5 months ago

    A shelter is a worse place for the dog but better place for the public. If it’s not a nuisance then why take it away

  15. 5 months ago

    Do you want them to kill you? Because the shelter will kill them anyways. This is unreasonable search and seizure.

    >noooo muh pretty societyrino just pay 2500/mon for rent and work 12 hour days bigot! WE SHOULD KILL YOU HOW ABOUT THAT! People i don’t like have no rights!
    >no mr landlord you can do what you want i would never go against my liberal ideals by limiting your profits or outlawing your profession. That would be ethically inconsistent. And communism. Please keep raising housing prices directly or indirectly so people have to work harder. Those idiots should vote with their wallet and build cheap housing themselves lmfao lazy untetmensch

  16. 5 months ago

    Would you of take. Diogenes's dogs from him?

    • 5 months ago

      and be stoned for taking another man's wife?

      • 5 months ago

        It's a new excuse to smoke, sure, but any port in a storm

  17. 5 months ago

    The homeless should be put in a shelter. You get 6 months to quit booze and drugs and get a job. If you can't get your shit together they put you in the gas chamber.
    If you end up back in the homeless shelter after getting out you get 3 months.

    • 5 months ago

      Why aren't you president?

    • 5 months ago

      what do you do with all the oogles in slab city who are lifestyle hobos and don't use gov assistance? what do you do about all the digital nomads who are wealthy but homeless?

      • 5 months ago

        They are fine as long as they aren't running around constantly high, drunk, or mentally ill. I still think it would be a good idea to restart some kind of voluntary jobs program where in if they want to those people can go do some kind of mental labor where they get housing and food for free in addition to opportunities to pursue basic education at some kind of community college tier university.

        Too many homeless people are just mentally ill drug addicts

      • 5 months ago

        You're using that word but I don't think you know what it means lmao

        Oogles are like rich trust fund kids who have ran off from places who would take care of them, come from a nice family etc, but regardless of anything they aren't actually committed. Oogles are just going through a phase. They're not travelers, they're posers. The posers at slab city are anything but oogles. They're totally fried wing nuts posing as travelers.

  18. 5 months ago

    My gut instinct would be no, and if I was the homeless man I imagine I'd respond violently, but you have to consider that it's pretty unlikely they get their pets get vaccinated against rabbies and such, and that could become a problem.

    • 5 months ago

      I think we already have programs that vaccinate strays, just include the pets of homeless as well.

  19. 5 months ago

    Same as any case if abuse/neglect is evident yeah. Otherwise no. There's already enough bias against the homeless in terms of access to aid, housing priority, work availability, medicine ect. Once you get there society ie pretty much structured to cut their losses and let you die no need to make it lonely death too.

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