Shitty neighbors

These awful people moved in recently and brought both their dogs with them. For the past six months, these poor dogs have been locked in this cage and left to rot in their own filth and suffer through everything from intense heat to pouring rain to literal freezing weather with snow covering the ground, and it's driving me insane that literally nobody gives a shit.

Non-emergency line/Animal control lied and said they'd come like four seperate times, only to finally arrive and ask them "are you neglecting your dogs?" and leave when they said no. The dude they sent gave me some bullshit excuse about them not doing it where people could see, like the dogs aren't crying out loud 24/7. My own family got upset that I reported them in the first place instead of just ignoring them "doing what they want with their dogs".

I can't even take my own dogs out anymore without having that horrible sinking feeling in my gut from knowing that, no matter what time, whether it's freezing cold or pouring rain, that dog is gonna be out there and crying hysterically the moment it sees me. I need advice, I feel so miserable in my own home and nobody around me seems to understand why the idea of someone neglecting their pets to such an extreme level is so upsetting to me. Is there literally anything I can do when all the "official" resources for reporting animal abuse don't care at fricking all?

Pic related, it's what I have to see every single time I step foot outside. There's two dogs in there, by the way - the other one seems older and doesn't even react or bark anymore. I genuinely thought they got rid of it for a while - I only know it's still in there cause I've seen it come out to eat once, after the dude batted away the other one and threw a food bowl down before locking them up and leaving again.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Take video and pictures, document the abuse. Make sure to provide copies to animal control and the SPCA. Write down the full story you have just described, including dates & times and organizations involved, and what shitty excuses they gave you to not do their fricking jobs.

    48 hours after turning all that evidence and documentation over to the "proper authorities," provide another copy of everything to your local TV news stations. Make sure to indicate all the time involved and the bullshit excuses you were given by these people to not do their fricking jobs.

    Contact some animal rescue organizations. Same drill.

  2. 5 months ago

    You know sometimes I beat myself up for not being a 10/10 pet owner. My old man probably deserves better than nothing I am able to provide him. But reading shit like this makes me feel better, at least I care about him and don't leave him outside. Frick those people OP

  3. 5 months ago

    OP, I don't know what state you're in but I work as an animal control dispatcher for an area with several million residents and we only have 2-3 officers in the field at any given time. They are stretched pretty thin even here in a very well-funded department, and most of their priority calls are for strays, injured wild animals and dog bites. They really dislike going on calls like this because they have very limited powers of search and seizure compared to police. If the dogs are in the backyard and the owner refuses to let the officer see back there, there really isn't much they can do except issue fines. Naturally, they can expect everyone to treat them with hostility because the owners think they are the animal gestapo trying to get the dogs taken away and the reporting party (you) is always going to think that they aren't doing enough. I know it sucks and your heart is in the right place but be patient with animal control. 4/5 people we encounter are just the bottom of the barrel absolute worst animal owners, because those are the dogs who are always escaping or biting people. We also get almost all of our barking and nuisance complaints from two situations: white person calling us on their non-white neighbors who they are too scared to talk to themselves, and asian people calling us on any neighbor who has a dog larger than a corgi. I would guess you are the former. Please consider these things before escalating your little neighborhood fatwa against this dog owner. Treat the animal control officers kindly. They want the best for animals too and they will help you, but first they need to separate your complaint from the dozens we receive every day which are frivolous and misleading.

  4. 5 months ago

    Alright, so far I've managed to awkwardly bring it up to a couple neighbors and have them call as well. The lady across the street seemed reasonably upset by it and said she'd call with her husband. No one else here even knew they had two dogs in the first place.

    I'll call again myself in a bit, then see if anything happens. I really can't stand living next to these buttholes. It's fricking infuriating seeing them act so nonchalant about the whole thing. I think the worst part is that they're masquerading as such great and friendly people - that lady I mentioned seemed so shocked when I showed her all the videos I had.

    I'll keep trying to get people to call animal control, and hopefully they'll actually bother with enough fuss. I don't want to fricking kill the dogs, especially if I run the risk of getting caught and sent off to jail. I'm the only one here to care for my own dogs, and I know for a fact anyone else in my family would immediately default to treating them as badly as the neighbors - only reason I have either of them was because my sisters had kids and couldn't be bothered taking care of them themselves anymore.

    I know the dude has his own business, so I'm thinking if its another situation of officials doing nothing for months on end, I could try calling the news with that whole "local business owner neglects dogs and animal control does nothing" spiel. Maybe bad publicity would push him into doing something? I don't know, I just can't stomach living near this shit anymore.

  5. 5 months ago

    call the local "problem solvers" news team and complain that animal control doesn't do it's job. send proof. this is worked for me in the past; news people live the "tax dollars at waste' angle

  6. 5 months ago

    If they are being neglected like you say they are, and animal services are not doing shit and you cannot operate without feeling sick about the way they are being treated and want to do something you can only really kill them. You cant let them loose as that will cause problems and you cant steal them either. Its not difficult to do either discreetly as horrible as it is to say, so weigh that up on your consciousness: Let them live and see them struggle while not doing anything about it or kill them and live with the blood on your hands.

    Its a lose lose situation. But honestly I would suggest the former option and accept its a shitty world.

  7. 5 months ago

    The fact of the matter is, as long as the dog has food, water, and some kind of half-assed shelter, and doesnt look like its about to fall over dead, animal control/welfare won't do shit.
    Might just be better to put them out of their misery one way or another.

  8. 5 months ago

    move to functional country

  9. 5 months ago

    >get the dogs taken away from the owners
    >they end up living the same exact lifestyle in an animal shelter until they are inevitably sent to a CO2 gas chamber and painfully suffocate with a bunch of other unfortunate dogs they don't recognize
    They're doomed and should be humanely euthanized.

  10. 5 months ago

    I'm not super close to any other neighbors here, but I mentioned it to the guy on my left and had him call as well. Evidently it also did nothing, but since it seems like I have no other choice, I was considering literally cornering everyone else on the street as they walk to their cars and asking them to report too. I got frustrated and didn't save the number of the guy who said the lawyer shit, but I could try calling in again and they might connect me to him. It just gets so frustrating dealing with them obviously not caring at all and straight up lying at times. One dude literally said he be here in "a couple minutes" then never showed up. Feels like they're actively messing with me at that point.

  11. 5 months ago

    If it is as bad as you say, keep the pressure on. Tell people they’re howling in pain, kept out against the elements, get your neighbors in on it. If they have multiple people calling it’s harder to ignore. Tell them you can’t put up with seeing, hearing smelling them. Sounds like your animal control people are moronic and need to be lead by trigger words. Do you live within an HOA? We had a similar problem and HOA finally visited. I’m sorry it seems like nobody around you cares.

  12. 5 months ago

    Feed it some chocolate and end its suffering

  13. 5 months ago

    My advice is to just mind your own business. People are gonna do what they want with their property and it sounds like you have little to no legal recourse. Life's not fair.

    • 5 months ago

      Kill the dogs. Good justice is a balance between empathy, mercy, and brutality. If they cry about it, laugh.

      If you want to live like an ape where mungo jungo can do what he wants with his own territory and you shouldn't care because it's not over your piss line, go live with the apes, cuck. Humans have morals. They're not a divine philosophical thing, they don't really make sense, and are usually derived from divine (made up) principles like the word of god and arbitrary oughts so we can't argue about them or find the true ones ever without resorting to fighting, but having them is what separates humans from psychopaths, autists, and animals and they are what civilization is built on.

      right now OP lives in the jungle, being screamed at by tortured prey because the jaguar next door is on his side of the piss line, and that bothers him because his group of monkeys is allied with that species for predator spotting and prey finding purposes.

      • 5 months ago

        it's a dog in a cage.... if I got upset about everything that went against my morals I'd be constantly pissed some things are worth getting upset about, however a dog in a cage? no

  14. 5 months ago

    Did you show them pictures? If the officials don't care then not a whole lot you can do. Confronting the guy won't do shit since I doubt they'd care. And just leaving animals outside isn't abuse by default. So unless it's really filthy or a nuisance it's kind of hard to get the ball rolling. It's just kinda fricked that a person like that would even get a pet. Why buy one just to treat it that way? Like what are you even keeping it for then? I don't know. Seems like you're out of luck and did about the best you could unless something happens that makes a real solid case for animal cruelty.

    • 5 months ago

      Guy called afterwards to explain that everything "seemed fine" or whatever. I offered to show him a shit ton of pictures proving how awful their conditions were, + the fact that they were rolling around in their own shit, and he just said some excuse about having to "consult a lawyer" to see if he could accept that proof before proceeding to never call back or do anything. Dog literally escaped once months ago and ran into my backyard, poop mixed into its fur, crying before running off and hanging around their front porch for like a solid hour before the people inside even noticed, and this dude had the gall to say they "seemed fine".

      • 5 months ago

        Then best I can say is call back. Take pics, save it, video, audio, just document anything you can and always follow up if they say they'll get back to you. If they feel they can blow you off then they will. So when the dog shows up covered in shit and you can show it? Now it's a "threat", mistreated, not controlled, etc. You want to have anything you can that will make a case. And don't let people blow you off and not call back so you just give up. Call back and say hey did you ever ask the lawyer or whatever? You don't need to be an butthole, but be insistent. Always follow up if they try to give you that kind of brush off.

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