"pack alpha" "dominance based" dog training exists to give suburban men the illusion of being masculine in their neutered, feminis...

"pack alpha" "dominance based" dog training exists to give suburban men the illusion of being masculine in their neutered, feminised, wage cuck lives

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  1. 2 months ago


    >oh no someone is being racist on the racism capital of the internet
    Maybe you're in the wrong place.

  2. 2 months ago

    >we all believe you
    How many orders of magnitude above cope is this? Is this copium levels?

  3. 2 months ago

    >Not him
    we all believe you

  4. 2 months ago


    >calling for mods
    Not him but you're proving the whole “white fragility” thing. He teased you and you replied 10 times. Kys.

  5. 2 months ago


    That third one is saying the opposite, dude. It’s not him
    The others are though for sure

  6. 2 months ago

    >thinks multiple posts are all from the same person
    less post makey, more meds takey

  7. 2 months ago

    my parents dog literally does not notice unless you give a decent jerk on the leash. no other input from me, he will just consistently pull until he starts wheezing. If you don't give any feedback on the leash, many dogs will do just that. If instead I occasionally pull on the leash to let him know he's going to fast, he just happily walks next to me.
    >nooo~ you're abusing him, you should just let the idiot choke himself pulling the entire walk

  8. 2 months ago

    >pretending like he wasn’t b***hing about one while flagrantly ignoring the other
    Cool play dumb with someone else (if it is playing)

    • 2 months ago

      >well yeah you didn't say it...but you were definitely thinking it!
      uh huh...right. unsurprising a rightoid has to resort to dishonest tactics when arguing

  9. 2 months ago

    i fricking hate dogs, they are the gaygiest pets you can have

    • 2 months ago

      Sorry, but that's cats.

    • 2 months ago

      Sorry, but that's cats.


      • 2 months ago

        If we were talking regular cats you'd be right, now consider the following:
        Hairless cats...

        • 2 months ago

          Cool guys,

  10. 2 months ago

    >rahh I need to hit and beat and dominate and hurt this animal that was literally bred over thousands of years to listen to me, to get it to listen to me
    I don't respect people like this and you shouldn't either.

  11. 2 months ago

    For me it was never an issue. My family's own dog, and the dogs we provided daycare for (aka it was basically our dog 50% of the time but we got paid for it) just followed what we said without any need for dominance displays. If you constantly raise and harshen your voice a bit when it doesn't listen and give it some encouragement and a pat when it does things seem to just work out if neither owner nor dog is moronic.

  12. 2 months ago

    another thread derailed by animal abuse advocates

  13. 2 months ago

    man i hate this new Wauf. 75% of the threads are cat/dog console war bait started by brown turd worlders

    • 2 months ago

      Pretty much. Sad times.

      >Stop sanitizing your language
      Schizo dog whistle. Your point is moot and irrelevant to the discussion (which is that tools are torture methods.) If you believe that prong collars are equal to slapping your dog (minimally, with no force) then why do you say that prong collars are torture devices? You are a moron. Tools are not torture devices period because slapping a dog (by your logic) minimally with no force isn't a torture method.

      >dog whistle

  14. 2 months ago

    >The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature, at least partly because of my book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,” written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and in print until 2022. Although most of the book’s info is still accurate, much is outdated. We have learned more about wolves in the last 40 years than in all of previous history.
    >One of the outdated pieces of information is the concept of the alpha wolf. “Alpha” implies competing with others and becoming top dog by winning a contest or battle. However, most wolves who lead packs achieved their position simply by mating and producing pups, which then became their pack. In other words they are merely breeders, or parents, and that’s all we call them today, the “breeding male,” “breeding female,” or “male parent,” “female parent,” or the “adult male” or “adult female.” In the rare packs that include more than one breeding animal, the “dominant breeder” can be called that, and any breeding daughter can be called a “subordinate breeder.”
    Either way, wolf behavior is completely unrelated to dog behavior, as observations of feral dog populations have found: pack members come and go as they please, there's plenty of internal competition over resources, etc

    • 2 months ago

      It’s called fission/fusion. Coyotes and Cape Hunting Dogs (CHD) (I believe you’re referring to the CHD study.) do it too. In laymen terms: they are together (in a pack) as long as it remain advantageous for the individual canine. Stray dogs do it as well.

      • 2 months ago

        Dogs (strays, coyotes, cape hunting dogs) form packs, but they are fluid and not as rigid as wolf packs. There isn’t a familiar aspect of maternity/paternity, and dogs will leave their packs (in the wild) when it no longer remains advantageous to them.

        Dominance theory is useful in a different context. Dogs do see totem poles and they might see themselves higher up than you on that totem pole, but you don’t need a confrontation (pinning them or biting them) to change that. Dogs need leadership. Somebody they can trust to delegate them and protect them. Not someone who is there solely as an enforcer.

        Also, “pinning” a dog can help calm them down (more like rolling them on their side; not to hurt them but to have them lay down for a moment.) This stuff doesn’t apply to your pet golden retriever whose only problem is counter surfing that’s disproportionate use of force.

        TL;DR Dominance Theory is useful in a different context.

  15. 2 months ago

    the spiritual emptiness of modern life

    • 2 months ago

      >the spiritual emptiness of modern life
      Sometimes, I feel a bit sad, but then I read posts like these where men are begging their dogs for respect and I think "Wow! Talk about being a pussy" and instantly feel better.

      There's a difference between feeling sad and being sad.

    • 2 months ago

      >how do i get my dog to respect me?
      These are the people who will go on long rants about how cat owners are pussies.

  16. 2 months ago

    this is how domesticated wagecucks on the bottom of the social totem pole add drama to their lives

    • 2 months ago

      >Need help. Husky
      Many, many such cases.

    • 2 months ago

      this is facinating, i didnt know dog owners were this pathetic

      • 2 months ago

        Cat owners do it too but without the expectation that the cat will learn so they just admit its a form of stress release

  17. 2 months ago
  18. 2 months ago

    help aaaaah my dog wants to hop into bed with me he trying to "dominate" me!!!!!

  19. 2 months ago

    This is how inject modern "men" meaning into their pathetic lives

    • 2 months ago

      >spitting on your/in the dog
      white people would've had to written this insanity.
      This is somehow worse than the alpha male pick-up artist teachings &/or lists to BE A MANNN.
      Alpha is a state that cannot be learned, leaving from nature has ruined people's intertwinedness with their inbuilt instinctual protocols.
      If you want to trap modern people skip the fencing and guns and just place a large gravel field around them while their in barefeet.

      • 2 months ago

        >just place a large gravel field around them while their in barefeet
        erotic...!! boy feet pain .. twink boy pain..

      • 2 months ago

        Refrain from b***hing about "le white people" in every thread. You are just as obnoxious as the homosexual saying shit like "nig nog".
        Small fricking board, have some decency.

        • 2 months ago

          Frick off. Go leave if you dislike it.

          • 2 months ago

            >go back to the racism board if you dislike racism
            Wut? Fyi dominance training is not a white thing, its a lower class low iq male thing regardless of race

            Also see “treating animals like animals” (chained outside, treated like shit, beat into obedience) and basically anything that makes dogs into bite hazards and cats into feral pests (like starving your cat because you think they will control rodents - they never have no matter what people did!)

          • 2 months ago

            it's just so fricking funny watch them post shit with 0 self-awareness. i guarantee that chud has cried about israelites/minorities/other boogeymen in at least 30 other posts today.

            • 2 months ago

              >one is ok but the other isn’t!!!!
              At least you’re honest with your hypocrisy

              • 2 months ago

                >>one is ok but the other isn’t!!!!
                who are you quoting?

              • 2 months ago

                (You).Try to keep up.

              • 2 months ago

                oh you're quoting me? can you point out where in the point i said that?

              • 2 months ago

                where in the post*

        • 2 months ago

          nig nog

    • 2 months ago

      do i have dyslexia or did you fricked up what you were trying to say, i cant tell anymore

      • 2 months ago

        I fricked up really badly somehow

        • 2 months ago

          oh thats a relief then. that happens to me sometimes when i type when im tired, i type backward for lack of a better word

  20. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Usually what causes this is some family member has been causing the dog pain or emotional trauma by yanking the leash, using a torture device like prong collar or not-so-gentle leader, and the dog is exhibiting fear aggression around all other people but with their abuser the fear is overwhelming and they appear to be obedient.

      The same thing happens if you hit dogs. It escalates into them just biting anyone else.

      • 2 months ago

        >gentle leaders, prong collars, and leash corrections cause pain and emotional trauma
        No they don’t homosexual.

        • 2 months ago

          mind if I use them on you?

        • 2 months ago

          Yes, they do. Prong collars and neck-twisters are dangerous and abusive

          If you want a demonstration, I'd like to hand Jamal the leash. As part of the demonstration you will be screaming racial slurs and trying to get away. Comprende?

          Then when you want a break jamal will switch to using a flat collar to the effect of delivering a karate chop to your trachea whenever you say something racist.

          • 2 months ago

            Wrong, it's all pressure used in very meticulous ways to communicate information to the dog. If my dog is running towards the road after a deer, I'd rather use an e-collar and have the dog feel a minor sting (which they get accustomed to) than get hit by a car. This applies to tools as well (including flat collar corrections because I'd rather give the leash a minor tug or none at all and just walk the opposite direction than let my dog suffocate itself or collapse it's trachea pulling on a leash.)

            • 2 months ago

              Actually right, because you are not perfect and your dog is never perfectly trained and 100% trustworthy.
              No animal is.

              Because you have a device attached to your dog that is designed to cause pain and injury with increasing leash tension the following two things are objectively true and can NOT be argued against:
              If the dog reacts unexpectedly or your attention slips, the dog will be harmed
              In any case you are just hurting your dog to exert control.

              Therefore, they are abusive and dangerous.

              If you can't train a dog in a non-restrictive working harness you shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. These torture devices are for idiotic women so they can harm and overpower dogs that could eat them alive otherwise, and for police K9s that are actually meant to be beserk so they can be pulled off whoever they are maiming (prongs in particular).

            • 2 months ago

              >pressure used in very meticulous ways to communicate information to the dog.
              This is the way. All of the studies out there that say these devices are abusive are all based on the old methodologies such as yank and crank or back when e-collars where factory set to 100 instead of the new ones which start from 0.

              Science is always years behind the field. Carpenters were driving nails into wood before physics could explain it. The science simply hasn't caught up to it.

              Anyways, it's a tough discussion and people get very angry about it. The way forward is finding common ground, you know? What's good about the devices, and what's good about OTHER methods. We're all here for the same reason which is improvement of dogs' lives. There's REAL abuse out there from animal hoarding to backyard breeders so why are we fighting each other? It's childish.

              • 2 months ago

                >the science hasnt caught up
                It has

                It's a pointlessly risky venture and turns abusive fast. The science that caught up has decided that an E-collar set to the lowest possible level is the only acceptable training collar and anything else is for out of control aggressive dogs.

                >There is worse abuse
                Shutting down disinfo is a way you can stop more abuse from happening. Also, many backyard breeders are less abusive than AKC registered "real professionals" because they breed exclusively for health and stable temperaments, but totally ignore breed standards and arbitrary recreational "working" specifications that encourage breeding for mental illness.

              • 2 months ago

                It's such a false dichotomy that dog training has to be all positive and all rewards-based or else its "abuse". Dogs are dying and being put down due to it. These types of trainers won't even consider them trainable if they don't respond to a sausage or hotdog crumb and refer them to vets to get checked out lmao. People think that prong collars are spikes and razorblades or that e-collars are electrocuting dogs kek.

                Most modifications of behavior stem from how people (trainers) present themselves to dogs. Like when you watch Cesar you can see and count what he does. He uses far fewer physical corrections than the average "balanced dog trainer." It's mostly about leadership with about 20% of the things he's doing being wrong. Yet he sparks the most vitriol from these force free folks. Because it's all black and white with these people. If you don't "let your dog run into oncoming traffic" you are an abuser because you aren't letting the dog live out it's dream of sniffing the road.

                The best training methodology is mostly praise/reward with 5-10% corrections. E.g. E-collars are only for dogs that already know how to recall or be off leash. You or the device corrects that 5-10% of the time they decide they don't want to, same thing with flat, martingale, prong collars, or even gentle leaders (gentle leader corrections are automatic; dog feels discomfort when doing wrong behavior.). You'll have 0 issues with these tools when you use them appropriately via proper conditioning and proper education.

              • 2 months ago

                If your correction is hurting, not bothering, your dog, and involves a risky device that can perforate or snap their neck if something goes wrong, your training method is abusive

                The science that caught up has decided that an E-collar set to the lowest possible level is the only acceptable training collar and anything else is for out of control aggressive dogs.

                Literally saying "NO" (as a man, women can not do this but women should not be allowed to own property or vote) is better than using shitbull collars and "no-pull magic devices" that are just overpowering aids for women. Even ass smacks with reasonably metered, non-harmful force (your dog would use more force on you while play wrestling), despite LITERALLY being hitting your dog, are safer and more effective than torture collars.

                >These tools
                Stop sanitizing your language. Prongs, chokes, and "gentle leaders" (neck twisters - they need to use a friendly name because it actually threatens the dog with a snapped neck) are dangerous and abusive.

              • 2 months ago

                >Stop sanitizing your language
                Schizo dog whistle. Your point is moot and irrelevant to the discussion (which is that tools are torture methods.) If you believe that prong collars are equal to slapping your dog (minimally, with no force) then why do you say that prong collars are torture devices? You are a moron. Tools are not torture devices period because slapping a dog (by your logic) minimally with no force isn't a torture method.

              • 2 months ago

                >It's not a torture method, it's a training tool
                "The iron maiden is not a torture device. you're not meant to slam it shut. just poke them a little dont draw any blood"

                Prongs work by turning increasing leash pressure into the threat of a perforated neck. This is already a torture method. If the dog lunges because something went wrong, the dogs neck will be perforated.

                It is that simple. You are low IQ.

                Are you also the one that had a meltdown because he couldn't accept that drooling through saggy lips is an objectively undesirable trait that should be removed from existing breeds?

              • 2 months ago

                >the dogs neck will be perforated.
                no it won't. dogs do not have taut skin like humans do. it will be uncomfortable yes (that's the point) but it will not break skin. they're more resilient than you think

              • 2 months ago

                You can just google "prong collar injury" and see what happens when reality hits:
                You aren't perfect
                Your dog isn't perfect
                The best trained dog will eventually lunge for something
                If you have a prong in your hand the worst will happen

                It's not worth it. Train your dog like a normal person.
                >But I look so hard and feel like i'm owning the libs!
                The libs are most likely one standard deviation ahead of your IQ score and dislike you for a reason.

              • 2 months ago

                You can just google front clip harness injury. Do you think the same about those too? Or?

              • 2 months ago

                Yes. Front clip harnesses are also abusive. They hurt dogs to help weak idiots overpower them so they don't have to apply their brains and actually train them.

                Things like this are only borderline acceptable when a dog is dangerously out of control, most often due to being unsuitable as a pet because it is defective or was bred to kill people/other dogs. Then the most correct form of training is admitting that there's no glory in beating the nature out of a beast and giving it to an owner who can give the dog an appropriate outlet for its murderous impulses.

              • 2 months ago

                How do you feel about parents who spank their kids or even less, parents who withhold dessert from their kids before dinner (according to your logic these are forms of abuse or inherently abusive)? I don't think anybody cares about your opinion. Some parents sexually abus their kids and starve them (these are real forms of abuse), and your harps oare pointless and irrelevant.

                >person 1: wow, millions are dying daily due to poverty and famine.
                >person 2: yeah, but what about people who fall into manholes?
                >Person 3: what about them? Only 2 die every year?
                >Person 1: shut up moron
                >Person 3: yeah stfu moron
                >Person 1: no we must protect people from manholes!!!?

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not the person you were arguing with but spanking is abuse anon. You don't need to lay a hand on your child to raise them. There is extensive scientific evidence that shows even "light" corporal punishment has lifelong negative effects on children and actually increases the risk of future criminality, psychological disorder, drug abuse, impulsivity, aggression, etc. This isn't some "modern liberal" thing either. There have been people arguing against corporal punishment for thousands of years. It also seems odd you keep invoking comparisons to sexual abuse and torture as some kind of argument. Hurting your kid with a blowtorch might be several leagues worse than holding them down and tickling them even when they're begging for you to stop, but that doesn't make the latter an okay thing to do.

              • 2 months ago

                >There have been people arguing against corporal punishment for thousands of years
                Not him but any examples?

              • 2 months ago

                >Comparing a collar that is designed to turn leash pressure into the threat of a perforated neck to not letting a kid eat ice cream
                Anyways, spanking correlates with increased crime rates.

                Just because some people murder dogs for disobedience doesn't mean you can torture dogs instead.

                You are low IQ. Stop arguing so you can stop being BTFO.

              • 2 months ago

                >Anyways, spanking correlates with increased crime rates.
                gonna need a source on that

              • 2 months ago

                Can we use prong collars on human children to correct behaviour? Why or why not?

      • 2 months ago

        Or one person is consistent with the dog and has worked on making it mind and the other lets the dog do what it wants then all of a sudden tries to order the dog around.

  21. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      No wonder had to learn to subdue the beasts. They represent a very real threat to him

    • 2 months ago

      >lol manlet!!
      cringe. height doesn't matter

      • 2 months ago

        Modern medicine has enabled short people to get taller, you don't have to be so angry anymore

  22. 2 months ago

    I'll agree with this sentiment.

    I'm also sick of over-aggressive dogs being labelled as 'support animals' so they can take them anywhere without being challenged.

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