>MFW I find out that bread is poisonous to birds

>MFW I find out that bread is poisonous to birds
WTF? My entire life has been a lie. I thought I was doing good by giving excess moldy bread to them.

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  1. 6 months ago

    this can't be right. my grandmother often picked up injured birds she'd find and feed them bread until they got better. how the frick are they healing if the food isn't giving them what they need?

    • 6 months ago

      Bread is caloric it just doesn't have all the nutrients a bird needs to thrive.

  2. 6 months ago

    It is not that bad for them but it is delicious and nutritionally dense so they will choose it over other foods. If it is a majority of their diet, it can cause health issues due to nutrient deficiencies. An example is "Angel Wing" which causes duck's wings to grow crooked and makes them flightless.
    You won't kill a big by giving it a piece of bread but if that is all it eats it will be unhealthy.

    • 6 months ago

      There's a bit missing in this narrative. Angle wing is a rare condition, that can only develop in young birds. Specifically during the first month of life. Ye improper feeding probably plays a role, but it's not because of bread. These kind of developmental defects mostly come from high protein diets (speaking from personal experience in fish and invertebrate keeping). Bread doesn't have much of that. Generally high protein diets positively affect the growing rate and the quantity of offspring, and negatively the lifespan and quality. Same thing here. Usually it's because birds feed elsewhere, like from trashcans, that causes this.
      Either way this was not reproduced in trials or linked to bread feeding in studies.

      Improper diet? - probably.
      Bread? - no.

  3. 6 months ago

    Wait till you find out bread is bad for humans as well kek

  4. 6 months ago

    Bread is mostly harmless as a snack for birds you would normally feed it to. Being overfed bread can lead to issues down the road but in most cases telling people to stop feeding """wild""" birds can lead to more harm than good as they now might depend on feeding to survive.

  5. 6 months ago

    It's not so much a problem for adult birds. But for maturing waterfowl it seems to be a problem. It's nuanced through.

  6. 6 months ago

    it's not poisonous it's the equivalent of feeding them mcdonalds food

    • 6 months ago

      Can you elaborate? I read online that it’s poisonous.

      • 6 months ago

        NTA, it has almost no nutritional value for the birds while making them feel full so they slowly become malnourished and can starve. Some of the preservatives that are found in breads can be harmful to birds as well. It's kind of like sea turtles filling up on plastic bags.
        Whole grain/multi-grain breads can be alright for birds. Putting some peanutbutter, raisins, or birdseed on it can help give it more nutritional value.

        • 6 months ago

          Can you elaborate? I read online that it’s poisonous.

          >No nutritional value

          This is not true. This is a lie perpetuated by the more shitty environmentalist groups. White bread is extremely calorie-dense and is more nutritious than most meats. The better analogy is what this anon says

          it's not poisonous it's the equivalent of feeding them mcdonalds food

          . White bread lacks …. well alot of things you need to keep an organism running, it is mostly carbs.
          An exclusive diet of plain flour white bread will kill anything. Including humans and birds. We know this thanks to the inhuman experiments done in the prisons and detention camps in the 20th century by the Anglos. Here's an example for fowl

          I don't care how much you feed the birds. A birds diet is never going to be 100% bread. Its an amazing source of supplementary calories for your local birds. And the whole, "it makes them feel full" line is complete moronation. Birds have an extremely fast metabolism, anyone who ever kept a parrot can attest to this. No one is out there feeding the birds bread 24/7. As long as the bird can get 10-20% of it's food from other sources it's gonna be completely fine. IF the bird develops a metabolic disease or some other health condition from macro/micro nutrient deficiency, while being fed bred, yes, it likely means that it eats almost exclusively bread. The problem is.. this situation means that if the bird was not being fed, it would have likely croaked from starvation, long before it would have time to develop conditions caused by diet (which usually take some time).

          TL:DR don't trust articles on the internet.
          Peer reviewed papers FTW

          here's some readings.

          • 6 months ago

            >white bread…is more nutritious than most meats
            Categorically wrong. Even fortified bread is less nutritious than most meats. Neither is a complete diet, but meat is closer to being a complete diet.

            • 6 months ago

              Nutritious as in terms of pure calories. Otherwise yes, meat is better. I thought that's what nutritious ment sry

              • 6 months ago

                Calories are one aspect of nutrition. Many fat people are malnourished because they eat themselves sick on empty calories, and the malnutrition combined with their poor understanding of what their body actually needs means that they can’t satisfy their appetite.

          • 6 months ago

            good post

          • 6 months ago

            >white bread is more nutritious than meat but eating nothing but whole animal carcasses results in a natural human lifespan of 70-80 and eating nothing but bread results in death

            • 6 months ago

              Nutritious as in terms of pure calories. Otherwise yes, meat is better. I thought that's what nutritious ment sry

              Already clarified this. Thought "nutritious" just refered to the total number of calories.
              Also I don't know what kind of dietary redpills you've been chugging. Ur not getting 70-80 lifespans by just eating meat.

        • 6 months ago

          >birds only feed from bread in parks
          are you moronic or something?

          • 6 months ago

            Unfortunately no. This kind of take is super popular now day. It has been spread far and wide. There has been a massive wave of anti bird feeding propaganda in the west. I'm not sure how or why this movement started, but I do suspect that israelites are involved. Either way, by now the campaign took effect, with a lot of younger people believing that "bread bad" and "feeding bad". So no anon is not moronic, a lot of people think that now.

            • 6 months ago

              I don't mean to be a schizo, but I feel like there's a concerted effort to get environmentalists to avoid interacting with nature. Their opinions become less nuanced and more deranged, and when they leave volunteer work to experts they have more time to screech hysterically.

              • 6 months ago

                Ur not. That has been a really weird trend in the last 4-5 years. In fact, i remember seeing stories connected to this bird feeding phenomenon.

                There would be a bunch of agitprop on how bread is bad for the heckin birdoos and either people would stop feeding them or the local government would straight up outlaw it. Next, after being cut off from their main source of nutrition during winter months (or summer droughts, depending on the region) the local waterfowl, mainly ducks, geese and swans would suffer a massive die-off, putting the local populations on the brink of collapse. After that the government panics and does a "frick go back", saying to please continue feeding the birds just with whole grain or rye bread this time.

                The fact is, usually with these kind of social movements its pretty easy to tell who's the buyer behind it. It can be super obvious with like with the fossil fuel stuff. Can be much less obvious and even, on the whole, good for society (even if its still underhanded tactics) like with the anti-smocking initiatives. You just have to ask "Qui Bono?", who benefits?

                But im genuinely at a loss, as to who the frick is behind the anti-bird-feeding. Im half joking, saying its the israelites (to be fair there are probably israelites, mixed up in there somewhere), cus it might as well be the fricking reptiloids or the greys. I have no clue on who is pushing this shit and why. It doesn't seem to benefit anyone, just makes society shittier.

              • 6 months ago

                It's not so much who benefits anymore. These people are just evil and anti life and seek general destruction. The anti bread thing was probably a revulsion at seeing happy old people and kids feeding ducks in the park

            • 6 months ago

              >anti bird feeding

              I don't mean to be a schizo, but I feel like there's a concerted effort to get environmentalists to avoid interacting with nature. Their opinions become less nuanced and more deranged, and when they leave volunteer work to experts they have more time to screech hysterically.

              >I don't mean to be a schizo, but I feel like there's a concerted effort to get environmentalists to avoid interacting with nature
              Are you guys fricking moronic, nobody's telling you to not feed the birds (expect park officials that don't want ot have to keep cleaning up bird shit) they're jsut telling you to feed them cheaper shit.
              I buy black soil sunflower seed, millet and unsalted dry roasted peanuts at bulk food places and go to town on birds.

              • 6 months ago

                *telling you not to feed them cheaper shit
                As in junky food
                Also I'm pretty sure mould is poisonous for any animal to eat.

              • 6 months ago

                *telling you not to feed them cheaper shit
                As in junky food
                Also I'm pretty sure mould is poisonous for any animal to eat.


                You might have been lucky enough to not feel the effect yet, but if you're in EU/NA soon they will come for you too. Also no. Bird Feeding is a voulantary action between two consenting adult animals, government doesn't get a say in how I feed the birds

      • 6 months ago

        Maybe they meant the mould?

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