How is your lawn coming along?

How is your lawn coming along Wauf?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's pretty good for a small town

  2. 2 years ago

    >How is your lawn coming along Wauf?
    I'm very close to turning every bit of it into pure garden instead of just part of it, like it is currently. Autumn's rolling in so I won't be able to do a ton with the time left this year but we'll see.

    • 2 years ago

      That is a real garden. Not a shitty lawn.

      That takes actual skill to create

  3. 2 years ago

    like shit, my folks insist on feeding neighborhood cats they b***h about entering or exiting the house because of the numerous cats, 20 of them year over year now, and I keep telling them the easiest way to get rid of them is to stop feeding them so, I got tired of them shitting and pissing all over the place now I refuse to cut the lawn, which, I like taking care of, you know putting an edge on the walk clearing debris from the trees off and just being proud of the lawn over the neighbors lawns. They have been promising me for years that they'll get rid of them through the pounds and vets and charities but they got rid of a total of five of them over five years that amounts to five out of 100+ cats but what then? What then if they actually managed to get rid of them all? They'd still feed the next gen perpetuating the core problem. I feel bad now because I loved cats before this but now after countless nights of furious cat fight/frick sessions I view cats lower than insects think about that next time you swat a mosquito. I'm miserable and so is my FRICKING LAWN!

    • 2 years ago

      Can't you just leave out some poison for the cats?

      • 2 years ago

        Same for humans I could. that's how far I've fallen, life means less to me now if youre worried about me killing myself don't I'm in it for the long haul I'm just drunk venting my feelings to anons that can pass me by as easily acknowledging me.

      • 2 years ago

        theres still a little heart left in me

    • 2 years ago

      2of2 I miss making the lines on the lawn with my shitty mower, I miss my whip (Echo SRM 230) I even miss the my undead blower... I miss my lawn where my childhood memories are the most pleasant where my grandpa was so proud of me a place where I felt safe from the trauma of my dad beating my mom and my drug dealing dad but that was 20 yrs ago a failed marriage resorting to living in my moms moms house I know Im a failure I can accept that and I'm working with what I got to make a bad situation a livable one but my crack addict uncle and my mom in denial makes it hard anytime I try and put my foot down I get "outraked" and threatened homelessness... I hate cats now, I hate them so much. sigh at least little Kitkit (a cat from the original strays litter Mr Kitty that spurred all this) Is a silver lining.

  4. 2 years ago

    We've got some motherfrickers that come round and mow our lawn and then demand money for it even though they usually wake me up.

    • 2 years ago

      Middle finger and slam the door on their face

  5. 2 years ago

    The best way to reduce animal suffering is to turn your lawn into gravel.

    >Most insects die soon after birth, and their lives probably contain more suffering than happiness. If you have a lawn that you actively maintain, you should consider converting your grass to hard landscape materials like gravel, or to artificial turf, to reduce plant biomass and therefore insect suffering. This could save you labor in the long run, reduces your probability of tick bites, and may be good for the environment. It may prevent at least hundreds of insects from suffering per dollar and might even save you money. However, if you don't actively manage your lawn, the calculation becomes less clear because eliminating a grass lawn might slightly contribute to climate change.

    >Note: I assume that in many places, neighborhood rules or building codes might prevent you from replacing a lawn with gravel. Would artificial turf be acceptable? Also, maybe it would be allowed to at least put a strip of rocks around the perimeter of your home, or something like that? Doing so might also slightly reduce the number of insects that come indoors. Finally, when picking out a house, you can consider gravel-friendliness as one factor. Other things being equal, it seems better to choose a house in a more rural area where you can buy a larger amount of more secluded land.

    >If you can't use gravel, you could consider adding a porch or other structure that would cover some grass, although the amount of land covered per unit cost might be small.

    • 2 years ago

      A lawn acts as a carbon sink, sequestering carbon in the ground. Gravel would not have the same benefit to the climate.

    • 2 years ago

      what kind of homosexual doomer deathcult shit is this?
      >dont support the web of life because muh bug suffering
      fricking gay. absolute shut in mentality

    • 2 years ago

      >bug suffering
      i never understood this shit, bugs are basically mindless machines with incredibly simple brains

      • 2 years ago

        They can still suffer

        • 2 years ago

          Oh SHIT anon you're right, not only do we have an obligation to protect every bug's potential life, we ultimately have to mass bioengineer the entire biosphere to eliminate predation, parasites, and disease....wait even with that some animals would get into accidents or injure themselves, FRICK we have to just end all life asap to bring suffering to an end, come on anon let's bombard the earth with rocks until the crust boils and then all kill ourselves to bring an end to pain

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              I'm just bringing caring about the suffering of bugs to its logical conclusion of severe genocidal anti-natalism

              the moment you step down this moronic path it leads by a series of very direct logical inferences to the conclusion that life, by nature of its inherent ubiquitous suffering, is a plague to be wiped out and that reducing the cosmos into lifeless matter is the only moral action to take.

              I choose to make the leap of faith that bug lives don't matter and that suffering is acceptable and the web of life is a good thing.

    • 2 years ago

      >artificial turf
      That's also terrible for the environment. Artificial turf is made from plastic and they literally use microplastics to weigh it down.

    • 2 years ago

      That boy ain’t right.

  6. 2 years ago

    I was hoping this would be a comfy koth thread instead of this bullshit.

  7. 2 years ago

    Anyone else really like spotted spurge .
    >Grows all around my apartment complex
    >All the local wildlife frick wit it heavy.
    >so far I have seen flower flies, five lined skinks, sun beetles and mourning doves all using it in one way or another
    >After finding out its native to my region I make a effort to not harm it
    >I might even plant some myself.

    • 2 years ago

      A similar creeping weed appeared in one of my mom's herb planters and for some reason she made a trellis for it, lol

  8. 2 years ago

    Front near sidewalk is trimmed so you can see the wild violets. I prefer their broad leaves over thin grass blades. I give my trees at least two feet of space diameter from their base as small, symbiotic plants grow at their base.

    There are a few non-grass style perennials trying to make headspace, and a sort of succulent-feeling ground cover that enjoys the rocky patio the old owners left. If there's an area that's shaded and more moist that the rest I leave it mostly untouched as this leads to some very, very dense grasses and wild flowering species.

    My backyard is utterly untouched save for a few spots where I have added some very basic developments. I get a lot of bird nests. I'm not one to leave mole traps because they aerate my soil for the low low price of a few earth worms, which this ground has a plethora of. My yard stays greener, longer.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a treat

  9. 2 years ago

    I wish it wasn't illegal to use yards for edible gardens, or to collect rainwater.
    The transition to the 1900s really destroyed this country for the common man.

  10. 2 years ago

    Can I grow a warm season grass lawn in autumn if I cover the earth with plastic tarp? I live in hardiness zone 9

    • 2 years ago

      Warm season grasses usually go dormant in response to the soil temperatures and the amount of sunlight they receive. It would take a lot of extra work to keep the grass from going dormant. It could be done, but you'd end up working yourself to death.

  11. 2 years ago

    >if you don't like this specific style of garden you are lazy and stupid and poor
    >literally the easiest kind of garden to maintain



    • 2 years ago

      Post your meadow then, Mr. Meadow God.

      • 2 years ago

        So far one meadow and one xeriscape have been posted. People who brag about their perfect lawn have yet to post a single picture that hasn't been saved from google images.

        You anti-grassers are beginning to contradict yourselves. You're scattered, minds awash in seethe and cope. You hate beauty. You hate men taking a stand for things they believe in. You hate man having a guiding hand over nature, as God intended. You hate so many things and what do you love? Invasive weeds? Parasitic insects? Worthless fields that are mud pits most of the year? You people are unhinged and it's obvious in your very long posts that say nothing but spiteful fluff.
        You claim to hate grass because it's "invasive" and "doesn't belong" but you praise invasive weeds and other plants.
        You claim lawns would revert back to a natural state if left alone. You say it's stupid and wasteful to spend money and time keeping a lawn looking nice. Now you claim it's actually MORE work to let it revert back to a "meadow" for some reason and that people who enjoy taking care of their lawn couldn't handle it.
        So which is it? Why is there so much hate and anger in your heart? It's obvious your lawn (if you even own one) looks very ugly. Because like I said before, the content of a man can be judged by his lawn.

        >You hate men taking a stand for things they believe in
        Cultivating wildflowers is ideological. Its purpose is creating a bridge between man and nature, creating a space that both we and wildlife can enjoy.
        There is neither heart nor thought behind a grass monoculture. You simply do it because your dad did it before you.
        >what do you love? Invasive weeds? Parasitic insects?
        No, wildflowers, native trees and heges, ponds, birds, pollinators, fireflies and other wildlife.
        >your very long posts that say nothing but spiteful fluff
        Your first post in this thread was extremely spiteful towards an anon who simply posted his plants, now you cry when others retailate. You're such a pussy.
        >you praise invasive weeds and other plants
        No, natives only.
        >You claim lawns would revert back to a natural state if left alone
        Nobody said this in the entire thread. If left alone lawns would be colonized by invasive plants.
        >Now you claim it's actually MORE work to let it revert back to a "meadow"
        Yes, because you have to sow it, weed it manually and keep soil nutrients low. It's labor intensive, but it's not a waste of money, first because it requires no water, gas or electicity, second because it has actual benefits unlike a lawn.
        >Why is there so much hate and anger in your heart?
        Because the nature I love is being destroyed and moronic drones like you contribute to it out of pure conformism. Now post your garden, what are you so scared of? If it's so perfect you should show it off proudly instead of relying on google images.

        • 2 years ago

          We're getting closer and closer to an actual argument from you anti-grass nutters. So far you've done nothing but screech and cry while actual lawnhavers are trying to enjoy ourselves.
          What is wrong with just growing grass? Is it not a plant? Is it not a gift from God? Where do you turfhaters draw the line exactly? Was "grass" cooked up in some atheistic laboratory? I think not.
          You talk big about "wildflowers" and yet they're different than "weeds"? Well who are you to decide what is a wild flower and what is a weed? You're so "goofed up" on your own high horse you've lost the plot my friend. I'm not sure it's even worth continuing this conversation anymore. Just as you see ugly dandelions and disgusting nettles as "beautiful" I see St. Augustine and Kentucky Bluegrass as just plain awesome. Frankly this is as much of an olive branch as I'm willing to extend to you. You do not seem capable of seeing things from someone else's point of view, nor do you seem willing to make any compromises.

          • 2 years ago

            >So far you've done nothing but screech
            People wouldn't be so hostile if your first post wasn't so smug.
            >What is wrong with just growing grass? Is it not a plant? Is it not a gift from God?
            Obviously it is, but its elegance and function are not expressed in a bland, flat and unnatural monoculture. Grasses and broadleaf herbaceous plants are meant to coexist in a dynamic ecosystem, that's where their beauty shines. Formal lawns reduce grass to a boring green mat that's only there to be walked on, its ecological value is denied. There is no functional reason why broadleaf wildflowers should be omitted from the landscape, they're walkable in the same way grass is and contribute to soil health in the long run, they're treated like "weeds" because of arbitrary aesthetic standards imposed by tasteless old english nobility.
            >Well who are you to decide what is a wild flower and what is a weed?
            Plants like buttercups and clovers are purely beneficial. Their presence adds scent and color to the garden, it helps wildlife and improves the soil. Invasive exotic plants are weeds because they overtake the habitat, and so are woody plants that make it unwalkable, like blackberry (although the latter have their niches too in a garden, blackberry is a great hedgerow and crop for example).
            Biodiversity is the foundation of nature. Nurturing it is not laziness, it's an act of respect for the land.

    • 2 years ago

      You anti-grassers are beginning to contradict yourselves. You're scattered, minds awash in seethe and cope. You hate beauty. You hate men taking a stand for things they believe in. You hate man having a guiding hand over nature, as God intended. You hate so many things and what do you love? Invasive weeds? Parasitic insects? Worthless fields that are mud pits most of the year? You people are unhinged and it's obvious in your very long posts that say nothing but spiteful fluff.
      You claim to hate grass because it's "invasive" and "doesn't belong" but you praise invasive weeds and other plants.
      You claim lawns would revert back to a natural state if left alone. You say it's stupid and wasteful to spend money and time keeping a lawn looking nice. Now you claim it's actually MORE work to let it revert back to a "meadow" for some reason and that people who enjoy taking care of their lawn couldn't handle it.
      So which is it? Why is there so much hate and anger in your heart? It's obvious your lawn (if you even own one) looks very ugly. Because like I said before, the content of a man can be judged by his lawn.

      • 2 years ago

        >Because like I said before, the content of a man can be judged by his lawn
        Exactly, and lawns with only one species of grass are just as depauperate and simplistic as the brain of their owners.

        • 2 years ago

          Most lawns have several different cultivars of turf grass.

          • 2 years ago

            Cultivars are nothing, they're artificial biodiversity.
            In the end you're still growing the same boring shitplant in slightly different shades.
            Nature's beauty is expressed in the variety and uniqueness of its species and the complex ways they interact.

      • 2 years ago

        You’re arguing against a strawman

  12. 2 years ago

    I have so many big trees that the shade makes the lawn extremely unequal.
    Considering making some kind of english garden thing

    • 2 years ago

      If you have lots of trees why don't you make a woodland garden, instead of growing grass take advantage of the shade to grow ferns, hellebores, wild orchids, forget me nots, foxgloves and euphorbias

      • 2 years ago

        Kinda more or less what I meant by english-style garden but I didn't know that term tbqh

    • 2 years ago

      Try moss and thin spring flowers for a fairy garden look.

      Anyone else really like spotted spurge .
      >Grows all around my apartment complex
      >All the local wildlife frick wit it heavy.
      >so far I have seen flower flies, five lined skinks, sun beetles and mourning doves all using it in one way or another
      >After finding out its native to my region I make a effort to not harm it
      >I might even plant some myself.

      But that's the nice thing: You won't have to make an effort to not harm fit native weeds.

  13. 2 years ago

    I live in a desert. My lawn is gravel, a tree, a couple of shrubs and various small plants watered by 1/4" line fed button sprinklers.

  14. 2 years ago

    >own home
    >no HOA
    my lawn is a wilderness of weeds

    • 2 years ago

      What do you do about pests?

      • 2 years ago

        Like my sister in law?
        I ignore them

    • 2 years ago

      this picture smells like meth and domestic abuse

      • 2 years ago

        You're looking at a million dollar property.

        take that as you will.

    • 2 years ago

      I like your sunflower. I want to grow some myself someday.

      • 2 years ago

        >I like your sunflower. I want to grow some myself someday.
        thanks, it's escaped bird seed I think
        we have native sunflowers but they don't look like that beauty

        i unironically like the look of your yard. it looks like somewhere small animals and birds would be happy.

        Yes, I have rabbits, squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, mice, voles, and so many invasive sparrows I can't keep track!

        sometimes I get bears and racoons, but those are rare.

    • 2 years ago

      i unironically like the look of your yard. it looks like somewhere small animals and birds would be happy.

  15. 2 years ago

    wild and unkempt

  16. 2 years ago

    well, i think my neighbor's dog stopped shitting on it, i don't hear him anymore so he must be gettin old
    we don't mow it but it doesn't get that long, must be the guy who manages the apartment
    the garden is fricked up though, full of dead plants

  17. 2 years ago

    lawngays are the worst. Just mow your shit and stfu.

  18. 2 years ago

    my lawn is basically DEAD

  19. 2 years ago

    Why would anybody do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?

  20. 2 years ago

    It's September moron trimming season is over

  21. 2 years ago

    too much work. just put rocks instead of grass. let me be.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you not like being outside at all?

      • 2 years ago

        i do like being outside. i do not however like chemically treated monocultures that grow radioactive green

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      It's already perfect

      There's no need to. The less you work on it the better it looks, just don't let brambles take foot

      • 2 years ago

        >Full of weeds, overgrown
        The content of a man's character can be judged by his lawn. Yours shows that you are a deadbeat slacker with no will, determination, or drive in life.

        • 2 years ago

          Buttercups, speedwell, daisies and vetches are not weeds, they're the centerpiece.

        • 2 years ago

          you assume grass is so amazing that if someone does not have a monoculture of 1" high grass they simply couldn't attain it. that's like thinking your shitty BMW is so amazing that anyone without one couldn't afford one, as you replace your 2nd plastic water pump that year.

          you don't have the balls to get a good meadow. if you tried you'd end up with a patchy, half dead mess of crab grass and milkweed.

          • 2 years ago

            Your postage stamp garden is not a meadow you lazy frick

            • 2 years ago

              you are angry because you realize you waste a shitton of money on various chemicals and haven't received any actual rewards for your effort, just a boring green square.

              • 2 years ago

                I can park, walk my Doug, and have barbecues on my boring green square

                Have fun with mice ticks and never getting laid homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                Women don't find lawns attractive. All they care is it does not look like this.

              • 2 years ago

                Worthwhile women find stability and financial security attractive. Burnt out pot bawds may not care.

              • 2 years ago

                You sound like a welfare recipient who thinks a leased iphone is a status symbol. It’s something anyone can get, but there are alternatives if you don’t like it, often more expensive ones. Not having it is no big deal. It is literally the cheapest and lowest effort choice not the highest echelon of landscaping. It proves nothing about you. It is one step above a patch of dirt.

              • 2 years ago

                >lowest effort
                This is bait.

                i do like being outside. i do not however like chemically treated monocultures that grow radioactive green

                >i do not however like chemically treated monocultures that grow radioactive green

                Why not? They seem pretty nice to me.

              • 2 years ago

                It is the lowest effort especially compared to a terraced garden with dozens of different plants with various care needs and a bunch of different beds that need mulch and barriers maintained and regular manual weeding because your herbicides will kill half the plants. All lawngays are doing is cultivating one kind of groundcover that and cutting it with a power tool designed for zero physical effort and spraying chemicals on it to keep other plants from growing there. I see these gays running their sprinklers 4 times a day in the summer and trudging out to start the riding mower. Yeah high effort.

                A patch of grass is a nice accent but if it's the sole component I'm sorry you are exactly one step above a patch of dirt

              • 2 years ago

                Why use a picture you pulled from Google images instead of your own?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not going to dox myself by posting a picture of my location. =<

              • 2 years ago

                Nice to run around on. Not so nice to watch for entertainment.

              • 2 years ago

                I can confirm that women like nice houses with well maintained lawns.

              • 2 years ago

                >parks his car in his garden
                >thinks he has the right to call anyone else trashy

              • 2 years ago

                Lawns harbor the frick out of both unless you cut it so short that it dies

              • 2 years ago

                Which is why you want to treat your lawn with an insecticide every spring and fall.

          • 2 years ago

            >1" high grass
            I mow mine at 3.5 inches.

            • 2 years ago

              I can confirm that women like nice houses with well maintained lawns.

              I like women who mow their lawns at 3.5"

          • 2 years ago

            >>The content of a man's character can be judged by his lawn.

            I 100% agree with you. And you seem to be a easyly manipulated cuck, who follows his his israeli agro overlords, consooms every of their products and is unable to question why is wasting time for a unproductive crop, with no astetic appeal.

            Why does this green patch make certain people seethe so badly? To me it seems to be similar to what has been called "cute aggression". Something in the brains of these people react violently to certain stimuli. Whereas most people see a nice green lawn as inviting and a fun space where activities can be had, or children can run and play, they see something evil that must be attacked. They take offense to a simple lawn and I'm not sure why.
            These people readily admit that maintaining a nice, clean lawn takes more effort than their proposal. So we know they are lazy. They claim that it is "unnatural" which is a strange argument. There are native grasses everywhere and you certainly can choose a native variety and make it look nice. Finally, they seem to think there is no option besides either a completely flat lawn or a tangled mess of overgrown weeds. Infact this is not the case. You can have a nice garden and also a patch of lawn, as most sensible humans do.

            • 2 years ago

              >Why does this green patch make certain people seethe so badly?
              Monocultures are the death of biodiversity. You must have some kind of disease to think that the animals & nature board would like something like that.
              >To me it seems to be similar to what has been called "cute aggression"
              This is cute aggression:

              >Full of weeds, overgrown
              The content of a man's character can be judged by his lawn. Yours shows that you are a deadbeat slacker with no will, determination, or drive in life.

              You see a patch of buttercups and make perverse interpretations about its owner and the reason behind its existence. No sane person is repulsed by pretty yellow flowers.
              >they seem to think there is no option besides either a completely flat lawn or a tangled mess of overgrown weeds
              The option is a meadow. A walkable patch of native wildflowers that serves wildlife as well as people. Eradicating native flowers to plant a single grass species is equal to spitting on the natural heritage we have the moral obligation to preserve.
              >There are native grasses everywhere
              In nature those grasses are allowed to flower and feed birds, insects and other animals. Take that away and it's no longer natural.
              Finally, post your own garden or frick off.

              • 2 years ago

                >You must have some kind of disease to think that the animals & nature board would like something like that.
                It's meant for people to enjoy, not animals.

                >Eradicating native flowers to plant a single grass species is equal to spitting on the natural heritage we have the moral obligation to preserve.
                Tell that to industrial agriculture operations, not homeowners who have a 10k sqft lawn they let their kids play in...

            • 2 years ago

              You are so full of yourself

              It's ugly. It's sterile. And it's impossible to maintain in my climate without wasting water and literal poisons because I am not fricking scottish. So what I do is I let some clover, spurge, and dandelions grow while you insist this is a character flaw, like the peak of maturity and sensibility is reached when you are pouring glyphosphate and refresher seeds onto your property every other week instead of just mowing some patches of clover/grass mixture. Like people did before the monoculture lawn was as artificially pushed as hard as diamond rings. The "perfect lawn" was not my great grandfathers lawn. It was the TV generation's lawn pushed as an ideal in commercials to sell lawn care products.

              Why is EVERYTHING a character flaw to you even when nobody is talking about character but you? Who are you to talk about "sensible humans"? You fricking woman brained baldcel chinlet wienersucker. Nothing is direct with you, everything is connected with spaghetti noodles to 30 other things. Don't use weed killer and all of a sudden you must be smoking weed and you are ranting about the human condition and armchair psychology. God you are fricking stupid. You act like one of those scrawny dipshit nerds that starts comparing everything to the holocaust and screeching about daddy issues when you don't like his shitty video games.
              >inb4 oh like you're doing now
              Nah because you brought up all this character bullshit in the first place.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's ugly.

                >It's sterile.
                That is by design. It's a feature, not a bug.

                >it's impossible to maintain in my climate
                Your climate is not my climate. I have ideal conditions for growing a lawn of grass. I don't even need an irrigation system, because God waters my lawn for me.
                Is that why you're so salty about this? Because you live in a desert?

            • 2 years ago

              >These people readily admit that maintaining a nice, clean lawn takes more effort than their proposal.
              No, nobody said this. Mostly I see people posting the opposite.

              And nobody is reacting to the lawn they're reacting to you being a stuck up armchair psychologist.

        • 2 years ago

          What a boomer-tier load of shit.

          • 2 years ago

            it's a quote from the show

        • 2 years ago

          >>The content of a man's character can be judged by his lawn.

          I 100% agree with you. And you seem to be a easyly manipulated cuck, who follows his his israeli agro overlords, consooms every of their products and is unable to question why is wasting time for a unproductive crop, with no astetic appeal.

        • 2 years ago

          Or he's smart enough to not fall fo advertisement and instead get drought resistant lawn that needs less mowing and no special care while doubling as a flower bed.
          You can also say people that don't repaint their house every two months according to season are slackers but they probably just think their time is worth more than showing they have lots of money for paint.

        • 2 years ago

          Psychoanalyze these.

          • 2 years ago

            >left: Souless NPC consooner. Basicly a lawn gay to lazy to do shit

            >right: Based nature enjoyer, who enjoys both astethics and his role as part of a larger whole

        • 2 years ago

          No that's his hair and beard

    • 2 years ago

      Enjoy your insect and pest infestations

    • 2 years ago
      https://archive dot ph/uy5Hc

      >let me be
      fine be me.



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