How intelligent do you have to be to study paleontology?

I want to study but I'm not sure if I'm smart enough, I would say my IQ is average but I'm terrible at math

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  1. 1 year ago

    If you are really worried, like gods honest worried about being too dumb and have supportive parents, take your hard classes one at a time before you go full time in college. Take Calc, just calc and get a 4.0. Do the same for chem 1 and 2. There you go you have the frame work for biology and geology

    • 1 year ago

      Shop your professors too, pick good ones from rate my professor or word of mouth.

      Community college is fine for math, Math is math until you hit the upper levels, they all use mathlab now. you just want a good lecturer who has a good grading policy.

  2. 1 year ago

    Vertebrate paleontology is probably one of the hardest job to get in the biology field, everyone and their mother wants to study dinosaurs and iconic prehistoric animals. You needs high IQ because you will study plants and microfossils in a lab if you are lucky enough to become a paleontologist.

  3. 1 year ago

    extremely low IQ. Fossils are fake, it's just a satan worshipping cult. You have to be fricking dumb to dedicate your life to following a complete fabrication pushed by pedophiles like ~~*Spielberg*~~

  4. 1 year ago

    Unironically you need to be pretty stupid to be a paleontologist.

  5. 1 year ago

    You don't have to be a super smart person to be a paleontologist. You only need a passion and ledgable spelling.
    That being said it's a competitive field to get into and doesn't pay well. When it comes to it you have to be able to try to come up with a new theory and evidence to support your findings to get published. Most people never get published because of high standards.
    That being said your going to want to be able to rebuke creationist which isn't going to be fun or even get them to say your correct.

    • 1 year ago

      >your going to want to be able to rebuke creationist
      in a thread full of absolute bullshit, this is the funniest post

  6. 1 year ago

    Smart enough to dig up bones ya

  7. 1 year ago

    Depends what you mean. Any mindless npc can go pay $60k for the piece of paper that declares "you're smart now" so yeah you can be a "paleontologist" but if you actually want to make strides in the field of discovery and fact and not well-poisoning political bullshit then you might have to be kinda smart. Science/knowledge has completely backslid the last few decades, we're decisively less advanced as a society/culture than we used to be. We had better space tech in the '70s than we do now FFS.

  8. 1 year ago

    You need hyper-focus and good memory, intelligence isn't required.

  9. 1 year ago

    You can skate through the biology parts with a 90 IQ. Hell some of the people itt have moron level IQ's and know a lot of biology

    the math, chem, and geology parts are going to destroy you.

    luckily you won't even get into a paleo program with an average IQ, the math requirements filter most of the dumb ones out at the very start.

  10. 1 year ago

    Most of modern "paleontologists" are absolutely moronic braindead basedjaks. So, you in any case have good chances, no matter how high/low your iq is. Just avoid the "forbidden" topics like the absence of feathers/lips (even if you have some really strong evidences), and you'll make a good career. Oh, and don't forget to regularly post on Reddit - this is DEADLY important.

  11. 1 year ago

    I have family that owns a land in one of the best fossil bearing areas on the planet(green river formation). I've spent a lot of time out there, and I've dug up thousands of fish fossils with my own hands, some pretty large.

    all of the guys that operate the sites out there are hicks with no college education, and they will walk you through the area as good as any scientist, or better. once we found a huge round structure around five feet in diameter with a ton of material and scattered bones at the very center. the geologist that ran the museum wasn't sure what it was. we thought it was an unusually large coprolite of some sort or nest, he said probably not but was still stumped. the fatass greaseball hick with a cowboy hat running one of the sites told us exactly what it was, gasses from decomposing fish corpses forming a pressurized chamber underneath the mud flow that probably buried them eventually forced a rupture through the mud and there was a mini eruption of sediments and fish parts at the bottom of whatever body of water was effected. was pretty obvious once he pointed it out. this was a guy that definitely listened to the gayest country music and ate primarily fast food.

    • 1 year ago

      >was pretty obvious once he pointed it out.
      this is the stupidest thing I've read today, and you're stupid for believing it.

      • 1 year ago

        cope, certificate of debt holder. there's not a doubt in my mind that he's right and I'm the one digging up thousands of fossils while you just study some slideshows in a classroom.

        • 1 year ago

          >there's not a doubt in my mind that he's right
          because you're an idiot

          how is that bubble under the mud going to gather fish parts together?
          how are those fish parts not going to be completely dissolved in the time it takes to form a bubble?
          how are those fish parts going to float in the bubble so they get squirted out of the mud?
          why would the concentration of fish parts from the bubble be any more than the fish in the layers buried in the mud below?
          why would those fish fossilize but not the fish in the layers below?

          • 1 year ago

            the questions you're asking sound like things a confused five year old would ask, especially all of the non-sequitur stuff about bubbles. it's pretty obvious that mud was forced upward from beneath by the shape of the mud pile.

            Presumably what actually happened is there was a low pit in the mud and water currents washed a bunch of dead stuff into that low pit.

            we could look at the layers and see if the round batch of fish was in a low spot in the surface, but you dumb hicks undoubtedly destroyed that information digging it up.

            So you get to tell all your creationist friends your just so stories about magic mud volcanoes or whatever. And talk about how stupid the "experts" are, as if you ever even asked them.
            Mormons are ridiculous.

            not really possible with the formation, which you haven't seen and me and both professionals have. your conjecture on something you haven't seen isn't worth anything and your need that you feel to do it is pitiful.
            >but you dumb hicks undoubtedly destroyed that information digging it up.
            they know everything about the sediment layers there because that's how they find fish. we knew exactly where we were digging in the 18 inch layer where we found it and could easily point it out. your debt certificate doesn't mean as much as you think it does, even less so in the age of the internet.

            I'm not even remotely a creationist. I actually attended college myself, I dropped out a little after two years when I became disillusioned with the debt machine. I make more money than the average bachelors holder my age, probably wouldn't if I kept at it and would be in debt too. your mental image of who you are talking to is warped by your need to feel superior to others.

            • 1 year ago

              >not really possible with the formation, which you haven't seen and me and both professionals have
              are you talking about the GRF? I've done decades of work in that one and its analogs

              if you mean the round patch of fish fossils, we've all seen those. It's funny you think death assemblages are rare or unheard of in the formation.

              makes me think you're ljust ying.

          • 1 year ago

            You sound awfully confident for a person that has never studied a mud-bubbled fish volcano in a contolled environment.

            • 1 year ago

              >You sound awfully confident for a person that has never studied a mud-bubbled fish volcano in a contolled environment.
              why would you assume I haven't?

        • 1 year ago

          also, why one big bubble instead of thousands of small ones?

          seriously, we need answers to these questions. Ask your toothless buddy.

        • 1 year ago

          Presumably what actually happened is there was a low pit in the mud and water currents washed a bunch of dead stuff into that low pit.

          we could look at the layers and see if the round batch of fish was in a low spot in the surface, but you dumb hicks undoubtedly destroyed that information digging it up.

          So you get to tell all your creationist friends your just so stories about magic mud volcanoes or whatever. And talk about how stupid the "experts" are, as if you ever even asked them.
          Mormons are ridiculous.

          • 1 year ago

            in fact there's still a huge negative up there in the shelf because of how large this formation is. the fact that you without a shred of irony think these people are pulling fossils out of the ground by digging randomly in the ground reflects your lack of critical thinking abilities. are you a woman by chance? would explain the obsession with debt paper.

  12. 1 year ago

    You don't have to be intelligent at all to get a STEM degree. You just have to be able to do algebra and calculus. Everything else is reddit tier. Can you watch the news and repeat what you're told? Congratulations, you have the IQ god gave an orangutan and can now get a STEM degree. That's precisely why STEM is so utterly fricked up. They focus on the ability to obey, repeat information and NOT think critically while agreeing with your peers and donors.

  13. 1 year ago

    you have to be able to tell the difference between a rock and a bone

  14. 1 year ago


    Biology barely has any mathematics in it, so it is not surprise lol.

    All you have is some very basic statistics.

  15. 1 year ago
  16. 1 year ago

    Your actual IQ doesn’t matter, you just need to sound pretentious enough.

  17. 1 year ago

    Being a troony is enough these days

    • 1 year ago

      This is true. Paleontology is full of queers and trannies.

      • 1 year ago

        Paleontology attracts *autists, not specifically trannies. It’s just that there’s a big overlap between autists and trannies, so you get the idea.

  18. 1 year ago

    Based on some of the posts by people here who claim to be paleontologists...not very apparently.

  19. 1 year ago

    IQ isn't important, you just need to be autistic enough about fossils

    • 1 year ago


      Or in other worlds you have to be able to spend a lot of time studying about the subject. People who have an experience in something are always better than people with raw intelligence if that is a thing.

      • 1 year ago

        Or in university level raw intelligence does not matter that much if they accepted you into the course.

        Paleontology seem meticolous.

      • 1 year ago

        >Or in other worlds you have to be able to spend a lot of time studying about the subject.
        Literally not even. I just watched a talk on someone describing a new species of Ceratopsian and they only knew the Ceratopsian assemblage of exactly one fricking state. This is someone writing a paper naming a new fricking dinosaur.

        • 1 year ago

          Lol I guess he knows the right people then who got him the job.

          • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              Then she also sucks wiener well. LoL

              • 1 year ago

                I mean how do you not know every single Ceratopsian that has ever lived in North America at bare minimum if you're naming a new Ceratopsian?? I know the vast majority off the top of my head and I'm not even considering naming a new dinosaur.

              • 1 year ago

                Since there is a lot of money in research and at universities a lot of it is stolen/washed. There is also nepotism.

                Not saying all but i am sure it happens.

              • 1 year ago

                Honestly I think it's more just STEM has low standards for literally everything but math autism. I have NEVER in my life met an actually intelligent STEM major. Maybe ONE, but that one was from an older generation. All midwits with perfectly midwit opinions and "abilities" (none but repeating what they've heard).

              • 1 year ago

                Do you meet smart people in other majors then?

                Stem pays the best so if you don't go there might as well not go to uni. Yeah there are a lot of (genuinely) autistic people here, but there are also smart ones. The diploma doesn't make you smart that's for sure tho.

              • 1 year ago

                The smartest man I ever met was an art major. He was very classically minded and was a professor at one point (not that that makes you smart, but he actually was). I actually work in a STEM field, but I hate my brainless "peers".

                >STEM pays the best
                Where the frick did you get this insane misinformation? STEM is one of the worst paying paths you can take in college.

                Vertebrate paleontology is probably one of the hardest job to get in the biology field, everyone and their mother wants to study dinosaurs and iconic prehistoric animals. You needs high IQ because you will study plants and microfossils in a lab if you are lucky enough to become a paleontologist.

                >everyone and their mother wants to study dinosaurs and iconic prehistoric animals
                And they're not sending their best, folks. Let me tell you.

                Also most people do not mean paleontology when they talk about stem since it pays bad.

                Most STEM fields pay badly. It's the business and homosexual degree majors that are making all the money, and for the same reason - it literally doesn't matter what you do in college. All that matters is how rich the family you were raised in was and business and gay degrees are preferred by the failchildren of the upper classes so they end up making the most money. Remember, Bill Gates isn't a programmer and Elon Musk isn't an engineer.

              • 1 year ago

                Also most people do not mean paleontology when they talk about stem since it pays bad.

  20. 1 year ago

    Sub-100 IQ is preferred if you want to be a paleontologist.

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