How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?

How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    crate training is good for some breeds like king charles cavaliers and poodles that have really bad separation anxiety. most trainers actually think it's worse when dog people let their pets sleep in the beds and stuff. some of the better breeders even make you sign something that you'll crate train your poodle, i don't know how that is enforceable but whatever.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    If it's fine for a cow it's fine for a dog.

    • 3 weeks ago

      don’t think that’s how it works

  3. 3 weeks ago

    i don’t own dogs (catgay) but every dog owner who has shit to say about small dogs and cats are sociopathic (you’ll see how they “joke” about being violent against them because they’re “annoying”) and do shit like op’s pic.

    personally i like both cats and dogs, i like small ones too. but most dog owners are moronic psychopaths and should euthanize themselves.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Largely true. Like others have said most don’t even like the animals, just want something to lord over

  4. 3 weeks ago

    People who do this don't see the animal as a living creature with its own life, they see it as a toy that only exists for them to play with. Big sign that the individual has a narcissistic personality and at least based on my anecdotal life experience, every person who does this is also insanely cruel and abusive but hides it behind larping as nice.
    >don't worry they reveal themselves over any tiny inconvenience

  5. 3 weeks ago

    I'm pretty sure my neighbor beats her labrador and keeps it in a cage all day. Don't have definite proof other than the yelling but she's kinda weird and I don't want to start any shit with her by calling the cops.

    • 3 weeks ago

      If they were already “aggressive” then no shit it was “fine”, doing that to normal well adjusted cats usually doesn’t end well

  6. 3 weeks ago

    dog owners are morons everywhere, but the American ones seem to take the cake

    • 3 weeks ago

      >dog owner: i'll lock them in a cage, no need to care for animals
      >cat owner: i'll let them outside, no need to care for animals
      Why not lock cats in a cage? I've done it before because someone really needed me to hold their 3 cats that were aggressive with everything and it worked fine.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    you guys talk like smart people, but here you are, bickering over cats and dogs, like cats and dogs.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Wait people lock the dogs up? I thought crate training is like, the dog goes inside the crate and relaxes, naps while you are away but a crate is open.

    This is worse than chaining a dog.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I never understood why people crate their dogs for long hours during the day., do they seriously not train their pet to not destroy things while they're out of the house?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I feel bad leaving them in 2 story home without getting the chance to go outside, I can't imagine how people could rationalize this shit as not abusive.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    because dog owners hate animals and just like being able to control something

  12. 4 weeks ago

    99% of dog owners should not own a dog. most sexually abused animal too

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's actually horses. Sheep maybe.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Sheep maybe
        Only if you live in the South Pacific or South West of the Britannic mainland

        • 3 weeks ago

          I was gonna say the Middle East too but remembered thats goats

  13. 4 weeks ago

    This thread isn't doing much to dissuade the point that dog owners don't actually like dogs

  14. 4 weeks ago

    My old labrador is not caged but acts like one due his hip dysplasia. He can barely move

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Most people are morons who *think* they want a dog, but only the good parts.
    Its easier to leave them it a crate all day than actually train and engage with a being that's basically a small child mentally.
    Dog whisperer is a good example, its always the same shit: Owners never really tried to teach the dog anything, so they either leave it in a crate all day, or just let it run amuck.
    Basically, if you have to crate dogs you have a low iq and willpower, and likely struggle in other ways like financial or addiction issues.

  16. 1 month ago

    Because he shits himself and eats the walls

    • 1 month ago

      why fostering a being that destroys your house?

      • 1 month ago

        I didnt know until it was too late

    • 1 month ago

      Training issue

      I read all this.
      Here is your tl;dr
      >I project my fantastical version of people based on my antisocial attitude towards them. Only I treat animals well. Because I'm secretly better than everyone else, I am a really good person despite evidence in my post that I'm practically moronic.

      People adopting and breeding so many genetic and physiological trainwrecks, some of which cant even reproduce naturally anymore, and others that need constant preventative care to prevent their fricked up bodies from self destructing (i've heard bullshit like "puppies aren't allowed to run because hip dysplasia" for SOME breeds) is pretty damning. Locking dogs in tiny boxes without access to water is just icing on the cake.

      • 1 month ago

        more like training solution

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Because he shits himself and eats the walls
      Why would anyone deal with this? Why even keep an animal if this is what it does? Ill never understand this state of mind.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sometimes you get an animal and it doesnt act the way you want right away so you have to either let it destroy your house, get rid of it, or confine it until you work through the issue
        Hope that helps

  17. 1 month ago

    Left looks edible, right meh.

  18. 1 month ago

    This is the equivalent of a veal crate tbh. But, again, this reeks of people seeing the absolute worst possible method of doing something and assuming that the thing is, therefore, abusive. Like how moronic vegans think that calf crates are just like veal crates.

    • 1 month ago

      Calf hutch is the term in English my bad.

    • 1 month ago

      veal crates are used only to maximize veal meat production, puppy crates are simply made to better train the dog.

    • 1 month ago

      Veal crates are used to save money

      Crating dogs is used because dog owners believe that being abusive and treating dogs like dirt is needed (the emotional trauma obliterates their personality and leaves them permanently fearful and submissive, similar to how army grunts are trained to be brainless zogbots)

      • 1 month ago

        Low-iq individuals believe this is abusive, just as low-iq individuals believe

        Calf hutch is the term in English my bad.

        is abusive.

        • 1 month ago

          >A large pen with roaming room and water, specifically for small a puppy
          That is not abusive and it makes veal crates look small

          A closed "crate" without water however IS abusive, and not used to train a dog, but to avoid training a dog because mindbreaking it is easier. That is because most dog owners dislike dogs and only like owning them.

          • 1 month ago

            >A closed "crate" without water however IS abusive, and not used to train a dog, but to avoid training a dog because mindbreaking it is easier. That is because most dog owners dislike dogs and only like owning them.

            So crategays are essentialy the inverse of those countryside hicks that chain a '"guard dog'" to a post in the middle of their backyard field without even giving it a doghouse to shelter it from the rain and summer sunlight, and only interact with the dog once a day just to feed it table scraps and butchering leftovers?

            • 1 month ago

              Down to the letter, just throw in a 10 minute "potty walk" and replace their singlewide with an apartment

          • 1 month ago

            >That is because most dog owners dislike dogs and only like owning them
            average dog owner just has it lay at their feet and yells at it the rest of the time
            >i cant let it dominate me!

          • 1 month ago

            >That is because most dog owners dislike dogs and only like owning them.
            Few if any words spoken have been truer.

      • 3 weeks ago

        lmao, you've got some trauma to work through my dude
        go see a therapist, it'll make your whole life better

        • 3 weeks ago

          Clearly you haven't seen the average "dog trainer" at work

          They put spike collars on dogs and repeatedly jerk them straight up until the dog gives up. That's dog training. It is very possible to train a dog without this, but it takes 3 weeks instead of 3 minutes.

          The downside is the dog becomes potentially unsafe, so the old adage is "don't pet strange dogs"

  19. 1 month ago

    I know a woman who has six pomeranians. She keeps them all in crates too small for 20+ hours per day, even on the weekends. She doesn't leave any water for them, because they'll piss all over their crates.
    Recently she left one of them to die (extremely large tumor in his jaw) while she vacationed in Florida. That was less than a month ago.

    • 1 month ago

      Caged for a good reason then. Horrible frickers.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't particularly like 'em either, but it seems unusually cruel to me. You'd think she would stop after inflicting maximum suffering on only one or two of them. Must be really sick in the head.

    • 1 month ago

      Take photos, call animal control and the police, laugh

      Serves her right for trying to replace babies with animals

    • 2 weeks ago

      I know a backyard breeder who breeds the most inbred poms, going near his house reeks of death and rot. Took a peak inside at some point and there was a dog whose ass was filled to the brim with flies and the fur was all matted.

      Ofcourse the dude turned out to be an arab so it was easy to rally a mob on his ass.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Ofcourse the dude turned out to be an arab so it was easy to rally a mob on his ass.

  20. 1 month ago

    Because 90% of dog owners don't actually like dogs, they like that dogs are a socially acceptable way to be in a powerful, dominant position where no one can stop you and any amount of violence and rage is socially acceptable as long as they don't "need" to go to the vet after your divine wrath is finished.

    If you try and stop them, they get mad and act like their dog is going to snap and kill everyone (after enough of their shit, it might) if they can't treat a beagle worse than sigfried and roy treat tigers.

    Do you really think people who love animals would breed something to look a diseased, unnatural, and disgusting as this? The entire point was making it as visibly inferior as they treat it.

    • 1 month ago

      >Because 90% of dog owners don't actually like dogs
      Into the trash it goes

      • 1 month ago

        They don't like dogs. They like dog ownership. There's a difference.

        The same kind of "person" usually doesn't like cats so "cat people" that also dislike dogs, but dislike dog ownership, noticed this hundreds of years ago. But animal behavior science has progressed (in line with the science of controlling human behavior in the same way, relevant to marketing and military training) and now these people are starting to like cats. Pay attention and you'll start seeing them.

        • 1 month ago

          Fair point.

        • 1 month ago

          >The same kind of "person" usually doesn't like cats so "cat people" that also dislike dogs, but dislike dog ownership, noticed this hundreds of years ago.
          what are you trying to say? looks like you missed a coma or typo but idk where

    • 1 month ago

      I read all this.
      Here is your tl;dr
      >I project my fantastical version of people based on my antisocial attitude towards them. Only I treat animals well. Because I'm secretly better than everyone else, I am a really good person despite evidence in my post that I'm practically moronic.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Sensitive response. What's the matter, did he strike a nerve?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Thanks anon

        How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?

        If you need to do this to have a dog then you shouldn’t have a dog simple as

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and shambles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because somebody else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his sense of importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect—the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours—and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense. Altogether, we may see that the dog appeals to those primitive emotional souls whose chief demands on the universe are for meaningless affection, aimless companionship, and flattering attention and subservience; whilst the cat reigns among those more contemplative and imaginative spirits who ask of the universe only the objective sight of poignant, ethereal beauty and the animate symbolisation of Nature’s bland, relentless, reposeful, unhurried, and impersonal order and sufficiency. The dog gives, but the cat is.

      • 4 weeks ago

        What a pseud. He should have touched grass instead of becoming a recluse because he was a literally moronic trust fund child who lost his life of luxury.

        >Throw a stick
        >The dog ignores it because they do not want to play
        >tie a string to the stick
        Dogs are companions. Cats are bio-toys.

        • 4 weeks ago

          lovecraft had no talent for math. he was some sort of autistic semi-savant who only had a mind for writing mediocre prose.

          high technology like string was totally beyond his mushy homosexual brand. he had no way of knowing how silly cats are. he just projected his own fantasy about being a stoic intellectual onto the cat because without any stimulation it showed the same outward signs of brain inactivity as himself.

          many such cases actually. it's almost the "cat person" blueprint, which is why they can't form a mental separation between criticism of their neglect and criticism of cats themselves. they are the idea of cat, emotionally inseparable from it. it becomes their refuge, the totem of their personal god and a role model for divinity.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >it’s another doggots cry about Lovecraft because they feel personally attacked episode

            >which is why they can't form a mental separation between criticism of their neglect and criticism of cats themselves.
            self awareness not found

            • 4 weeks ago

              >reading comprehension not found
              His tldr essay quite literally says that he considers you a lower form of humanity if you prefer dogs, because he thinks his neglected cats comatose state is masking higher thought and he apparently had a complex that made him disgusted by cooperation and extroversion.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >he considers you a lower form of humanity if you prefer dogs
                hey when he’s right he’s right

              • 4 weeks ago

                i wouldnt take advice on the quality of humanity from someone who died poor and childless.

                never trust a man who doesn't have children on matters of philosophy. if he was so right his bloodline wouldn't go extinct.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Seethe harder dog buttsniffer

    • 4 weeks ago

      THIS. You never see cat breeders make a SMASHED and SLAMMED cat lol. The worst thing cat owners have are pic related

      • 4 weeks ago

        NYAT SO FAST!

        • 4 weeks ago

          Still better than a Toadhound

          • 4 weeks ago

            It took toadlines anywhere from 20 to 40 thousand years to show up on the dog timeline, depending on where you draw the line between tame wolves and self domestication. Selective breeding wasn't even well established until the dawn of agriculture, and breeds as we know them did not really exist until the victorian.

            The selective breeding of cats only got started in the past 2 centuries. This isn't even the beginning. They will get worse, while the regulatory hammer will come down on dogs and only dogs because specifying "any domestic animal" would piss off the farmers trying to select for brainless meat bricks.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Common domestic longhair (felis cattus), 2268
              >Brain reduced to bare minimum to minimize need for care
              >Primary function is sitting in your lap and purring
              >Fast reproduction to maximize profit margins
              >Totally safe to let outside, won't hurt a thing

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thought this was actually a SLAMMED specimen for a minute lmao
                Just an amorphous ball of fur

              • 2 weeks ago

                Looks like a cinchilla

      • 4 weeks ago


        >Because he shits himself and eats the walls
        Why would anyone deal with this? Why even keep an animal if this is what it does? Ill never understand this state of mind.

        Basically, he's abusing his dog by never actually doing real separation anxiety training, and separation anxiety usually only happens because the dog never has anything to do except be with its owner, ever.

  21. 1 month ago

    Quite easily actually. Organsims adapt to "lower living standards" fairly well and can be quite happy. It is something observable in humans too and is why there were not mass suicides across the global human populations before the advent of the "modern era". You cant force a dog into a cage. But you can get puppies used to cages at an early age and slowly increase the time spent in them overtime. It is a practice heavily encouraged with young sighthound breeds too, atleast from where I am from anyway where whippets/greyhounds are common.

    • 4 weeks ago

      civilization has been culling the population that cannot tolerate lowered living conditions
      freedom and exposure to increased risk and danger make for a more satisfying, fulfilling life
      bugmen who whinge about shorter lifespans and more suffering cannot comprehend that there's more to life than dopamine

  22. 1 month ago

    >oh no not the heckin pupperino 🙁

    • 4 weeks ago

      Quite easily actually. Organsims adapt to "lower living standards" fairly well and can be quite happy. It is something observable in humans too and is why there were not mass suicides across the global human populations before the advent of the "modern era". You cant force a dog into a cage. But you can get puppies used to cages at an early age and slowly increase the time spent in them overtime. It is a practice heavily encouraged with young sighthound breeds too, atleast from where I am from anyway where whippets/greyhounds are common.

      Low-iq individuals believe this is abusive, just as low-iq individuals believe [...]is abusive.

      Because he shits himself and eats the walls

      Brown mentality

      • 4 weeks ago

        Animal husbandry is extremely white

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