Guy i went out with said he doesnt like small dogs

I asked him if I could bring my dog to his place since I was gonna stay the night and she sometimes cries when I leave her and he’s like yeah sure no problem

Then everything seemed fine she didn’t do anything terrible. I’m still training her and she’s not sure to strangers so she did bark at him a little bit and growl a bit.

But it honestly wasn’t much at all. And she just has to get used to him. He’s also giant and scary so that doesn’t help.

Anyway she completely calmed down by the end of the night and even slept on the bed with us.

He never had any reactions at all especially emotional or positive ones to her. When I looked at him his facial expression was completely emotionless. He never said she is cute or anything at all.

Later when he was dropping me off he said he’d miss me and I made a joke saying she won’t miss him cuz she was growling at him earlier the day before. He said he wouldn’t miss her either.

Then the next day he said he got me and her some treats for next time, and I said I thought you hated her.

Then he said “I don’t like small dogs, I don’t hate them but I don’t really like them”..

And I was like wtf

It’s just weird and it’s hurtful to me. I can’t imagine telling someone that I don’t like their pet. It’s even weirder cause it’s a dog, and usually if you like dogs ur not gonna be that picky and be like “I only like big dogs”.

So it’s weird cause he is trying to date me and stuff but he doesn’t like my dog and it makes me feel unwelcome and offended. I like all pets and even if I wasn’t the biggest fan of someone’s pet I wouldn’t tell them.

Does anyone have advice or what are your thoughts?

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  1. 5 months ago

    post breasts

  2. 5 months ago

    That’s a pretty big dog isn’t it? When I hear people being size queens about dogs I figure they mean chihuahuas or toy poodles

    Either way, you sound like a dumb prostitute and this guy probably wants to date YOU and not your stupid dog as well. Bringing a dog to stay the night in someone’s house and possibly get hair and slobber and shit everywhere is rude to begin with.

  3. 5 months ago

    You cant trust a man who doesnt love dogs

  4. 5 months ago


    >I've been fricking my first bf since 9th grade but he won't settle down, no men even wanna get married anymore
    >all the benefits of marriage with none of the downsides
    Holy shit you're so fricking stupid.
    I'll get married, bet your ass I'm not marrying the village bicycle.

  5. 5 months ago


    >I've been fricking my first bf since 9th grade but he won't settle down, no men even wanna get married anymore
    Men do want to get married, mine already proposed. He's not settling down because he already got everything he wanted from you. that's what happens when you rush into sex at a young age and know nothing about the kind of guy he is. Sure, no men that only had the intention of using you as an easy lay wanna get married anymore. That's why you wait until you meet a quality man worthy of marriage and giving yourself to instead of giving it all up for nothing. Think it's too late for you though based on this thread, tough read.

  6. 5 months ago

    >small dogs usually have fricked up teeth and you have to brush your fricking dog's teeth or they have horrible stank breath and mouth problems
    >unless you put up an impenetrable barrier around your yard you can't just let the dog out or it'll get away
    >or get picked up by a hawk or coyote for that matter, you have to go out with the dog every time it shits
    >usually require pee pads especially when they get old
    >not active or fun, they mostly just sit there and get exhausted after 2 feet of walking
    >a lot of them are very vocal
    I like animals. I like any animal. But I do not understand why these little toy breeds are so popular. It's gross. These things are stunted to the point that they're fetus sized. It's not the same as how messed up pugs are or toadline mutants, but it's still wrong

    • 5 months ago

      >you have to brush your fricking dog's teeth or they have horrible stank breath and mouth problems
      Isn't that every dog?
      >an impenetrable barrier around your yard
      That's called a fence, they're quite common.
      >get exhausted after 2 feet of walking
      In my experience, Poms are definitely not easily winded.
      My 20lb Shiba will hike 10+ miles with me every weekend and come back for more.

      • 5 months ago

        >That's called a fence, they're quite common.
        Yeah and a 5lb Yorkie would just walk through the gaps
        >My 20lb Shiba will hike 10+ miles with me every weekend and come back for more.
        That's fair, my parents' 15lb mutt didn't have these sorts of problems

  7. 5 months ago

    nobody here has asked the most important question yet: are you a femanon or a homosexual? if you're a homosexual, leave. if you're a femanon, post breasts with timestamp

  8. 5 months ago

    I like big dogs a lot more than small dogs too. It's not that unusual. People who don't want a lap dog and tend to want active dogs tend to also want dogs that aren't small.

  9. 5 months ago

    Most men don't like small dogs, but I'm talking handbag goblins and chihuahuas here. If OP pic is your dog, she wouldn't fall into that category at all, at least to me.

  10. 5 months ago


    This has to be the most moronic "take" I've ever heard in my life.

  11. 5 months ago


    They were bred to hunt small burrowing animals and predate extremely large dogs by centuries.

    • 5 months ago

      there are a lot of toy breeds that were bred to be companion animals

  12. 5 months ago

    Who the frick cares

  13. 5 months ago

    i hate small dogs but i hate women even more.

  14. 5 months ago

    I have a small dog despite the fact that I don't like small dogs.
    Now I only like my small dog, not any others.

    I've been in his position before and it's like halfway to the baggage of dating a single mother.
    Also what do you care if you're sleeping with near strangers? Just go hop on the next dick already. You'll never find someone to settle with, so better get real comfortable with that dog.

  15. 5 months ago

    didn't read but that's a cool dog

  16. 5 months ago

    you can't be a woman and be here

    • 5 months ago

      No such thing as women on the interwebs

  17. 5 months ago

    >canyon c**t bawd also happens to be absolutely fricking insane
    go figure

  18. 5 months ago

    Not liking shitty yappy basically a cat dogs is absolutely normal and not gender exclusive. Don't get too broken up about it.

  19. 5 months ago

    Is this even an animal thread or just your gay blogpost?

  20. 5 months ago

    you should give your dog steroids and growth hormones so he'll like her more
    trust me I'm a lawyer

  21. 5 months ago

    >Does anyone have advice or what are your thoughts?
    Stop sleeping with random strangers after you meet them for the first time.
    If he doesn't like your dog, it's not going to work out, and you should've realized that well before you slept with him.

  22. 5 months ago

    Jesus Christ if you gonna choose your dog over him just be over with it. It's not fricking hard.

  23. 5 months ago

    Little dogs love me like their divine king. When I enter the room and sit they run to me and submit. When I grant them passage they hop into my lap and direct their fury to the plebs before us.
    >That's little Belew, he hates everyone don't worry he won't bite too hard
    >Wait, what?
    >My God, you are the lost king.

  24. 5 months ago

    anyone who "doesn't like dogs" is a fricking creep

  25. 5 months ago

    >Ahem, excuse me my dear redditor, you seem to be blaming dogs for something wrong with society
    >But did you notice we had dogs the whole time and no problems? Now let's have a look at things we didn't have the whole time
    >including some people we kicked out of our countries a few times and let back in (oh what a mistake)
    >seems THOSE people aren't fond of dogs, much like you
    >do you find that interesting? maybe that's why we kicked them out, or maybe it was because they were doing something else
    >hey what's so special about pitbull owners and poor people who let their dogs bark all day? are you noticing a pattern here or is it just me?

  26. 5 months ago

    can you "normal" people just stop fricking buying dogs? Like you don't fricking need a disgusting animal in your house and I don't need to hear it's untrained obese ass barking at random things all day and have to worry about it running loose in front of my car or going into my backyard where my kids are playing

    GOD DAMNIT I hate pet culture but I loathe dog culture how about you start a family and then let's see how well you maintain your profile pics and events with your stupid mutt in them PROTIP you won't because all this time you were confusing your maternal instincts with a piece of shit animal

    • 5 months ago

      Why the frick are you on Wauf?

      • 5 months ago

        if you don't like dogs, or any pets at all, why the frick are you on Wauf then?

        >doesn't think the tumor-like status of pet culture in the developed West is something to be praised
        >herp only animals are cats n' dogs derp

        You can't see the forest for the trees your brains are so indoctrinated with our shit culture and social media

        • 5 months ago

          Holy fricking reddit. You know we've been doing this since ancient rome, right?

          If not from the start, because dogs self domesticated and had basically nothing like todays "working breeds" for the first 20-30 thousand years of their history

          Indeed, if anything, today's dogs are actually more useful. Even toy breeds are highly effective alarms and living in a neighborhood with dogs, any dogs, of any size and breed, significantly reduces your likelihood of being a victim of violent or property crime. Deshawn and mccormick the professional burglars don't care how big the dog is, they care if someone looks over and sees them doing something they shouldn't - or if someone is home and is extra jumpy (and armed) at the combination between their noise and the dog. Dog owners also live longer and are more likely to marry. Did you ever stop to think that the dogs are still here after ~40,000 years because they are getting MORE useful, not less? Like here, they are an effective sociopath filter. We took this naturally occurring companion animal and selectively bred it to be MORE effective at triggering the empathy response in normally functioning (AKA correct, superior, better-than-you, etc) human beings. That is not so women can not have kids. It is so women can tell how evil their kids father is. A woman can not resist the wiener, and if she can it's not because of dogs! It's because of hormonal birth control, that literally turns off the pair bonding instinct.

          >inb4 what are cats for
          The same thing overly cute sociopath filter dogs are for. But for people who are lower status and can't afford a more useful dog.

          • 5 months ago

            >Dog owners also live longer and are more likely to marry
            That's because dog owners are whiter

          • 5 months ago

            it's indeed a sociopath filter, but you've got it backward

            it filters the unconsciously empathic 'omg le cute thing' tards who care for exterior virtue signalling from the consciously virteous who recognize dog conditioning for what it is

            • 5 months ago

              The consciously virtuous are just sociopaths with religious ideals. Usually autists (a type of psychopath) slowly developing schizophrenia (religosity).

              Normal people do not have the need to make everything just something except when it is inconvenient. You can just tell dogs aren’t robots or any descartes shit.

              • 5 months ago

                tradgays and hyperlibs are the same people, schizoid sociopaths, errytime
                >right wing subhuman: dat ids just hr instincts saying ids like a babby only humans have souls bcuz gawd and also my pseudoscience asspull so ids okay to kick it acrods te room for barkinng at me also if u are smoking weed or brown or gay i will shoot you at walmart, laterz
                >left wing subhuman: that actually is a baby and god isnt real you are just another animal so because you let it bark it is clearly abused so i will now kill it to end its slavery and you will be incarcerated in a re-education camp you fricking cattle

              • 5 months ago

                why do you talk like this
                talk like a normal, well-adjusted human being

              • 5 months ago

                accurate description, that doesn't take away that the same 'omg le doggo is inherently good cause flufffy and niceee make my social instinct tingle :*~~' are the same people who will calleously support tyrants because they just kinda feel like it
                kinda like a dog, arbitrary without reason, I guess dog people are attracted to their own self-image, the dog.

              • 5 months ago

                Holy fricking shit they literally called it

                tradgays and hyperlibs are the same people, schizoid sociopaths, errytime
                >right wing subhuman: dat ids just hr instincts saying ids like a babby only humans have souls bcuz gawd and also my pseudoscience asspull so ids okay to kick it acrods te room for barkinng at me also if u are smoking weed or brown or gay i will shoot you at walmart, laterz
                >left wing subhuman: that actually is a baby and god isnt real you are just another animal so because you let it bark it is clearly abused so i will now kill it to end its slavery and you will be incarcerated in a re-education camp you fricking cattle

                >Arbitrary and without reason!
                The idea that being "ethically consistent" is in any way good or desirable is in itself arbitrary and has also lead people to callously* (learn to spell you worthless fricking pseud) support things most would consider tyrannical.
                >Please, stop that factory from running. The water is undrinkable. Our children are born with cancer.
                >I'm sorry but that would go against my libertarian ideals. The factory owners and workers have the same rights you do. If you dislike their operations, encourage people to purchase alternative products. They are not oppressing you. They are just free to do what people will pay them to.
                >Perhaps you should start a water purification business.
                "Philosophically arbitrary" decision making is more adaptable to present needs and can still follow a predictable ruleset enabling cooperation. Which god from which religion rewards you with good boy points for being philosophically and ethically consistent, again? Why else would it matter?

                And are you not a dog?
                >I bark at strangers. I bite them if they enter.
                >It's the mailman. He's not going to hurt you.
                >I am sticking to my guns. And I am tearing his hand off.
                >ok we'll put you down
                >Hypocrite. You wouldn't do this to a child. Is killing bad or is killing fine? Simple question. A or B. Make up your mind you fricking NPC!

                The fact is, humanity has never created a single overarching and unmoving goalpost that encompasses all that are naturally or commonly desired without causing undesirable and damaging effects. Ever. It seems to be impossible because our complexity as a species escapes our desire for simplicity.

              • 5 months ago

                >reasonably follows emotion and lives in truth
                your argument works for every linguistic theory of reason, i just attempt to reason my emotion into action
                I arbitarily believe creation is Good. From there I reason on.
                I am different from the dog because I am free. The dog serves its owner (subversion/slavery/destruction) I serve nature (unfolding of love and freedom). I am like the wolf, not the dog, just like the wolf is not like the dog.
                Furthermore, truth and freedom are universal values transcending everything you can throw at them. To be ethically consistent is to be truthful to your being and to refrain from lying/twisting the truth.
                I'm ESL so grammar mistakes happen.
                >which God
                truth and love (the Living God)
                >which reward
                truth is a reward of its own
                >why else would it matter
                I don't know, I believe it matters, it's my spiritual anchor that truth and love matter.

                Love is an overarching concept of humanity, because to love is to be human.

                tradgays and hyperlibs are the same people, schizoid sociopaths, errytime
                >right wing subhuman: dat ids just hr instincts saying ids like a babby only humans have souls bcuz gawd and also my pseudoscience asspull so ids okay to kick it acrods te room for barkinng at me also if u are smoking weed or brown or gay i will shoot you at walmart, laterz
                >left wing subhuman: that actually is a baby and god isnt real you are just another animal so because you let it bark it is clearly abused so i will now kill it to end its slavery and you will be incarcerated in a re-education camp you fricking cattle

                Makes sense

              • 5 months ago

                >I am different from the dog because I am free. The dog serves its owner (subversion/slavery/destruction) I serve nature (unfolding of love and freedom). I am like the wolf, not the dog, just like the wolf is not like the dog.
                you are an egotistical midwit. you serve your owner, you moronic homosexual. go take your clothes off in a public square, say "ISRAEL IS NOT A VALID NATION, THE HOLOCAUST DID NOT HAPPEN BUT IT SHOULD HAVE" and find out who owns you.
                shit my dog does that every day and people give him treats

                a fricking dog is more free than you. they don't have to pay taxes and the laws they follow are lax. they don't even have to work to move to a new home. they can just walk there and look cute. no more of a chance of being shot than you, due to castle doctrine and hobo killing for sport.

                to love is a base animal instinct btw. kissing is hilariously an attempt to taste the partners immune system to determine the likelihood of a miscarriage. kek, biology. you were born being able to love or not, regardless of species. if you aren't able to love, you might come up with some idiotic intellectual version of love. that sure is uniquely human, but it's not a good thing.

              • 5 months ago

                One man's tyrant is another man's hero who preserves freedom or goodness by refusing to tolerate what destroys it. moral objectivity is a farce. morality is only as objective as it relates to your instincts of subjective correctness. a conscious predator of man does not see you as morally significant or possibly an evil they are cleansing the land of like police seeking out thieves. it doesn't really matter what you think of that.

    • 5 months ago

      Get a load of this fat reddit piece of shit lmfao

      Anyone want to place bets on how many mass shootings he's planned?

    • 5 months ago

      if you don't like dogs, or any pets at all, why the frick are you on Wauf then?

      • 5 months ago

        maybe he's a botanist or mycology chad

    • 5 months ago

      If you care so much about misplaced maternal instincts go frick off and make some kids? You have become the tiny yapper dog

      • 5 months ago

        He can’t breed his chin is too recessed and his mouth is a constant mass shooter manifesto generator

  27. 5 months ago

    How is it dogs just *know* who to bark at? I mean obviously there are some that have behavior problems are just little shits, but every dog I've had somehow seems to know who's friendly and who needs to be put on notice. Super gentle whenever kids pop up, seems to be able to tell when someone is known to me or wants to pet them, but if there's anything off about their behavior at all "BARK BARK BARK!" I remember walking my current dog through a park a couple months back. All of a sudden she started barking like crazy and tugging me away. I look back, some dude was I guess jogging, but he was holding some sort of metal rod with both arms above his head. It was so weird, it was like a golf club or something. Or the other night, I'm walking her back, I walk her on a 30 foot leash, dude with a flashlight comes by, he shines at her, walks passed, then he shines it at me, and the second he pointed it at me she started barking at him and I had to pull her back. I can count so many instances like that. Car parks in front of my home. Someone I know? She starts whimpering and gets excited. Someone I don't? She starts barking like it's the end of the world.

    • 5 months ago

      Frick, this was meant to be it's own thread. I'm moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      animals have basic pattern recognition too you moron they are not special just annoying dirty pests that bark at everything and anything becuase you don't train them not to

      • 5 months ago

        What part of "knows who not to bark at" didn't you get? And why would I train them not to be protective? It's so much of why people started keeping them to begin with.

  28. 5 months ago

    reminder that dating a woman who owns tarantulas is still a better bet than a ratdog owner

  29. 5 months ago


    Small dogs are the ideal cat replacement. Significantly more intelligent and useful. Even the barking is useful. Cats have done literally nothing ever. Imagine an exterminator who lives in your house and is always exterminating the mice. For his 14 year tenure you are never rid of the mice, but he has a dead one here and there so he must be working right? Also I’m a construction worker who is always hammering. Ignore the house not being built.

    If you want a useless lifeform in your house but want to pretend it passively aids you based on literal myths grow some evil warding bullshit houseplant.

    • 5 months ago

      I understand that some people prefer dogs but I genuinely don’t understand the hatred and aggression for cats

  30. 5 months ago

    are women really like this or is this a troll thread?

    • 5 months ago


  31. 5 months ago

    Dog people are freaks. I would never go spend time with a person I’m romantically interested in but also plop my 7 foot long pet Boa Constrictor on their coffee table and get offended they weren’t enthralled by its presence. He probably tolerated it because he likes you, but realizes he’ll always come second to the mutt.

    • 5 months ago

      You can plop your anaconda in my night table, if you catch my drift.

  32. 5 months ago

    I hate your dog!

  33. 5 months ago


    I wish it’s just a photo of a dog I wanted but someone got before me

  34. 5 months ago

    >usually if you like dogs ur not gonna be that picky and be like “I only like big dogs”.
    Completely wrong. Maybe sheltertrannies, but I hate small dogs. I specifically went for a big dog. At best I'd accept a medium sized dog. Rat sized dogs are the worst.

    • 5 months ago

      Hating any animal makes you a loser

  35. 5 months ago

    This is so stupid I can almost believe you're an actual woman.
    I don't though.

  36. 5 months ago

    I don't trust anybody that doesn't immediately get along with dogs. Like if it was some Black person shitbull, okay I can understand that. But some rando labmutt goober that looks pretty friendly? How can you just not get along with a doge like that

    • 5 months ago

      Depends on the dog, small, untrained, yappy shits are as insufferable as their owners who think their little darlings are just the cutest. I like some dogs and dislike others and I say that as someone who has a dog of my own

      • 5 months ago

        This. I see tiny dogs always off leash, barking like crazy, pulling and walking 50 feet ahead of their owner, ignoring commands. Nobody says shit. The moment a large dog barks you'll have several small dog owners complaining that their dog is threatened by some barking. Meanwhile the small dog instigated.

    • 5 months ago

      farmer/outdoorsman here, you'd understand if you knew parasitological lifecycles in animals and humans, you dont pet carnivore/omnivores for fun, it spreads disease and parasites

      also, tard-wrangling animals and a basic grassroots experience based understanding of classical conditioning will make you realize the dog probably doesn't give a shit about anything except your use to it, it does not comprehend forgivenese/altruism and is therefor a lower form of life which should not be bonded with, old testament got it right

  37. 5 months ago

    >not a small dog
    At least post pic of your small dog, 9/10 bait otherwise

  38. 5 months ago

    why did you space out your story you b***h

  39. 5 months ago

    I unironically can't tell if this is 200 IQ iron chef quality bait or a woman being completely moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      That's the sweet spot. When it's just on that line. If it is bait then easily 10/10. I would say 9, but to have the balls to do it on a slower board shows they aren't hunting for a quick (you). This would be a professional baiter.

      • 5 months ago

        >This would be a professional baiter.
        Perhaps even a master baiter.

  40. 5 months ago

    white women when they realize everyone else barely tolerates their dog (smelly loud beast named princess that leaves its fur all over their couch)

    • 5 months ago

      Not liking dogs is associated with sociopathy.
      See: arab lands, china, israel

      Very reddit post. Don’t forget your menorah on the way out.

      • 5 months ago

        cope. Normal people literally give 0 shits about your barking moron

        • 5 months ago

          >Cope saar! Do not redeem the pooch >:( no one will redeem the pooch NO ONE thank you have a nice day

      • 5 months ago

        Don’t forget india, they don’t like any pets

        • 5 months ago

          Stop lying, you stupid c**t. There are so many doggays here that dogs are a menace in parks now.

          • 5 months ago

            Okay I didn’t know that.. Indians I’ve met seem to be super against having pets indoors or any animals

            • 5 months ago

              >Indians I’ve met seem to be super against having pets indoors or any animals
              Because most morons here don't know how to take care of them. Everyone here 12 hrs a day. The ones who can afford them are the kind of rich sociopaths use it as a status symbol. No one should be owning a pet in this shithole.

      • 5 months ago

        Shit b8 Black person have a nice day.

    • 5 months ago

      I love small dogs, big dogs, literally every dog I've ever met, but for the life of me cannot understand why this matters in the slightest. He doesn't like the dog but he doesn't hate it either, and even bought treats for it. What is the issue exactly?


  41. 5 months ago

    I forgot to add he really likes big dogs, not sure if it was clear from the post

    • 5 months ago

      Assuming he never had any dogs, that makes sense. Any normal person who never owned dogs would like big dogs simply because they are big.

  42. 5 months ago

    Tell him it hurt you when he said that and give him a chance to explain himself. Guys are stupid and will say exactly what they're thinking with no filter, he probably didn't mean it the way you took it.

    • 5 months ago

      I mean it’s not gonna change the truth and the truth is that he doesn’t like my baby

      • 5 months ago

        Why would he like her when he just met her?

        Well the other guy i dated said he would kill someone if they offend his dog so i don’t think im that weird idk

        You are unhinged. Please dump him so that he can find someone better.

        • 5 months ago


          Why am I unhinged

          • 5 months ago

            Hating someone because they did not fall in love with her at the firstsight, is stupid.

            • 5 months ago

              Ur stupid first of all

              Second of all they said they don’t like small dogs and like big ones

              So it shows he’s closed minded and lacks empathy because he didn’t even find her cute

              • 5 months ago

                The dude bought your dog treats. If he hated it he wouldn't have done that. Stop being stubborn about some made up slight and get over yourself. Or just dump him like it seems you want to do.

              • 5 months ago

                He just did it so he could woo me or something (get into my pants)

                It’s not a made up slight

                why did you space out your story you b***h

                To make it easier for cretins like you to read

              • 5 months ago

                Then dump him and stop b***hing to us

              • 5 months ago

                So let me get this straight, OP. You met a guy who took you out for a date and then not only let you come back to his place with no sex (presumably since you say he WANTS to get in your pants, not did). Was in the bed with you and didn't try shit. Let the dog come over as well and even let it sleep in the bed with you. He also got it treats and basically gave you free room and board with zero in return for a night and you are considering it being over because he said what most guys do and that they prefer big dogs? That's just incredible. Granted, ya can date whoever the hell you want. You're on Wauf so I didn't expect you to be normal, but that seems a bit much. Was there a tone or vibe or other hints that we're missing? Like other reasons or tones he had when discussing it like angrily, with disgust, eyeing it up, or just anything else beyond his preference for bigger dogs like most men.

              • 5 months ago

                Well he never said it was cute..

                Also you’re being too generous “gave you a free room to board” like ok and? He didn’t lose anything from it and it’s not like that’s hard to do

                Plus he has ulterior motives

              • 5 months ago

                >Well he never said it was cute
                Why would he?

                Idk if he “didn’t try shit” he kept trying to cuddle me and he even kissed me not on the lips a few time. I was somewhat resistant to even cuddling so ig that’s why he didn’t try more.

                Why not just dump him.

                Also nobody asked for his opinion he should have kept it to himself unless someone specifically asked him and even then he shouldn’t have said he doesn’t like her

                He was indifferent. He never said he hated her. You are the one who wants him to like her right from the start

                Also he has other red flags like he seems overly interested way too soon, is already trying to plan trips and things with me in the future, and he keeps messaging me despite me not replying often and sort of being lukewarm with him almost

                And he keeps texting even when I don’t reply, like he sends more texts

                Another red flag is that’s he’s had a lot of gfs

                Just dump him if you don't like him. Stop trying to come up with random excuses. You don't have to date him.

              • 5 months ago

                >you don’t have to date him
                How do you know

                It’s not that I don’t like him I just think he is sus and I’m also very offended and trigerred so now I have resentment

              • 5 months ago

                >How do you know
                >he is sus
                >I have resentment
                You are either a troll or you don't even understand what you have typed.

              • 5 months ago

                well, i hope it doesn't work out.
                this guy whoever he is deserves better.

              • 5 months ago

                >Plus he has ulterior motives
                I will never understand this. Do YOU NOT have ulterior motives as well? Surely you're not hoping for a platonic friendship, right?

              • 5 months ago

                Idk if he “didn’t try shit” he kept trying to cuddle me and he even kissed me not on the lips a few time. I was somewhat resistant to even cuddling so ig that’s why he didn’t try more.

              • 5 months ago

                Also nobody asked for his opinion he should have kept it to himself unless someone specifically asked him and even then he shouldn’t have said he doesn’t like her

              • 5 months ago

                Also he has other red flags like he seems overly interested way too soon, is already trying to plan trips and things with me in the future, and he keeps messaging me despite me not replying often and sort of being lukewarm with him almost

                And he keeps texting even when I don’t reply, like he sends more texts

                Another red flag is that’s he’s had a lot of gfs

              • 5 months ago

                Well he never said it was cute..

                Also you’re being too generous “gave you a free room to board” like ok and? He didn’t lose anything from it and it’s not like that’s hard to do

                Plus he has ulterior motives

                Well he never said it was cute..

                Also you’re being too generous “gave you a free room to board” like ok and? He didn’t lose anything from it and it’s not like that’s hard to do

                Plus he has ulterior motives

                Idk if he “didn’t try shit” he kept trying to cuddle me and he even kissed me not on the lips a few time. I was somewhat resistant to even cuddling so ig that’s why he didn’t try more.

                Also he has other red flags like he seems overly interested way too soon, is already trying to plan trips and things with me in the future, and he keeps messaging me despite me not replying often and sort of being lukewarm with him almost

                And he keeps texting even when I don’t reply, like he sends more texts

                Another red flag is that’s he’s had a lot of gfs

                OP you're a fricking moron. And there is no way I'd let some chick and her yapper blueball me in my own bed. Maybe that's why you lost respect for him. Submit yourself to my office for spanking and creampie immediately.

              • 5 months ago

                wow women really are crazy

              • 5 months ago

                Femanons: not even once.

      • 5 months ago

        Anon it honestly sounds like he was just stating his preferences in an unintentionally blunt way, not confessing his undying hatred of your dog. Talk to him about it if it bothers you this much, otherwise move on

        • 5 months ago

          No. OP should dump him. She already decided that he gates her dog. She will resent him for it, and fight because of it. she is better off without her.

        • 5 months ago

          Mate, you need to update your bro code. Look at page 573 in the 11/2023 edition, if a man says he's not comfortable with his girlfriend's dog it means the dog is a threat to male-kind and must be eliminated.

          The guy's male friends all understood and will move to assassinate that screaming little devil ASAP. OP is lucky if they leave a paw or eye for her to remember it by.

    • 5 months ago

      >Guys are stupid for answering the question that was asked.

  43. 5 months ago

    The problem with you is that you are dog lover. I would have the reaction as him, that is indifference. I don't hate dogs but loving her the very moment I met her just because she is my gf's dog is unnatural. Also, do you want him to lie to you?
    >He never had any reactions at all especially emotional or positive ones to her. When I looked at him his facial expression was completely emotionless. He never said she is cute or anything at all.
    That is how normal people who never had any pets act.
    >Then the next day he said he got me and her some treats for next time,
    So, he did do something then.
    >It’s just weird and it’s hurtful to me. I can’t imagine telling someone that I don’t like their pet. It’s even weirder cause it’s a dog, and usually if you like dogs ur not gonna be that picky and be like “I only like big dogs”.
    He never said he hated her. Just that he was indifferent. Completely normal for someone who never had any pets.

  44. 5 months ago

    Stop thinking like a woman.

    • 5 months ago

      Well the other guy i dated said he would kill someone if they offend his dog so i don’t think im that weird idk

      • 5 months ago

        >Well the other guy i dated said he would kill someone if they offend his dog so i don’t think im that weird idk

        I know you are overweight and have autism

    • 5 months ago

      seconded, stop thinkin like a woman homie

  45. 5 months ago

    >nooo my bf doesn't like my untrained b***h dog that barks at him all the time
    I hope he dumps your ass

  46. 5 months ago

    Why are you staying the night with a man you aren't even dating?

    • 5 months ago

      Idk im needy also i can’t sleep in my place because of the noise

      Also he wanted me to

      • 5 months ago

        I mean it’s not gonna change the truth and the truth is that he doesn’t like my baby

        Fricking yikes. Yeah good luck with that.

      • 5 months ago

        Why are you allowing some moron to stay in your friend zone as an orbiter? woman up and either get together with him or dump 'im

        • 5 months ago

          Orbiters dont have sex dumbass.

      • 5 months ago

        I want you to sleep with me. Post discord and we can do it anytime you feel needy.

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