are dogs actually real? >they are covered in hair. >they like us for some reason?

are dogs actually real?

>they are covered in hair
>they like us for some reason?
>and some of them look so fricking moronic

Im curious here and am asking for actual support in if these are real

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  1. 10 months ago

    Why is that dog in the pic so fricking ugly? Why does it look so much like a human too? Its so fricking uncanny. Eugh.

  2. 10 months ago

    >they like us for some reason?
    humans literally manufactured them TO BE that way, you disingenuous dog lover.
    don't pretend like dogs have agency and they just happen to """choose""" to like humans.
    what you're thinking is Cats.

    • 10 months ago

      Dogs just showed up and started stealing our food. And we let them because they kept the cave hyenas away.

      Legit what happened. homosexual Sapians couldn’t expand into Russia until they domesticated the dog to protect them from hyenas

      • 10 months ago

        more like we let them because heheh cute doggie

        dont ascribe great wisdom to prehistoric humans. instead assume they made the assumptions of children.
        >wolves are cool! they must be super smart and have some wisdom! i want to be like a wolf! awoooo!

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine, unironically posting a third order pharaphrasing of HP lovecrafts garbage. Your ideas were manufactured by a closet gay racist incel who was statistically likely to be a pedophile. Kek.

      Yes, dogs self domesticated. So did cats. And by the same mechanism. The wild ancestor approached humans to mooch off our food and the fat and inexperienced prey that was already mooching. In fact, several species have domesticated like this, including sparrows and foxes, and coyotes are coming around for domestication round two.

      Likewise, their "ruination" occurred by the same mechanism: the pet fanciers of anglo-saxon, francophone, and chinese cultures.

      • 10 months ago

        hewlett packard lovecraft is truly a cultural polyp

        he made a mockery of the very notion of genetic hygiene and the cycle of empires by spinning it into multiple comical ghost story while being, himself, an example of the utility of eugenics. odd looking, odd acting, a man who died childless without giving one credit back to his race. his closest friend a gay man, his relationships with women short lived, fruitless, and described as "adequate" without passion.

        if anyone needed sterilized to prevent a village of fish folk from breeding it was him and his stories are, today, echoed in /misc/ chud wojak chad and troon memes, although those who made them likely never read that buffoon his ideas are the most base anxieties of the genetically unfortunate who fear the degradation of humanity while fervently denying that they might be part of it.

  3. 10 months ago

    Frick off

  4. 10 months ago

    You're just a voice inside a pile of meat, so what even is real anyways?

    • 10 months ago

      Op confirmed for unreal homosexual

  5. 10 months ago

    Since we are unable to prove that there is anything outside our own conscious, I would say we can't know if a dog physically exist or not.

  6. 10 months ago

    That's not a dog, that's a shitbeast. These are dogs.

    A dog
    >weighs 40-100 pounds, sometimes more
    >is pointy eared
    >has a poofy double coat that resists dirt and the elements, not a wavy or curly one like human hair or a short bristle coat like a pig
    >has a long snout, similar to today's wolf, but slightly stockier (dogs are pleistoscene wolves who were bone crushing scavengers and hunters like hyenas)
    >has jaws and lips that join cleanly, without the upper jaw or lip protruding or dangling and allowing drool to leak, or the lower jaw jutting out or the lower lip drooping
    >has normal leg/body proportions
    >has a medium length fluffy tail that reaches past the hocks but no further and is carried out of harms way and wagged in a well composed manner

    • 10 months ago

      I don't care about your incel description of a dog. Frick off.

      • 10 months ago

        Dont care i have more sex with you. With people. Unlike you.

        • 10 months ago

          >i have more sex with you

  7. 10 months ago

    When volwes became dogs they traded some of their int. points to have readability on us, they just work with us, because they evolved with us they just do, they're real and It's something

  8. 10 months ago

    They're annoying and disgusting creatures and for some reason people love them.

  9. 10 months ago

    I think you should hurt yourself

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