13 reasons the pit bull is the feminist of the dog world

If you're a feminist household (as you should be), there is one dog breed that stands tall over all others when it comes to selecting a pet. Its lovable face invokes fear and fury in the usual suspects. Its name, sensationalist news headlines from the same type of folks that stoke fear of feminists. This dog is, of course, the pit bull.

The pit bull is the original working dog. It was bred to be a hunting and fighting companion. But, when it comes to human companionship, the pit bull is one of the most gentle, loving, and loyal dog breeds around. They are excellent with children and make great family pets.

Pit bulls have been the victims of a vicious and unrelenting smear campaign by the media and certain special interest groups. This has led to a widespread misunderstanding of the breed and its capabilities. In reality, pit bulls are no more dangerous than any other breed of dog. In fact, they are often less aggressive and more tolerant than many other breeds.

If you're looking for a furry friend that embodies the feminist principle of strength in the face of adversity, here are 13 reasons the pit bull is the perfect choice for you.

#1. The patriarchy tries to control pit bulls' bodies -- just like ours

Pit bulls are often the target of "breed-specific legislation" that aims to control and regulate their bodies. They are also often forced to fight, even though they are gentle by nature. And tail docking, a cruel practice that involves cutting off a dog's tail, is still performed on some pit bulls. These procedures are often done for no medical reason, and they cause pain and suffering.

Likewise, just like how the patriarchy tries to control women's sexuality, it tries to control pit bulls' sexuality. They are often spayed or neutered because of the false belief that they are more likely to be aggressive if they are not. They also try to control pit bulls' reproductive rights by forcing them to have litters of puppies that are then sold for a profit (patriarchy is dependent upon capitalism).

This is all very similar to the way the patriarchy tries to control women's bodies through things like abortion bans and the policing of our clothing choices. From telling us what to wear, to telling us how to behave, to legislating our reproductive rights, the patriarchy is always trying to control our bodies.

#2. Society tries to force muzzles on them, just like it tries to silence feminists

Pit bulls are often required to wear muzzles in public, even though they are not required by law and the pit bull has done nothing wrong. It's a way of silencing them and making them seem like they are not to be trusted. This is because society is afraid of them, and they are seen as dangerous and aggressive. But the truth is that pit bulls are gentle and loving animals, and they should not be punished because of the actions of a few bad apples.

This is very similar to the way society tries to silence feminists. We are constantly told that we are overreacting, that we're being too loud, that we're making a fuss over nothing when we speak out against sexism and inequality. We're told to be quiet and ladylike if we want to be taken seriously. But the fact is, we won't be silenced. We will continue to speak out against injustice, no matter how much society tells us to be quiet.

#3. Pit bulls are portrayed as monsters in pop culture and media. Sound familiar?

The media loves to portray pit bulls in a negative light. They love to run stories about how dangerous and aggressive these dogs can be, even though this isn't always accurate or fair. This is because the media knows that these stories will sell newspapers (or get clicks on websites). And they don't care about how their portrayal of pit bulls affects these dogs' lives; all they care about is making money.

Taking the cue, pop culture has often used pit bulls in horror movies as the killer dog. But the truth is that pit bulls are gentle and loving animals, and they should not be punished because of the actions of a few bad apples.

This is very similar to the way feminists have been portrayed in pop culture and media for many years. We are often depicted as man-hating lesbians who want to destroy families. We're also falsely accused of being anti-men, even though feminism is simply about equality for all genders. But, just like pit bulls, we continue to fight back against these negative stereotypes.

#4. They're often used as bait dogs in dog fighting rings -- just like how women are used as bait in rape culture

Pit bulls are often used as bait dogs in illegal dog fighting operations. This involves putting them in a ring with another dog to fight, even though they don't want to fight. They may be muzzled so that they can't bite back, and their teeth may be sharpened so that they can do more damage. This is all done for the entertainment of sick individuals who bet on the outcome of these fights. And when the pit bull loses, it may be killed or abandoned.

This is similar to how women are often used as "bait" in rape culture. We are told that we need to be careful about what we wear and how we act so that we don't "invite" sexual violence. And when we do experience sexual violence, we are often blamed for it ("she was asking for it"). This is all part of a larger system that tries to control our bodies and tell us what we can and cannot do with them.

#5. It's also similar to how women are used as sex objects

Just like the pit bull in the dog fighting ring, we are objectified and commodified by society, which sees us as nothing more than sexual objects there for men's pleasure. We're told we need to look a certain way and behave a certain way if we want attention or love. Our worth is based upon our looks instead of our intelligence or accomplishments. And if we don't comply with these unrealistic standards set by society, we're considered failures

#6. They suffer from discrimination -- just like how feminists suffer from sexism

Pit bulls face discrimination on a daily basis. They are often discriminated against by landlords and insurers, which makes it difficult for them to find housing and medical care. They are also banned in many places, which means they can't go on walks or play at dog parks like other dogs can (this is similar to how women were once banned from going into certain public spaces). And they are often euthanized simply because they are pit bulls, even though they have done nothing wrong.

This discrimination is very similar to the sexism that feminists face every day. We experience wage disparities, workplace harassment, and gender-based violence simply because of our gender identity (or perceived gender identity). We also suffer from societal expectations and pressures that tell us how to behave and look based on our gender identity. All of this leads to an environment where it's difficult for us to succeed simply because of the way we were born.

#7. Pit bulls are misunderstood

The pit bull is one of the most misunderstood dog breeds. It has been portrayed as an aggressive and dangerous animal, even though this is not accurate at all. The media has played a big role in perpetuating this false stereotype, and it has led to them being feared and misunderstood by many people. But the truth is that pit bulls are gentle and loving dogs, and they pose no more of a threat than any other breed of dog.

Feminism is also very misunderstood. We are often seen as man-hating radicals, even though we simply believe in equality for all people, regardless of gender identity. This misunderstanding is also due to a combination of media sensationalism and ignorance. But, just like pit bulls, we continue to fight back against these negative stereotypes. It's important to remember that just because someone or something looks different, doesn't mean they are dangerous.

#8. Pit bulls are survivors

Pit bulls are survivors. They have been through a lot, and they always come out stronger on the other side. No matter how many times they are knocked down, they always get back up again. This is because they are fighters, and they never give up.

This is very similar to the way feminists are survivors. We have been through a lot, and we always come out stronger on the other side. No matter how many times we are knocked down, we always get back up again. This is because we are fighters, and we never give up. We will continue to fight for equality until the day that sexism is nothing but a bad memory.

#9. Pit bulls are often the victims of domestic violence, just like women

Pit bulls are often the victims of domestic violence. They are used as "bait dogs" to train other fighting dogs, and they are often abused by their owners. This is because they are seen as expendable and replaceable, and their abusers know that they won't be able to defend themselves.

This is very similar to the way women are often the victims of domestic violence. We are seen as property, and our abusers know that we won't be able to defend ourselves. But we're not going to take it anymore. We're speaking out against our abuse, and we're working to end this epidemic once and for all.

#10. Pit bulls are often abandoned and left to fend for themselves, just like women who suffer domestic abuse

Pit bulls are the #1 breed of dog to be abandoned by their owners. As a result, many pit bulls end up in shelters, where they may be put down if they aren't adopted. And the truth is pits are thought of as "unadoptable."

Sadly, this is similar to the way many women who suffer from domestic abuse are treated. They are often seen as responsible for their own suffering, and they are blamed for the abuse they endure. As a result, many women feel like they have nowhere to turn, and they may stay in abusive relationships because they don't believe anyone will believe them or help them. But the fact is, there is help out there, and no one deserves to be abused, no matter what.

#11. Their reputation is unfairly tarnished by the actions of a few bad apples, just like feminists' reputations

In reality, pit bulls are no more dangerous than any other breed of dog. In fact, they are often less aggressive and more tolerant than many other breeds (including some "toy" breeds). But the actions of a few bad apples have led to a false perception of pit bulls as being dangerous animals that should be avoided at all costs.

This is very similar to how feminists' reputations are often unfairly tarnished by the actions of a few bad apples. There are always going to be people who call themselves feminists but don't actually believe in equality for all genders. And there will always be people who try to use feminism as a weapon to further their own agendas. But the fact is, most feminists are just regular people who believe in equality and fairness for all. We shouldn't let the actions of a few bad apples ruin our reputation or make us seem like we're something we're not.

#12. Pits aren't afraid to stand up for themselves (or others)

Pit bulls are often the victims of abuse, and they are also often the ones who end up in shelters. But they are not afraid to stand up for themselves, or others. They have a strong sense of justice, and they will fight back if they feel threatened or if they see someone else being mistreated. If someone tries to hurt them or their family, they won't hesitate to defend themselves (and rightly so). This is because pit bulls know how strong they are, and they aren't afraid to use their strength when it's needed most.

Just like how feminists aren't afraid to use our voices and our power when it's needed most. We will continue speaking out against sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and any other form of discrimination until equality is achieved for all. We know that our voices matter, and we will continue to fight for equality until it is achieved.

#13. And they won't take any crap, from anyone

Pit bulls have a strong sense of self-respect, and they won't put up with any nonsense from anyone (including other dogs). If another dog tries to start a fight or steal their food, they will not hesitate to put them in their place. And if someone tries to hurt them or their human companions, they will defend them fiercely (pit bulls have even been known to save people from burning buildings!). This is because pit bulls are loyal and protective by nature.

Likewise, feminists also have a strong sense of self-respect and we refuse to put up with any nonsense from anyone (including men). We refuse to be treated as second-class citizens, and we refuse to allow ourselves to be disrespected or mistreated in any way.

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